I'll Never Be What You Need.

The Sun Is Out, But I'm Not There

Mikey sat in school (more slouched really) aimlessly, wanting to leave immediately. There was really no point for him being here. Ever since moving out of his old house and into his apartment, he hadn't really given much thought to school work or anything of the like. His grades were slipping drastically, that much he knew. He never studied anymore and really couldn't care less. No one else cared either.

"Way ! Get your head out of your ass !" the teacher, Mr. Kieffer shouted at the boy.

Mikey shot his head up. He wasn't exactly surprised. The teachers at Belleview High are never really tactful. "Sorry," he mumbled.

The bell finally rang, releasing the wolves. Kids stood up hastily and hurried out of the classroom.

"Hi, Mikey," a voice said from behind.

He turned around and sees a girl he recognized from the class. She had talked to him a couple of times, but he'd never really learned her name. "Erm, hi," he replied awkwardly.

"How are you ?" she asked, beginning to walk beside him.

"Um... I'm okay... what's you're name again ?" he questioned.

"Molly," she answered.

"Okay... Molly," he mumbled, trying the name out on his tongue. "How are you ?"

"I'm good. What are you going to do after school today ?" she inquired.

"Work," he answered.

"Oh. Well, maybe I'll see you around," she allowed.

He nodded. He doubted it.

She gave him a small wave and a smile and began walking away.

He watched her go. That had been so random. He began walking to his locker, trying not to think about Frank. He'd been invading his thoughts pretty much all day. He'd been wondering if Frank would really come by the bookstore later that day. If he did, would he talk to Mikey ? If he so, what would he say ?

Mikey shook his head to himself. He was being pretty stupid. He shouldn't have been thinking about Frank that way, because he's not even gay. He grabbed his books and headed to his next class.

* * * *

He really didn't know what had made him do it. He had just walked in and grabbed them all.

Grabbed what you ask ? Well, Frank's lifeline.


Mikey had taken all of the Skittle packs and hid them behind the counter where he was. Maybe he was just being a sadist and wanted to see the look on Frank's face when he discovered they were missing. Or maybe he just wanted an excuse to talk to Frank more.

Mikey calmly sipped his coffee, which he had bought at the convenient nook of Barnes and Noble where they sold Starbucks. He loved the feel of the hot coffee running down his throat. Coffee made most people hyper, but it calmed Mikey, knowing there was caffeine in his veins. He could drink coffee all day long.

The bell chimed on the door, and Mikey looked up hopefully. Sure enough, there was Frank.

Except, he looked different. Much different. He was wearing tight jeans that looked like they had been painted on, and an equally tight t-shirt that showed off some of Frank's hips when he stepped the right way.

Mikey nearly dropped his coffee. Frank looked... so good.

Frank immediately looked for the Skittles. His eyes widened when he realized they were gone, and he got this really scared and shocked look on his face.

He was just about to look up at Mikey when Mikey held up three packs in front of Frank's nose. "Sorry... the Skittles were getting... erm... cold," Mikey mumbled.

Frank pouted and took the glossy red packs from him. "That wasn't very nice, Michael," Frank scolded.

Mikey's face immediately scrunched up. "Who said my name was Michael ? It could be... um... uh..." he trailed off. What else could Mikey be short for.

"I'm sorry for being so insensitive. Your name could be Michaella. Or... I dunno what else," Frank admitted.

Mikey peered at Frank's legs from the other side of the counter. How terrible-excuse me-gay for him to think, but Frank had really nice legs. Mikey wished he was comfortable enough with his body to wear tight jeans. His hips were too girly. "Okay, ya, but don't call me Michael," he said.

"Okay. As long as you don't call me Franklin, it's all cool," Frank told him.

"Your name is Franklin ?" Mikey questioned in disbelief. That seemed kind of unlikely...

"No," Frank answered. "Can I have another pack of Skittles ? That almost-heart attack I just had was brutal."

Mikey set another pack on the counter for him. "That'll be $ 3.86," he told Frank.

Frank set the money on the counter and Mikey handed him his change. "You seem a little more talkative today, Mikey," he observed.

It was true. He was talking a little more. It was the coffee. Mikey pointed to the Starbucks cup. "My love," he stated, taking a small sip.

Frank laughed and held up one of four packs of Skittles. "My love," he concurred.

Mikey nodded. Every man must have his muse. "So you come in here everyday ?"

Frank nodded. "After school. I go to a private school. It sucks."

Mikey shook his head. "It can't be worse than public school."

Frank tore open a pack of Skittle and put at least ten in his mouth and chewed, nodding. After swallowing, he retorted, "We have uniforms."

"We have teachers who tell us to 'get our heads out of our asses'."

"We have strict rules."

"Kids get beat up in the bathroom."

"Nuns beat us with rulers."

"They do not."

Frank popped another Skittle on his mouth. "Uh huh ! They're all like BAM !" He gestured like the pack of Skittles was a ruler, swatting the counter. Which made the Skittles scatter on everywhere. "NO !" Frank cried in agony. He crouched down and desperately tried to get the Skittles off the floor. Frank tried to scoop up the little candies. "Shh, shh, it's okay now, darlings. Daddy's got you," he whispered softly to the candy, holding the pieces to his chest.

He looked up at Mikey, who had his head down and shoulders shaking. Was he- ?

"Are you laughing, Mikey ? This is no laughing matter ! My babies could have been gone forever !" Frank explained, pretty surprised he had made Mikey laugh.

Mikey wiped a few tears from his eyes-ya he laughed that hard-and looked back up at Frank. "I'm sorry," he replied after a few more chuckles.

Frank glared at him. "Well, fine."

Mikey looked at him for a moment, then put his hand in his over-sized coat pocket, just wanting to feel the fabric.

Frank looked at Mikey. He had angular features, and pretty hazel eyes surrounded by the plastic glasses frames. His light brown hair fell into them softly, and Frank liked what Mikey was wearing. It was meant for him to seem scary, but he wasn't. Not even a little.
♠ ♠ ♠

The title is once again from the Smashing Pumpkins song "Ugly". I think it's fitting.

So ya, my best friend flipped when she read this. She's insensitive. So, I think I'm going to continue this just to annoy her.

Ya, that's pretty much it except I love Mikey.