I'll Never Be What You Need.

Are You Thinking Of Me?

Bob sat in his seat, not daring to look at Frank. He didn't understand. Why him? What was so special about that freak. Mikey Way. What a joke. He was just a little freak, crying for attention. Frank had always taken pity on the broken.

He just did get it! He loved Frank so much. Why didn't he see that! It wasn't fair! He'd been waiting for the proper time to confess, and now it was just too late. He hated himself. He was a fucking fucktard.

The bell rang, and he avoided Frank's happy face. Frank had been practically beaming for almost two days now, and he didn't even want to know why. He probably fucked his goth ass, he thought bitterly as he walked outside.

Alicia was there waiting for him. "Hey Bobert! Why the long face?" she questioned.

"Frank's gay," he blurted.

"So? That's good for you!" she exclaimed, her long black hair flowing wildly in the forever unforgiving New Jersey wind.

"What'd you mean?" he asked, playing dumb.

"Jesus, everyone knows you're crazy about Frank, Bob. Except him," she explained.

"He's in love with that freak," he mumbled.

"Ooh, Mikey?!" she babbled, getting excited. She'd been thinking about Mikey non-stop since she met him. He was so hott.

"Ya. And I think they're together now," Bob admitted.

"What?! Oh my God! NOOOO!" she cried, falling to her knees dramatically. Bob picked at his nails and waited for her to compose herself. She finally stood up and brushed off her knees. "Sorry," she said. "Something has to be done."

"Oh ya? And what? Tell them they can't date?" Bob retorted sarcastically.

"No... we're going to break them up," she plotted.

"What?!" he demanded.

"Listen. You love Frank, and I want Mikey. If we break them up, we'll both get what we want!" she triumphed.

"So... what do we do?"

Alicia pulled him closer. "I have a plan..."

* * * *

Frank sat on the floor behind the counter of Barnes and Noble, looking up at his boyfriend. Boyfriend. That word sent butterflies through his veins. Mikey was his. All his. It felt good.

Now, things hadn't really changed in their relationship. Two days had passed since they mutually decided to be boyfriends, and everything was exactly the same. They still talked and snuggled and did the stuff they always did. They hadn't even kissed.

But that was about to change. Frank had a plan. He always had a plan.

"Hey, Mikey?" he called up sweetly.

Mikey frowned, but looked down at Frank. Why was he using a "I-need-you-to-do-something" voice? "Ya?" he questioned.

"Well, I was wondering if you could tie my shoe for me," Frank answered.

Mikey had a confused look on his face, but kneeled down anyway and began to tie Frank's shoelace.

Frank's heart was beating as fast as possible. He was so scared to do what he was about to do. But he had to, because he knew Mikey never would.

Mikey peered at him over the top of his glasses. "Better?" he asked.

Frank took a breath. Mikey's face was so close. "Yes. Much better," Frank whispered as he pressed his lips to Mikey's lightly. It was a very soft and gentle kiss, but it was only a few moments later when he pulled away. He kept his eyes shut tightly; he was afraid to open them for fear that Mikey would be angry with him. For what he just did.

Mikey blinked, still completely stunned. Frank had just kissed him. He wasn't sure how he felt about it; he was still too shocked. "Could you... could you maybe do that again?" Mikey asked quietly.

Frank opened his eyes. Mikey wanted him to kiss him again! He didn't want to gloat yet; he had to make Mikey like this. Determined, he lightly put his hand on Mikey's cheek and pressed his lips to his harder this time.

Mikey sucked in his breath as he tried to match the soft movements of Frank's lips. He had no idea what the fuck he was doing. He'd never kissed anyone before. He just tried to do the best he could.

Frank pulled away and studied Mikey's face. He had to make sure he was okay with this.

Mikey kept his eyes lightly closed. "Maybe... Just one more time?" he mumbled.

This time, Frank took both Mikey's cheeks in his hands and pulled him to him.

This time, Mikey was more prepared. He knew what Frank was going to do, and he put his hand behind Frank's head lightly. It felt so good to feel Frank so close. He could even feel his incredibly fast heartbeat. It was heaven.

After a short while (both felt it was much too short), Frank pulled away, his breathing anything but steady. He was unable to speak. How could he? He'd just kissed Mikey Way.

"Okay," Mikey said softly, standing up and returning to his perch at the counter.

Frank looked up at him and tried to see what he was thinking. He could see Mikey was failing in fighting a huge smile. Frank grinned. Seeing Mikey smile made him smile.

He could see Mikey's manager walk up to the counter. "I need you to go stock the manga section," she told him.

"I'll get right on it," Mikey agreed excitedly.

"Um... why are you so happy?" the manager asked suspiciously.

"Oh, no reason," Mikey chirped.

"Well... okay... but whatever it is, keep it up," she ordered

"Oh I will," he assured her, taking a side-long glace at Frank.

Frank beamed. Might as well change his name to Mr. Iero-Way.
♠ ♠ ♠
Is this the one you've all been waiting for. You were all like "Where's the kiss?" even though you damn silent readers don't deserve it, I gave it to you. Happy?

Comment or I swear to God I will throw this story out the window.

Read this:Always Your Lullaby, Never Your Wake-Up Song. It's a simple one shot that I wrote. If you like this, I promise you'll like it. And if you don't read and comment, I'll kill you. :D