I'll Never Be What You Need.

You Wanted Me To Go.

Frank leaned back on Bob from his position in his lap. They were seated by the wall like they always did during lunch. Stares from jealous girls were ignored by both parties. People couldn't understand why two totally hott and available guys would sit together like that every day. It was just selfish.

"So, Frank, you wanna hang out later?" Bob asked absently.

"I can't," Frank mumbled.

"Oh, I forgot. You have to go see him," Bob sneered the last word, hoping Frank would see his venom.

"Bob, don't be such an ass. You know I'm your best friend forever, but Mikey needs me," Frank explained.

"Ya, okay. Like he wouldn't do just fine without you," Bob whispered.

"Why are you so jealous?" Frank demanded.

"I am not! You never hang out with anyone anymore. It's been a month since you've met him, and it seems like you're obsessed."

Frank clenched his fists. "What are you saying?" he questioned.

"I'm just saying-"

"Are you saying that I'm gay with Mikey Way?!" Frank screeched.

"No! God, calm down-"

"Will you guys shut up?!" Alicia scolded, sitting down beside them. Her dark rimmed eyes flickered in annoyance. "What is it this time?"

"Bob's giving me a hard time," Frank whined.

"Because you're being a freako who doesn't hang out with us anymore!" Alicia argued. "Maybe if we knew something about this Mikey character, we wouldn't be so apprehensive! He could be raping you every day for all we know..."

Frank's face burned red. "No! He's just a normal guy. That's all."

"Then why does he mean so much to you?" Alicia implored.

"I... I... Why the hell does it matter? He's my friend and I like spending time with him."

"More than us?" Bob asked.

"Ya," Alicia agreed. "More than us?"

Ya, he wanted to say, but he didn't. "Look, I don't see why it's such a huge deal. I see you guys at school. After school is the only time I see Mikey."

"And weekends," Bob added.

"Well, ya. Whatever. It's not a big deal."

"I wanna meet him!" Alicia whined.

"Guys, come on..." Frank groaned.

"No, you come on," Bob replied. "It's not going to kill you to let us meet him." He wanted to meet this "Mikey". He was jealous; why did some punk get to come in and take his Frankie away from him?

"Fine," Frank grumbled unwillingly. He didn't want them to meet Mikey. He was selfish and wanted to keep him safe without anyone else. He wanted him all to himself. Was that such a bad thing?

* * * *

Mikey leaned against the counter. He watched as Frank ran toward him quickly. The smaller boy stopped before him. "I'm so sorry," he panted.

Mikey frowned, confused. "Why?" he asked. He couldn't help but note that Frank looked very cute when he was so flustered.

"My friends... are here... want to meet you," Frank managed to wheeze.

"Okay. What's the problem?" Mikey questioned.

"Because..." Frank swallowed. "They're gonna be weird, and I'm having them park the car so I could warn you, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry for anything they might do..."

Mikey chuckled. "They'll probably think I'm boring anyway. Don't worry about it," he said.

As soon as he said the words, two people stepped into the bookstore. One was a guy, tall with blue eyes and blonde hair that fell into his eyes, and a girl, wiry and with long black hair. The girl waved to Frank, and the guy glared at Mikey. Mikey shuddered slightly. Why was this guy looking like he was ready to kill him?

"Is this Mikey?" the girl asked.

Frank sighed and nodded. He hated the way Alicia was looking at Mikey as if he was a piece of meat. "Yes," he answered. "Mikey, this is Alicia and Bob."

The guy- Bob nodded slightly, and Alicia put her hand out to Mikey. "Hi!" she greeted, her eyes twinkling excitedly.

Mikey shook her hand wearily. It seemed like she was even more hyper than Frank usually was. "Hi," he replied.

Alicia smiled. This dude was so fucking hott.

Bob glowered. No wonder Frank was spending so much with this guy.

Frank sighed. Why was Alicia drooling over Mikey like he was an ice cream at a Jenny Craig meeting? "So... Um... ya, you guys met him, now go home," Frank said.

"But-" Alicia started.

"Mikey has work, as you can see. Now, nothing to see here. Get out," Frank pushed, causing Bob and Alicia to get closer an closer to the door.

"Bye, Mikey!" Alicia called.

Mikey simply nodded.

"Out!" Frank screeched, getting them out of the door finally.

Frank shook his head and made his way back to Mikey. "Sorry 'bout that," Frank apologized.

Mikey shrugged. "No big deal. You didn't have to shove them out."

Frank's jaw tightened. Had Mikey wanted them to stay? No fair! Mikey had slept over at his house every weekend since them met so far except for one (his stupid aunts had come into town that time). He'd been working on Mikey for a month, and had been getting him to function normally. Why did two people think they could come in and take what he had built? Mikey was his, and that was that. No one was taking him away. "Ya, well... They were on my nerves a little. They've been total assjacks for a month, nagging me and shit. I won't tolerate it," Frank said.

Mikey chuckled. "All right, Frank. You can relax now," Mikey assured him.

Mikey's soft voice brought him back to reality. He loves Mikey's voice. "Ya, I know, sorry," Frank mumbled.

"It's okay. I know Skittles will make you feel better," Mikey replied, waving a bag before his nose.

Frank grinned his huge grin. "You bet it will," he answered, tearing open the bag with his teeth.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope it's long enough! I wrote it all today!

Title is from "The World Is Ugly" by MCR. Not sure if that's the official name, but it's PERFECT for this story. If you haven't heard it, go. RIGHT FUCKING NOW. I love it. So cute dude. I want it to be on their next CD but I doubt it will be.