I'll Never Be What You Need.

I Just Wanted You To Know

Mikey looked at the rain streaking his window. It was streaming down, down, down, like the tears in his heart. He felt so stressed out. He was supposed to be studying, but he didn't feel like it... He never felt like it. It was always so easy for him to get off track. He was like he's was flipping ADD or something.

He smoothed down his mousy brown hair with his fingers. It was longer now, completely covering his ears. He wondered if he should cut it.

The phone rang, brining him completely out of his daze. He stumbled over to the phone awkwardly and brought the phone to his ear. "Hello?" he asked.

"Hey, um, Mikey... It's Frank," the voice on the other end said.

Mikey couldn't help but smile to himself. "Hi, Frank," he replied.

"You busy?" Frank questioned.

"Nope," Mikey answered. "Why?"

"Well... I was just wondering of I could come over," Frank admitted.

"Um... I guess. But my apartment is like... majorly small..."

"I don't care. Could I, uh, sleep over too? My mom's having some friends over and I don't want to be in the middle of all of that."

"There's school tomorrow, but I don't care. Sure, sleep over."

"Okay! What's your address?"

Mikey explained how to get there and the murmured goodbyes. He put the phone back in it's holder and froze in the middle of the room.

Frank was coming. Right now. To his shitty apartment. Shit.

He sprinted to his room (as fast as his boots would allow) and quickly shoved anything that was out of place into it's place, and quickly. He then ran into the small bathroom and touched up his make-up. Everything had to be perfect.

Why did it have to be prefect? He stopped. Why was he trying so hard? Why was impressing Frank so important? He didn't care what anyone thought. He was Mikey Fucking Way. He answered to no one.

But... he wanted Frank to like him. He liked Frank. He wanted Frank to tell him he looked pretty even when he wasn't. He wanted Frank to hold him and...

WOAH. Just stop, right there. Had he actually thought...?

No. No. Impossible. Mikey Way was not gay.

Mikey took off his boots. They were getting too heavy. He shoved them in his closet and waited for Frank. He was getting antsy, tapping his fingers on the table and humming softly to himself.

A knock came to the door. Shit. He was here. He tried to ignore the drum line in his chest and went over to open the door. He took a deep breath before he did.

Frank's smiling face greeted him. "Hey Mikey! Ohmigod, did you know it's raining? I almost tripped, and like, fell on my ass," he informed Mikey, stepping through the door.

"Ya... It is raining pretty hard..." Mikey trailed off, looking over Frank. His clothes were completely soaked, and his dripping hair hung in his eyes, and the little water droplets ran down his cheeks and looked like tears.

Frank pushed back his hair. "God, I'm cold," he mumbled, looking around. "So this is where you live, huh? Sweet."

Mikey shrugged. "I guess. It's pretty small... and sometimes the refrigerator breaks... but it's okay," he agreed.

Frank nodded. "So, how are you, Mikey? I know I only saw you a little while ago, but still."

"Good, I guess. Do you want to take a shower or anything? You'll probably get a cold if you stand there much longer..."

"Um... You're probably right... Sure!"

"Okay. The bathroom's right over there-" Mikey pointed to a door. "Now, you can't turn the knob too far to the left, otherwise it's like, scorching."

Frank nodded and headed toward the bathroom, eager to peel off his clothes and get in the hot shower.

Mikey watched him walk away. There was no way that anyone was as perfect as Frank Iero.
♠ ♠ ♠
Is it too short? I don't know, but I'm now going to do a bit of self advertising...

I Never Told You What I Do For A Living My new two-shot... I don't know if it'll be a story or not, but if you read it, comment. It really pisses me off when people read and don't comment. So, if you like something, comment on it, because otherwise the author doesn't know how they're doing. This applies for everyone.


Title from "The World Is Ugly" by MCR.

And, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone, because I keep forgetting. Thank you for the people who comment on every chapter and say that it is "deep" because that means a lot to me. Every comment makes me smile, don't be shy to leave one.