I'll Never Be What You Need.

You Can Say I Told You So

Frank stood in Mikey's bathroom with a towel around his waist. He couldn't believe it. He was in Mikey Way's bathroom. He felt almost giddy at the thought. Why? He had no idea. He really liked Mikey. He did, and whenever he was around him, he felt like everything was perfect.

He loved Mikey's face, and everything about it. He liked his strong features, he wanted to be able to look at him whenever he wanted, and he wanted to be able to tell him how much he wanted to spend every waking second with him.

Did that sound really gay?

Did he even like Mikey that way?

He was confused. He knew he loved Mikey as a friend, but did he want more than that? He never thought of himself as gay, or even bisexual. He wasn't attracted to guys. He'd had girlfriends, and that was it. He'd never even thought of a guy as dating material before...

Then why did his heart pound every time he saw him?

God dammit, too much to think about. He pulled on his clothes and wiped the fog from the mirror. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Did he have a problem with being gay? He didn't have a problem with other people being gay, but being gay himself? That'd be... different. Not bad, but different.

He practically ran out of the bathroom, and saw Mikey's bedroom open. He stepped in it carefully, and Mikey looked up at him. "Hey," he said.

"Hey," Frank replied, putting his bag in the corner. "So what's up?"

Mikey looked down at the papers in his lap. "Just looking over homework. I have a math test tomorrow."

"Oh. Well, I won't bother you, then," Frank assured him. He scampered over to Mikey's bed and sat down. He had a sudden urge to roll around in his sheets and sniff them like the stalker he was, but he didn't. He crossed his legs Indian style and watched as Mikey looked over his work. He'd never guess Mikey was a math nerd.

Mikey bit his lip in concentration, rubbing away at a problem with his eraser. Frank wanted to jump on him and cuddle in his lap. Mikey was his Mikey, and it would forever be that way. No one would ever take him. Ever.

Frank's heart beated faster. Was it right for him to say that Mikey was his? Mikey probably wanted someone who was quiet like him and wasn't always hyped up on Skittles. He wanted a girl, he'd wager.

Frank sighed angerly, though it sounded more like a growl.

Mikey's head shot up and looked at him. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing," Frank mumbled, lying back on Mikey's bed and closing his eyes.

"You sure?" Mikey's voice verified.

"Yes," Frank lied. He wasn't about to tell Mikey that he wanted him, right now, and really badly. He finally admitted it to himself. He was gay for Mikey Way.

"Okay," Mikey replied softly.

Frank guessed he had gone back to his work. He turned his head inconspicuously, sniffing the sheets. They smelled just like Mikey.

God, he felt like such a perv. A huge perv that sniffs underwear and stuff. Not that Frank would ever do that. That was just sick.

Frank tapped his fingers on his opposite arm. Now that he was gay, did he need to start doing gay things? Like talking in a gay voice... cross-dressing... Pft. No. That was ridiculous. You didn't need to act like a chick to be gay, right? You could just like guys... right?

God, he felt so weird, thinking this. He was for shiz gay. And that really sucked, because he was fairly sure that Mikey was not gay. In any way. He remembered how he reacted when Frank suggested the man could be buying the sex book for a guy. He acted so awkward about it... but who wouldn't?

Frank settled his cheek on the surface of the flat bed and looked at Mikey's legs where they were folded against his chest. They were almost unrecognizable in those swishes of black fabric. He wondered what Mikey would look like in something a little tighter.

BAD FRANK, BAD! He mentally slapped himself. Since when was he such a pervert? He rolled over so he was facing the wall, and not Mikey's legs. He concentrated on deep breathing and trying not to think of Mikey. He failed multiple times until he finally sat up. "Mikey, do you mind if I go watch the news?" he asked.

Mikey looked up at him, visibly confused. "No, go ahead."

Sighed, Frank pulled himself up from Mikey's room and headed toward the kitchen, where a small television was positioned on the counter. He switched it on and watched the screen.

"In today's news: It's raining bears in Florida," the news anchorman announced.

What the fuck?

What kind of stupid news channel was this? Despite how stupid this was, Frank was intrigued, and therefore continued to watch. “As you can see here,” the lavishly dressed anchorwoman said, “This may pose a problem to some communities.”

No freaking duh.

A hick dressed in plaid came on the screen. The words “Local Citizen” were below it. “Well, I was just ridin’ my this here ridin’ mower, and outta the sky came a gigundous-” The words of the man were cut of by a black screen.

The power had gone out.

Frank couldn’t see anything. It was raining too hard to see the windows as any possible source of light. “M-mikey?” he called out weakly. He needed some reassurance. He didn’t know the apartment well enough to walk blindly through it.

“I’m coming,” Mikey’s voice said from far off.

Frank’s lip quivered. He didn’t like the dark. Especially since he didn’t really know where he was.

Lighting flash through the nearest window and the light splayed across the room like a paint splatter. In this stroke of harsh light, he could see a tall figure. Now, he knew this figure was Mikey. Who else wore pants that big?

But that did stop Frank from screaming like a little girl.

“Shh, Frank, it’s just me,” Mikey assured him.

“Sorry,” Frank whimpered. He rushed forward to where he knew Mikey was standing and wrapped his arms around him.

Mikey pat Frank’s head. “Chill. It’s just the dark.”

Frank liked being this close to Mikey. He put his nose in his neck and didn’t answer.

“Um… Frank?” Mikey questioned.

“Hmm?” he replied, no even bothering to move his head from its position.

“What are you doing?”

Frank stepped away from Mikey quickly, thankful that in this dark he couldn’t see his blush. “N-nothing ,” he stammered.

“Okay,” Mikey returned carefully.

Thunder cackled through the small room. Frank practically jumped back into Mikey’s arms. Mikey chuckled softly. “Relax,” he soothed.

“I’m such a baby,” Frank whined, verifying this small fact.

“It’s okay.”

Frank sighed. “Oh well. Do wanna slowly make our way back to your room?”

“Sure.” The pair slowly made their way through the completely dark apartment and into Mikey’s room. They sat on his bed.

"It's so quiet."

"I know."
♠ ♠ ♠
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