I'll Never Be What You Need.

Would You Carry Me To The End?

Mikey rung his hands as he walked out of the bookstore with Frank. It was the weekend.

The weekend meant sleepover.

Sleepover meant sleeping in the same bed.

Sleeping in the same bed after starting dating meant awkward.

It would be the first time after they started going out. But he didn't even care. Not too much. He'd be with Frank. That was just enough.

Frank undid Mikey's shifty hands and laced one with his own. "Mikey, guess what?"

"What?" Mikey asked, stopping.

Frank stood on his tippy toes so he could get close to Mikey's ear. "You're beautiful," he whispered.

Heat rushed to Mikey's face. "Stoppit Frank," he mumbled embarassedly. That was the first time Frank had ever told him that. He'd called him pretty, but not beautiful. That was just such a different level.

"What?" Frank demanded, letting go of Mikey's hand and cocking his hip out. "Are you telling me it's not true?"

Mikey looked down shrugged. What was he supposed to say? He couldn't just tell Frank that he thought himself to be the ugliest person ever.

"No, Michael," Frank said firmly, stamping his foot childishly. He put his finger under the older boy's chin and tilted it up to look at him. "You are so beautiful, and if you don't think so... then you are fucking crazy. And you don't need all of that make-up you wear, even though you look adorable in it. I don't want you to hide from me."

Mikey, having no way to turn away from Frank, sighed. "Are you disappionted in me?" he questioned quietly.

"No, Mikey, baby, no," Frank muttered, letting go of his boyfriend's chin. "Don't think that." He leaned up and kissed Mikey's lips softly.

Mikey had never really been a fan of pet names, but hearing Frank call him "baby" made him melt. He had a feeling that he might-

"Now, come on. Let's go make you some coffee at my house," Frank grinned, instantly lifting Mikey's spirits.

"All right," Mikey agreed, grabbing Frank's hand once more and walking to the car.

* * * *

Mikey looked over at Frank, who was putting stuff away after their Skittle fight. They has thrown a shit load of Skittles all over the floor and Frank was screaming for him not to waste them, which resulted in Mikey throwing more and sitting on Frank, who didn't appear to be very unhappy after that.

He brought a stray red Skittle from the counter up to his lips, resting the round object there for a moment before letting the candy tumble into his mouth. The sugar heightened his senses almost instantly, and he enjoyed strawberry flavored Skittle. It was good; he saw why Frank loved them so much.

Frank smiled to himself as he watched Mikey balance the Skittle on his lip. It teetered precariously for a moment, then dropped into his mouth. Watching Mikey do the simplest things made him feel like he was doing something good in this world. He felt like he was helping someone, really helping someone who needed it. He could see Mikey was starting to be himself more and opening up. He looked like he was happy, which in turn made Frank happy. Frank leaned forward across the counter at Mikey. "Wanna sleep in the basement tonight?" Frank asked cheekily. The basement sometimes got cold at night, and that would give him an excuse to cuddle extra close to Mikey.

Mikey looked down and studied Frank's perfect face. "Of course," Mikey chirped, just as Frank hoped he would.

"Lemme get some blankets. I'll be right back," Frank told him, stalking off somewhere.

Mikey sighed dreamily as he looked at Frank's retreating back. He was so lucky and he knew it. He scratched his material-drowned leg absently as he waited for Frank to return. He did not too long after, the top of his head barely visible from the stacks of blankets. Mikey chuckled and took the top blanket off the tower.

Frank grinned. "Thanks," he said, beginning to walk to the basement. Mikey followed dutifully and walked down the stairs. Mikey had been in the basement before, but the last time he had he'd started to have a sneezing fit. Something in Frank's house made him have allergies, but that wasn't about to stop him from going there. He always brought Benadryl with him.

Frank stopped at the small couch and ditched the blankets on the lightly carpeted floor. He threw the cushions off and pulled out the creaking bed. "It's kinda lumpy... so if you get uncomfortable... you can go up stairs," Frank said.

Mikey gave him a crooked smile that said everything and shook his head.

Frank smiled back. "Suit yourself. Can't say I didn't offer."

The mattress did in fact look a little lumpy, but nothing too unmanageable. The sheets were a little wrinkled too, but wouldn't you be if you were folded up like that all of the time? "Looks great, Frank," Mikey told him truthfully.

Frank gave him a weird look, but didn't question. He began unfolding the heap of sheets.

"Lemme help," Mikey mumbled, grabbing the other corner. After a slight struggle, the got the bed looking pretty darn cozy.

"It's not really too late yet... so if you wanna just hang for a little while, it's cool."

"Sure," Mikey agreed climbing onto the bed. He was slightly disappionted that he wouldn't get to see Frank shirtless tonight because it would be cold.

Frank scampered into Mikey's lap without warning, making him gasp in surprise. "Sorry," Frank muttered.

"S'okay," Mikey assured him, leaning onto the back of the couch and cradling Frank on his lap.

Frank in turn positioned his comfortably in his boyfriend's neck. "Wanna play truth?"

Mikey thought this over. Why would Frank want to play truth? Then again, why wouldn't he? "Sure," was his reply.

"What do you wanna be when you grow up?"

"Hmm... I don't know, honestly. How about you?"

"Be a bad ass guitar player in a band named My Chemical Romance, for sure."


"Nothing," Frank mumbled. "Have you ever dated anyone before?"

"Nope. You've had girlfriends though... right?"

"Ya, a few."

"Well... how many?"

"Um... about... um... ten?"


"Well, ya. I mean... ya. Do you want me to lie and say none?"

Mikey sighed. "No. Did you ever...?"

"Ever what?"

"Like... you know..."

"Sleep with them? Hell no! Do I... seem like a slut to you?" Frank questioned.

"No! Of course not! I was just asking..."

"Okay. So... Do you ever wished you lived somewhere else?"

Mikey thought about it. "Not really anymore. I like where I'm at."

"Ya? Do you like where I am, all curled up in your lap?"

"Of course."

Frank leaned up and peered at Mikey. "I like you, you know that right?"

Mikey nodded.

"Good. Just checking," Frank justified, kissing Mikey's lips lightly.

Mikey felt like he didn't kiss Frank enough. He was always left unsatisfied and still wanting. So he kissed Frank again.
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You all know what the title's from. Don't even play :P