I'll Never Be What You Need.

If You Wanted Me To Go.


"I'd light a candle," Mikey said, "But I have no clue where one is."

"That's okay," Frank assured him. "It's pretty out there." The gray rain was hitting the windows with such force that it sounded like someone was throwing rocks at it. "Did you know it's raining bears in Florida?"

Mikey looked at Frank suspiciously in the dark, even though he couldn't see. "Bears?" he questioned.

"Uhuh. That's what the said."

"Hmm. That's different."

"Mikey... I'm cold..." Frank announced, hoping he'd get the hint and cover him with a blanket. Or maybe hug him to keep him warm or something...

"All right. Stand up," Mikey instructed.

Frank did so, and he couldn't even see what Mikey was doing. So he was very surprised when he pulled him back down on the bed. Mikey had lifted the blankets up and they were now both snuggled under them. He was so close to Mikey; he could feel his heartbeat. He wanted to lean up blindly in the dark and try to capture his lips with his own. But he couldn't. He just wrapped his arm around Mikey's thin hip.

Mikey felt strange this close to Frank. There was such a huge tension; he wondered what was causing it. Hie heart was beating triple time, and he was sure Frank could hear it.

Tension, eh? More like sexual tension.

Frank rested his head on what felt like Mikey's chest. He was so comfortable...

"Uh, Frank?" Mikey asked.

"Ya?" he asked.

"Um... why is your face in my... uh, lap?"

Frank's face whitened. He had a feeling Mikey hadn't just meant lap. "Oh my God I though that was your chest I'm so sor-"

Mikey reached out for Frank's shoulders and caught them successfully. "Chill. It's okay. I'm up here." He guided Frank's body to him and made sure his head was securely on his chest.

Frank snuggled into Mikey. "I'm glad I found you Mikey," he told him, closing his eyes and relaxing.

Mikey bit his lip. For the first time, he felt wanted. He liked his. He wanted Frank to know that he was happy he had found him, too.

* * * *

Frank shoved his hands in his jacket pocket and walked determinedly. He was going to prove if he was gay once and for all.

He was going to a gay strip club.

Haha, I'm totally kidding. He was going to sit in the park and see if any of the guys appealed to him.

He plopped onto the bench and pulled his hood up and secured his sunglasses on his nose, even though the sky was quite downcast. As if he didn't look suspicious enough already.

He held his breath and watched as the first specimen made his way to cross his path. He had dark hair, pretty average looking and wearing these jeans that were tight around his legs but sagged on his ass. What the hell was the point was then? Nice legs, but that was it.

Next, a couple appeared. It was a blonde guy, who was dressed very stereotypically in Hollister, and his equally blonde girlfriend wore the same. Frank wrinkled his nose. Fuckin fashion zombies.

The fourth person was a girl, wearing a tight skirt and jabbing away on her cellphone. Something looked weird about her... OH MY GOD IT WAS ACTUALLY A GUY! He definitely was not into that.

Fifthly, a guy wearing a band tee-shirt and hair to his shoulders walked passed. Frank barely gave him a second glance.

He jumped up. What the hell? Was Mikey the only hott guy in the entire town? He felt so frustrated. What did he have to do? He wanted- needed Mikey, and he's never even get him.

This sucked. Completely. He needed to get over this. It was probably just a weird thing; he'd totally wake up tomorrow and never think of Mikey that way again.


He headed in the direction of his house. The wind was whipping his chin length hair in his eyes and he futilely tried to push it out of his eyes. He took a breath and stepped into his house.

The sight he saw was enough to gag a maggot. His mom, and her current boyfriend looking at each other like nothing else mattered. Gross.

"Oh, Frank honey!" Linda exclaimed once she saw her son. "I have good news!"

Frank frowned, but looked to his mother.

"We're getting married!" she bubbled, looking at her boyfriend excitedly.

Frank's jaw dropped. WHAT?! She couldn't do this! She didn't want to... no... this couldn't be happening.

"Surprised, sport?" his mom's boyfriend- his future stepdad- asked.

"I... I... Um, congratulations," Frank managed to choke out. This couldn't be real, it couldn't be. Then he saw the ring on my mom's finger.

He swiftly ran to the bathroom, fully sure he was about to puke everywhere.
♠ ♠ ♠
AHHH 93 READERS! MAKE IT 1000000 PEOPLE!!! lol I am DETERMINED to get this story to ten stars. I must.

COMMENT. I got lucky and got to update today. So please make it worth it!!! Love you all.