I'll Never Be What You Need.


Mikey leaned against the counter and tapped his pencil against the flat surface. He was trying to get a bit of homework done, but he was a bit distracted. Tap tap tap. Frank Frank Frank. Tap tap. Frank Frank. Tap. Frank. Taaaap. Fraaaank.

Jesus fucking Christ! This needed to stop. He was thinking about Frank way too much. They saw each other each day after school and spent most weekends having a sleepover. They talked a lot about Pokemon and Batman, and occasionally snuggled. When he put it that way... they sounded... really... gay.

But he wasn't gay! He didn't like Frank in any way that was inappropriate! He was just very dependent in his friend, as much as he hated to admit it. It was like Frank was his crack. And he was the crack addict.

There was nothing wrong with having a friend who seemed to care about you the way you cared about them. Nothing. They were just close, that's all.


Frank walked in the door of the book store, keeping his head low. He was still wearing his uniform; he hadn't even bothered to change. He was too angry and frustrated to bother.

Mikey's head immediately shot up with concern for his friend. "Frank, what's wrong?" he asked.

Frank's fringe of hair covered his eyes. He sighed. "Long story," he replied.

"Well, I've got time," Mikey countered.

Frank sighed once more. "Okay. My mom... she... she's getting married," he said quietly.

"And you don't like that," Mikey stated.


"Why not? Maybe she's really happy. I mean... wouldn't you want her to except anyone you chose?" Mikey questioned.

"Of course. But I don't even know this guy. What if he's just going to break her heart? I don't want that to happen."

"Neither do I. Frank, your mother is more of a mother to me than my own. You're lucky to have her. But you need to sit back and let her choose. She's not going to just dump you on the street for this guy," Mikey explained.

"I know. But I can't help but be worried. She's all I've got Mikey," Frank told him.

"You've got me," Mikey reminded him quietly.

Frank looked up and met Mikey's eyes, grinning widely. "That's so good to know," he marveled genuinely.

Mikey blushed slightly. Frank always made him blush over the simplest things.

Frank wanted to lean over and kiss Mikey so hard until he saw stars. Damn his teenaged hormones. Mikey didn't have to worry about such things.

Little did Frank know.

* * * *

Two weeks. That was how much time passed since Frank had realized he liked Mikey in the gay way. Two horrible, miserable weeks. He saw Mikey everyday, and every time, he felt extremely happy and distraught at the same time. He loved seeing Mikey, but knowing he'd never be his was getting to be too much. He settled for hugging Mikey as much as possible and snuggling up to him. Mikey didn't seem to mind, and he wondered why.

Um... maybe because he likes it?

He sat in his school desk and waited for the final bell to ring. He slipped on his fingerless gloves; he liked them too much for words. He had started wearing them full time only recently, but now they felt like a part of who he was.

The bell, oh that sweet bell. Frank stood up. In only a few short minutes, he'd be with Mikey in the pit of awe and torture. Feeling a hand on his shoulder, though, stopped him.

Turning to face Bob, Frank smiled slightly. "Yes?" he asked politely.

"Where you going?" Bob asked, fully knowing the answer.

"To see Mikey," Frank mumbled.

"Why are you so obsessed with him?!" Bob demanded, his blue eyes flickering angerly.

"Why do you care?!" Frank retorted.

Bob froze. "I-I..." he stammered.

"Exactly," Frank spat. "Now keep your comments to yourself."

"Just answer my question!"

"Because I like him okay?!" Frank blurted.

Bob's mouth opened and closed like a fish. "Y-you're gay?" he questioned.

"Yes! And I'd fully appreciate it if you left me and my extremely small self esteem at peace!"

"Why him?!"

Frank glared at Bob. "Why not?"

"He's a... a freak!"

"If Mikey's a freak, then... then... well, then so am I!" Frank stomped away from him, aggravated. Why did people have to be so judgmental?
♠ ♠ ♠

Dedicated to ALIENgirl, for pretty much reading all of my stories and commenting. You rock <3