I'll Never Be What You Need.

I Need This

Frank practically jumped through the school halls with complete hyperactive ease. Mikey was his boyfriend, they had kissed, (exactly five times) and everything was completely perfect. Nothing, absolutely nothing, could bring him down.

Now, Frank had dated before. Not guys, but girls. If he thought a girl was pretty, he would ask them out. Girls went out with him, one, because he was just incredibly attractive, and, two, he was the most polite guy you’d ever meet. He didn’t try to get in your pants like other guys did. He just never really found sex very appealing, and didn’t push the matter.

But, the only problem with him was that he was an extreme love-phobe. By this, I mean if he much as heard a brief whisper of the words “I love you”, he was completely gone. You might as well kiss your chances with Frank Iero goodbye. It wasn’t that he was afraid of falling in love exactly, he was just afraid of being too committed to one person. He wanted to keep his options open.

With Mikey, he didn’t necessarily feel that way. He was happy, and he felt like everything was in place now. Not even his mother’s pending engagement could damper his spirits.

So he wasn’t particularly annoyed or frustrated when Bob walked up to him.

“Hey, Frank,” Bob greeted enthusiastically.

“Hey,” Frank replied cordially. “What’s up?”

“Nothing, really, just seeing how you were doing,” Bob answered.

“Oh,” Frank remarked. Now he felt a bit suspicious. Why was Bob being so nice now? They hadn’t spoken to each other since Frank had blatantly admitted he was gay for Mikey Way.

“Ya. So how’s life treating you?” Bob asked.

Frank peered at him to try to determine if he was being genuine. He seemed to be. “Pretty well, actually,” Frank admitted. “I got a boyfriend.”

“That’s great!” Bob marveled. “Is it Mikey?”

“Mmhmm. He’s just the best,” Frank babbled.

“Ya? Have you two…” Bob leaned over and elbowed Frank’s side. “Kissed?” he finished.

Frank blushed. “I don’t like to kiss and tell,” he mumbled.

“Psh. I’m so sure. I bet you have. Is he a good kisser?” Bob questioned.

Frank bit his lip. “Maybe.”

“Aw! So like, do you kiss him, or does he kiss you?”

“Um… what?”

“You know. Like, does he initiate the kiss, or do you?” Bob explained.

“Um…” Frank trailed off. Know that he thought of it, he was the one doing all of the kissing. “I guess I do.”

“Oh. That sucks. Sorry, dude,” Bob said, putting a hand on Frank’s shoulder.

“Why does that suck?” Frank implored, clearly confused.

“Well, if you’re doing all of the kissing, that probably means he’s not very into you,” Bob theorized.

Frank stopped walking. What if Bob was right? What if Mikey didn’t actually like him, and was too much of a push-over to say anything? “Oh my God,” Frank whispered.

“It’s no big deal. I wouldn’t stress over it. I’m just being stupid. Forget I said anything,” Bob apologized.

“No, it’s okay. I gotta go to class,” Frank muttered as he speed-walked to his next class.

* * * *

Mikey watched as Frank crossed the expanse of Barnes and Noble. He liked the way Frank walked, especially the way his hips moved when he did.

God, he was so gay.

“Hey,” Frank greeted him, leaning over the counter slightly.

“Hi,” Mikey replied, looking into Frank’s liquid hazel eyes. He was hoping he would lean in to kiss him.

Which is what he did. Frank leaned in a promptly connected his lips with Mikey’s in one simple second. Mikey sighed as Frank pulled away not too long after.

“How was your day?” Frank questioned as he leaned his arms on the counter.

Mikey shrugged. “It was okay. How about you?” he asked.

“Well, Bob stopped being a jerk to me and said hi today,” Frank answered.

“Really? That’s great. I’m glad he’s coming around,” Mikey said.

“Me too. I told him about… us. I hope you don’t mind…” Frank trailed off.

“No… why would I mind? It’s not really that big of a deal…”

“I know. I just wanted to make sure you didn’t, that’s all.” Frank walked behind the counter and sat on the floor. “We need to get you out of here. You work too much,” Frank mumbled into the slick fabric of Mikey’s pants as he hugged his legs childishly.

“I don’t work that much. I have weekends off…plus, I still get to see you every day, so I don’t mind.”

“Aww!” Frank cooed as he nuzzled his nose into Mikey’s leg further.

Mikey blushed despite the fact Frank couldn’t see his face. He never had liked to show weakness. In fact, he hated it. He didn’t like to see his flaws so often. If he looked at them for too long, it’d kill him slowly from the inside. And he didn’t quite want that anymore. Especially when he had Frank.
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Don't expect any other updates particularly soon. Still on probation. But I love you all too much. :]