I'll Never Be What You Need.

I'm Waiting

Frank opened the door to his house. “Mom! I’m home!” he announced.

He watched as his soon-to-be stepfather walked from the kitchen to the threshold before him. “Hey, Frank,” the man greeted him.

Frank wanted to puke. The hairy man before him was shirtless. “Where’s my mom?” Frank demanded, emphasizing the “my”.

“She went out to get something. Why?” the man replied.

“No reason,” Frank snapped, sidestepping the freakish Bigfoot and heading over to his room. God, adults were so stupid! What actually made them think you wanted to talk to them? He groaned and jumped out of the window.

Just kidding. But he really thought about it. He wouldn’t have died or anything, the ground wasn't very far down from the one story house. Stupid soon-to-be step dads.

Frank got up and walked out of his room, sneaking into his mother’s. He went into the top drawer in her dresser and fished around until he found what he was searching for. A pack of cigarettes. He snatched the box and a small pink Bic lighter that was resting next to it.

Now, Frank’s mother wasn’t an avid smoker. She only smoked when the entire world was going to shit. Frank was just going to do it now because he felt like it. He crawled out of his mother’s bedroom window and leaned against the concrete wall. He slipped out a cancer stick and lit it, taking a long drag.

Don’t think this is Frank’s first time doing this. It’s not. He had his first cigarette when he was fourteen. So it didn’t make him gag or choke or anything. It didn’t bother him.

Sliding down the wall, he sat on the grass and looked toward the sky. The sunset was the colors of Superman ice cream looking like it was melted and poured into the sky messily. It was nice; he wished Mikey was here so he could have someone to cuddle with.

He blew the smoke from his mouth. Mikey… Even though he had just seen him about a half an hour ago, he still missed his gorgeous and beautiful boyfriend.

He bit his lip before taking another drag. He felt stupid now, watching the sunset alone and smoking a nicotine death swirl. This was what depressed boyfriend-less kids did. Not Frank Iero, a guy who's in like with Mikey Way.

Putting out the cigarette with his shoe, he threw it on the ground and stood up. He climbed back through his mother’s bedroom window and trudged back to his room, shaking his head to himself the whole way.

* * * *

"Mikey," Frank purred softly.

"Mmm..." Mikey replied groggily.

"Miiikeeyy," Frank countered, drawing the name out as much as possible.

"Mmhmm?" Mikey mumbled.

"I want you, Mikey," Frank whispered huskily in his ear. "I want you so fucking bad."

Mikey jumped out of bed, his feet barely touching the floor for a moment. He wiped the sleep from his eyes and tried not to think of the dream he was just beginning to have.

Had Frank Iero just about to become the object of his wet dreams?

Mikey dressed quickly and started to put on his make-up. Anything to keep his mind busy. When he was finally done, he pulled on his huge face smashing boots and clomped out of the door.

Frank Iero is so hott.

More like fucking gorgeous.

Ya, pretty much.

And his bare chest just makes grown men want to cry.

Definitely. It's so smooth and-

Don't drool now. I'm already doing enough of that for you.

S-sorry. It's just so hard not too.

I know, man. At least he's yours. Bitch.

That's just amazing, isn't it? Who would have though I'd get Frank Iero all to myself?

You should be so proud to even breathe his air. I mean, seriously. Frank Iero is SEX.

Hey! Don't talk about him that way! He's not just a sexual toy. He's a good person!

Sorry! I didn't mean... Okay, I apologize. I was just trying to prove a small point.

Apology accepted. But I have one small question.

All right. Shoot.

Who the fuck are you?

Oh, eh, haha. That's not really important. Just know I'm always here.

You freak me out slightly.

I get that a lot.

Ya, well, uh... I gotta go. Um, see you, I guess.

You will.

Mikey shook his head, feeling like his thoughts were going to be violated every day for the rest of his life. Now that that little... Weird thing was over, he began to finish the short walk to his school, hoping that this day wouldn't be as boring as usual.

* * * *

Frank walked into Barnes and Noble, scratching the back of his neck nervously. Seeing Bob that day had made him remember about what he had said about Mikey not kissing him. He needed to know that Mikey actually liked him and wasn't just playing around. He was going to try to do something to make him kiss him.

"Hey, Mikey," Frank greeted softly, leaning a little over the counter.

"Hi," Mikey replied, praying Frank would kiss him.

But, he didn't. He kept his distance, cocking his head to the right slightly. "You gonna let me back?" he asked, grabbing a pack of Skittles and placing a one dollar bill on the counter.

"Y-ya," Mikey stammered slightly, unlocking the small swinging door to his left. He wondered if Frank was mad at him.

Frank went behind the door and closed it, leaning on the counter next to Mikey. He ripped open the red package of Skittles as Mikey put the dollar in the register and handed Frank his two cents.

Frank dropped the two pennies into his jeans, thankful he had changed his clothes. He hated wearing uniforms with all of his inner being.

Mikey bit his lip and looked down on the ground. Things with Frank were never usually this awkward.

Frank sat on the ground and patted the spot next to him, hoping to get Mikey to sit with him.

Mikey did, looking at Frank as he did so.

Frank sighed. "Mikey, you don't really have to date me if you don't want to," he said, looking down at his hands.

"But I do," Mikey whispered.

"Then..." Frank bit his lip, unknowingly mirroring his boyfriend. "Why don't you ever kiss me?"

"I-" Mikey stopped. Frank was right. He was always the one initiating the kisses. "I dunno, Frank. You know how I am. I just don't have the guts."

"It shouldn't take guts. You can just do it. I'm not going to be critical. You should know that."

"I know. But there's just always a part of me that thinks you'll pull away."

"Mikes, you have no idea how happy I would be if you kissed me."

Mikey's heart dropped, knowing he had been disappointing Frank. “I’m so sorry,” Mikey mumbled softly.

“S’okay. I’m not mad,” Frank assured him.

“Teach me,” Mikey ordered.


“Teach me how to kiss you.”

“Uh…” Frank trailed off. “I don’t really know… like… I don’t know. I usually just lean in… and it just… happens, I guess.”

“I’m going to try it now…” Mikey whispered. “Just close you eyes, okay?”

Frank nodded and did as he was told.

Mikey inched forward slowly, swallowing the lump in his throat. He put a hand on Frank’s cheek gently, and leaned a little closer. He knew Frank could probably hear and felt his erratic breathing, and his made him very much insecure. But never the less, he finally made his way to Frank and gently pressed his lips to his.

Frank inhaled as Mikey’s lips touched his; he couldn’t help it. It was such a wonderful feeling.

Mikey’s breath stopped then, worried if he had upset Frank. But Frank had made no move to pull away, so he pressed his lips harder to his.

Frank, now unable to control himself, put his hand on the back of Mikey’s head and tried to get him as close as possible.

Mikey was happy. Frank was liking this. He bit Frank’s lower lip lightly, causing Frank to moan softly. This was just getting better and better by the second
♠ ♠ ♠
When It Rains. Go read that or this story shall be dead.

Hope you enjoy the extra long chapter :] Title from "Disaster" by Hawthorne Heights