I'll Never Be What You Need.

I Can't Do This Alone

When Mikey got home that night, he was so happy. How could things possibly get any better? Seriously, nothing would bring him down. Except for the fact he missed Frank already.

It was funny, because he'd never considered himself gay before. In fact, it kind of made him a little awkward to think of the fact that he was indeed gay. If he liked Frank, and Frank was a boy, then that must have meant he was gay. He'd never paid attention to girls or boys; he had never been interested in romance. But all that mattered was that he was really happy for the first time in a really long time. Frank made him feel like he mattered and was special. He got all fluffy when he was with Frank. Mikey had never been the fluffy type before Frank.

And Frank seemed like he liked him too, so that was good. No one had ever liked him before. He still... wasn't sure if it was going to last. He wanted it to, but he wasn't sure if Frank was just going to throw him to the side if he saw someone new. He wasn't sure if he could trust Frank completely yet. That was just the way Mikey was. Always untrusting and reading between the lines.

Basically bouncing up and down, he dialed his brother, Gerard's number. He wanted to tell him the truth. He knew he couldn't tell his mother, and didn't want to. It wasn't her business. Plus, he knew Gee would understand.

"Hello?" Gerard answered.

"Hey, Gee, it's Mikey," Mikey said, wanting to spill his guts already.

"Hey, Kid, what's up?" Gerard questioned, knowing that his little brother wasn't usually this excited. Something was up. He could smell it. Okay, not literally. Maybe that was just Ray's dirty underwear.

Mikey smiled at his childhood nickname. Gerard had been calling him "Kid" ever since he could remember. "Well, there's something I want to tell you. Promise me you won't judge me for it?" Mikey verified.

"Of course not. You know I'll always love you no matter what you do," Gerard reminded him. Even though their parents always seemed to favor Gerard, it was impossible to hate him because of what a good person he was.

"I'm... I'm gay," Mikey admitted shyly.


"Gerard... I hate to be the one to break it to you... but you are a... FUCKING RETARD!" Ray's voice shouted.

Then, Mikey heard a scream.

"Sorry 'bout that Mikey. I'm just so happy for you," Gee babbled. "So, how do you know?"

"Well, I sort of met this guy..."

"OH MY GOD! YOU FUCKED! YOU FUCKED HIM DIDN'T YOU?! RAY! MY BABY BROTHER GOT LAID!" Gerard screamed as loud as he possibly could.


"God, Ray, can't you see I'm talking to my brother here? He doesn't need to know about that sort of thing!" Gerard hissed. "Sorry," he apologized to Mikey. "So, did you?"

"No. We only became boyfriends yesterday."

"Oh. Taking it slow, huh? Well, that's the way to go. What's his name? Is he cute?" Gerard questioned.

"His name is Frank. And yes, he is very cute," Mikey added, a blush creeping under the white make-up on his skin.

"Aww! I wanna meet him!" Gerard whined.

"Um... let's wait a little. I wanna make sure this is going to work out before you meet him."

"Good logic. So, what's he like?"

"Dark brown hair, hazel eyes, really nice smile, plays guitar, is a little bit on the short side, wears skinny jeans and is obsessed with Skittles," Mikey babbled.

"I approve. He sounds so perfect for you, Mikes. You tell Mom yet? Gerard inquired.

"No, so I'd really appreciate if you'd keep this between us," Mikey explained.

"Okay, got it. Well, I should probably go now and shut Ray the hell up. He's been a real bitch lately. PMSing all the time."

"I HEARD THAT!" Ray yelled.

Mikey chuckled. "All right. Bye."

"See ya."

Mikey put down the phone, feeling like a huge weight had been lifted from him. He was so glad he told someone the truth. It felt really good.

He began washing the make-up off of his face. Today had probably been the best day of his life.

So far.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title from "My Heart" by Paramore.

Hope you liked this funny chapter! I had fun writing it. You all seemed to like Gerard and Mikey's previous convo, so I gave you another.

Now, it seems like I get a pretty steady stream of comments, but less readers. Why is that? The world may never know. COMMENT POR FAVOR.