I'll Never Be What You Need.


Frank jumped up and down in the middle of the aisle. "What kind of candy do you want, Mikey?" he asked excitedly.

"I don't care, Frank," Mikey replied, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "I'll eat anything."

"Hmm..." Frank grabbed a bag of gummy bears, a bag of mini Reese's' cups, and... where were the Skittles. He looked around worriedly. Where were they? Finally, he spotted them on the top shelf. He reached for the them, but was too short. "Mikey," he whimpered softly.

Mikey shook his head but snatched the 72oz. bag of Skittles anyway. He cradled the bag in his arms.

Frank grinned brightly and kissed Mikey's cheek. "Thank you!"

Mikey's blush was thankfully concealed by his white make-up, and the only way you could tell he was blushing if you looked at the slight tinge of pink at the tips of his ears. "Erm... your welcome," he replied, just wanting to get out of there.

"I think this should be good... Oh, wait! I'll be right back!" Frank scurried off, leaving his larger counterpart standing in the aisle.

Mikey stood there awkwardly, only the bag of Skittles with him. He watched Frank go. He never thought he'd meet someone as carefree and fun as Frank. He didn't judge Mikey. He was nice to him; hell, he was letting him sleep at his house! It was so surreal. He had always been so used to passing by unnoticed. Now after only a week, Frank was treating him better than anyone had in years.

He was truly special.

About a minute later, Frank reappeared with a box of microwavable popcorn. "Now I have anything. Is there anything else you want?" Frank asked.

Mikey shook his head.

"All right. To the cash register! Huzzah!" Frank cried, taking off in the direction of the cash register.

Mikey chuckled softly and followed not too far behind.

Frank deposited his items onto the conveyor belt as Mikey put down the huge bag of Skittles. With this many Skittles, would Frank ever have to come back to the bookstore to buy any? Mikey was saddened by this thought.

Frank was fidgeting anxiously and grabbed two packs of Bubble Yum and put them next to the rest of the candy. The elderly cashier eyed the pair suspiciously as he rang up the items. After he finished, he told Frank the cash and he handed him the money. The cashier suddenly leaned over the counter. "Are you on drugs, son?" he questioned.

Frank stuck out his lower lip. "That's a rude thing for you to ask!" Frank exclaimed as he grabbed the bags himself and stormed out of the store.

Mikey was both angered by this and though it was extremely funny. On one hand, Frank was right; it was rude to ask someone if they were on drugs, but on the other, it was also hilarious that a bystander would come to that conclusion. Mikey caught up to Frank. "Let me carry some of that," he said.

"I've got it," Frank assured him, keeping the bags in his arms until he got to the car. He tossed Mikey the keys. "Pop the trunk?"

Mikey unlocked the doors and pulled the switch to the truck. He heard the soft pop and the trunk level go down slightly from the weight of the Skittles. He got in the passenger side and put the key in the ignition.

Frank got in and started up the car, turning on the heat almost immediately. It was early November in New Jersey, and it was already starting to get cold. The leaves had already changed colors and most of them lied on the ground in a large heap. Mikey loved autumn. It was a season of change; a season of hope.

Frank observed Mikey carefully from the corner of his eye. He was so pretty; he really was. It sounded like such a chick thing to say, but he couldn't help it. Mikey had such pretty eyes and angular features, perfect for glasses. He was skinny though, and Frank didn't really like that. He didn't have anything against skinny people, but Mikey looked like he wasn't eating enough. He'd just have to force feed him Skittles...

They pulled into his driveway and he cut the engine. The two boys got out of the car, grabbed the bags, and scurried into the house. Frank put his share of bags on the counter and immediately began working to open the bag of Skittles, eventually ending in him having to use his teeth. He scooped out a handful out of the huge bag and stuffed them in his mouth. He offered Mikey some, and he took them.

"Let's play truth!" Frank exclaimed suddenly.

"Um... okay," Mikey replied.

"Come on!" Frank urged, running in the direction of his room, the massive bag of Skittles tucked under his arm.

Mikey followed Frank to his room, where Frank was already sitting on the floor cross-legged. Mikey sat across from him and popped a few Skittles into his mouth. "You start," he said.

"All right. What is your middle name?" Frank asked.

"James," Mikey answered. "Um... What's your favorite subject?"

"Pfft. Lunch of course. What's your favorite band?"

"I don't have one. What's you dream job?"

"I'm going to be a rock star," Frank grinned.

"A rock star? What do you play?"

"Guitar of course. My dad's a musician too. Hold on a sec." Frank crawled over to his bed and pulled a guitar case from under it. He snapped open the latches and pulled out a beautiful red Kramer American electric guitar.

Mikey gasped. "Wow..." he trailed off.

"She's beautiful, huh?"

"Wow... ya. She?"

"Ya. Tristessa..."

Mikey giggled. "Tristessa?"

Frank's face got defensive. "Yes. Is that a problem?" he questioned.

"No. I just think it's cute you named your guitar. Is that after the Smashing Pumpkins song?"

Frank flushed slightly, then nodded. "I thought it was a unique name," he said, running his hand over the neck lovingly.

"Are you good?" Mikey asked.

Frank shrugged. "I just play whenever I want."

"Would you play for me?"

Frank looked up at Mikey. He'd never really been asked to play for anyone before. "Okay," he replied. He positioned Tristessa in his lap and curled his fingers around her neck. He took a deep breath and began to play.

The music hit Mikey like a bullet train. It was hard hitting, but nothing he'd ever heard before. He loved it. He was jealous. He could play too, but not like that. Not with that much intensity or passion. Mikey could tell he cared very much Tristessa and every note that his fingers produced.

"Wow," Mikey managed to choke out when he was done.

Frank blushed. "Thanks," he mumbled quietly.

"I'm so damn jealous," Mikey admitted.

"You shouldn't be." Frank leaned in so his face was close to his.

Mikey closed his eyes as a reaction. He was sure Frank was going to kiss him...

He felt Frank's thumb rub his cheek lightly, then leave. Mikey kept him eyes closed. Surely he was going to kiss him now...

"Mikey?" Frank asked.

Mikey's eyes shot open. "Ya?"

"You okay? Are you tired?"

"N-no. I was just thinking, that's all."

"Oh. You're make-up had just smeared a little..."

"Oh." Mikey didn't know if he was disappointed or relieved. He couldn't tell what he was feeling.

Frank smiled. "Okay. More questions..."
♠ ♠ ♠
The guitar I described is actually my guitar. He's my baby. His name is... MUAHAA I'M NOT GONNA TELL YOU! YOU HAVE TO GUESS! First person who guesses right gets a chapter dedication! (Viv you already know so you can't guess :P). I hope people actually guess.


Ya, the Smashing Pumpkins song "Tristessa" is rad and half my name. GO LISTEN TO IT ALREADY!!!

I lovess you.

CHAPTER DEDICATED TO n1kk1, who is the Alice to my Carlisle. Thanks for putting up with my "Ways" (teehee) these past few hours !