I'll Never Be What You Need.

Is Clearer

Frank leaned against Mikey, where they were seated among the aisles of books. They were hiding out back there; Mikey had already put the books back where they belonged.

Frank picked at his black painted fingernails. He was distracted, and Mikey could tell. “What’s up, Frank?” he asked.

“Nothing,” Frank answered, not looking up.

“Come on, tell me. I know when you’re lying,” Mikey justified.

“Well… Bob was just giving me a hard time about hanging out with you. I mean… he’s just so jealous, and I don’t know why.”

Mikey shrugged. “Maybe he’s just that type.”

“Maybe,” Frank accepted. He took Mikey’s hand and gently ran his index finger over the creases in his palm. “Did you know that you can tell how many kids you’re going to have but how many lines there are?” Frank questioned, changing the subject.

“That’s bullshit,” Mikey replied.

“No it’s not! Let’s count. One, two, three… Six. Six big lines. Wow, Mikes, you’re gonna be one busy bee.”

Mikey blushed. “No!”

“Uhuh! I just read you’re palm and it says so!”

“Frank, come on. You can’t be serious.”

“I am!” Frank was trying to hint to Mikey that yes, he would have six children, because the two of them were going to grow up and adopt Korean orphans.

“Ya. Well, that’s nice. I better get prepared.”

“Mikey, what’s your biggest fear?” Frank implored.

Mikey shook his head. He was always so curious. “I don’t know,” he answered.

“Come on, Mikey. You have to be afraid of something. Everyone is,” Frank argued.

“Well… I’m afraid of dying alone,” he admitted quietly.

“Psh. You aren’t going to die alone. I’m going to be with you every step of the way.”

Mikey’s heart began beating faster. What he was feeling for Frank right now wasn’t natural. He was getting attached, he could tell, but he couldn't like him. Every time he started to like someone in any way, the left. He didn't want to be alone anymore. Why couldn't things be simple, like in books? He wished he was in a fairytale; one of those ones where the person turned into a butterfly at the end. That would be nice. "Thanks."

"Mmhmm. Then, We're going to live together, and we're going to buy an awesome pony. A pony that like... runs and stuff..." Frank trailed off.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Unicorns. We're buying unicorns. They have those cool pots of gold," Mikey pointed out.

"Um... I thought the leprechauns had the pots of gold..."

"No! That's what they want you to think! But those bastards actually robbed the unicorns and stole the gold!" Mikey explained.

Frank laughed. "I don't think so. I think the unicorns can protect themselves a lot better than that," he argued. He loved it when Mikey was like this. When he laughed and acted like a little kid. He hoped he was the reason Mikey was happy. He wanted to be the reason for every smile.

"Dude! Have you seen those little jack-offs?! They're fuckin' scary!" Mikey exclaimed.

"Uhuh," Frank murmured sarcastically.

"It's true! You so know it!"

"Of course."

"That's right." Mikey sighed. He loved having Frank's warm body beside his. It was comforting. "Frank... why are you here?" he questioned.

"What'd you mean? I come here everyday..."

"No... I mean, why are you here... with me? What is it that you want?" Mikey whispered the last part very softly. He wanted to know Frank's intentions, and he wanted to know now. He wanted to know if Frank took him seriously and thought of him the same way he did him.

"I want..." Frank trailed off and looked at his hands, occasionally looking at Mikey's nearby. "I..." He fiddled with his hands. "Iwannabeyourboyfriend," Frank mumbled so fast and quietly that he was sure he hadn't been heard.

Mikey's heart stopped. Frank liked him. In more than a friendly way. "Okay," he agreed.

Frank blinked. Did Mikey just agree to be his boyfriend? It was too good to be true. He tried to hide the huge smile on his face. He wanted to kiss Mikey until he saw stars. But he didn't. He just simply buried his head deeper into his neck. Into his boyfriend's neck.
♠ ♠ ♠
There you go. The one you've all been waiting for. Thank you all so much for reading and commenting. It means so much.

I'd really appreciate if you'd read this: http://www.mibba.com/journals/read/102209/. It explains so much and I'd like your support.