I'll Never Be What You Need.

We Make A Good Team

Mikey didn't know how Frank ended up kissing him back, or slipping his tongue in his mouth, or straddling him on the creaky pull-out couch, or kissing his neck, but he did, and it was awesome. He finally decided that he loved kissing Frank. Frank was so gorgeous and amazing and-

Frank detached his lips from Mikey's, breathing heavily. "Jesus, Mikey. You're an animal," he mumbled, pushing a few stray strands of hair away from his face.

Mikey blinked from behind his slightly fogged glasses and blushed heavily. He didn't know what to say to that. He simply bit his lip instead.

Frank removed Mikey's glasses gently and set them on the table nearby. "You really do have pretty eyes, Mikey," Frank whispered, tracing his thumb at the corner of Mikey's hazel-green eyes.

Mikey blinked hard, now blinded. Frank hovering above him was just a blurred blob. "Can't see, Frankie," he muttered.

"You won't have to," Frank replied, getting off of him. Mikey almost whimpered from the loss of warmth.

Then, it went black.

"Dammit!" Frank cursed after a thud!

"You okay?" Mikey questioned.

He felt the weight on the bed shift to his left. "Ya, fine. I'll have a bruise on my shin, though," Frank answered.

"Oh," Mikey said. His breathing became harder as nervousness set in. Normally, they just fell asleep on their separate sides, but now... he wasn't sure what they were going to do.

He heard Frank groan beside him in the pitch black room. Then, a pair of arms grabbed him by the waist. He was now pressed against Frank, just the way it should be.

Mikey wrapped his arm around Frank's waist and sighed happily. This all just felt so right. Frank didn't judge him like most people did. He accepted him for what he was, no matter how fucked up. For the first time, he felt loved by someone other than his brother.

"G'night, Mikes," Frank mumbled quietly.

"'Night Francesca," Mikey returned.

He heard Frank chuckle and snuggle into him more.

"Frank?" Mikey asked.


"What's your biggest fear?"

There was a silence then, and Mikey wondered of he said something wrong. Just as he was about to apologize, Frank spoke. "Falling," he admitted quietly.

"I won't let you fall," Mikey assured him. He was glad that for once, he was the one helping Frank, instead of the other way around.


Mikey smiled to himself as he closed his eyes. Yep. Frank was definitely awesome.

* * * *

Alicia pushed Bob into the movie theater wall. She had waited about two days to get pissed off, to see if maybe their plan had worked.

It hadn't.

"You bitch!" she screeched. "What the fuck is your deal? I asked you to do one thing- ONE THING! What is so hard about convincing Frank that Mikey doesn't like him!"

"I tried!" Bob defended vainly. "It's not my fault! They just... like eachother."

"Well, that means we need regroup and rethink. Make a new plan," she rationalized, pacing slightly. There had to be some way to break them apart. There had to be.

"Maybe we should just-"

"Are you wussing out on me, Bryar?" she demanded, clenching her fists and ready to strike. "I need you, man. Frank trusts you. He values what you think."

"But I don't want him to not trust me," he replied. He didn't want to loose Frank over this. He couldn't. He'd die.

"Bob, if you do this, he'll come crying to you, and you'll win his heart. Isn't that what you've wanted?" she questioned.

"Ya," he mumbled, scratching the back of his neck. He did want Frank a lot.

"Then, what's the problem?" she asked. Her brown eyes were brimming with convincingness. He couldn't say no.

"No problem," he answered confidently.

"Good." She grabbed his arm and forced him into the movie theater with her.

* * * *

Mikey woke up slightly cold. Frank was next to him still, but not as close as they had been when they fell asleep. He studied Frank closely (he had to get close; he was still blind) and smiled to himself. Frank really looked very innocent at the moment, and a little vulnerable. Something he rarely saw from him. Frank was just an all around strong person, and it radiated from him. Thinking this, Mikey remembered the night previous when Frank had admitted his biggest fear. A fear of falling? Like afraid of heights? Or a different kind? Like... someone letting you go and letting you fall. Mikey knew all about people letting him go. But, he didn't want to think about that. Not now. Not when he had someone as perfect as Frank lying next to him.

He put his head back on the pillow and snuggled closer to Frank. He wrapped his arm around him tightly and closed his eyes, high on his very presence. He hoped Frank was asleep, because he was showing his greatest weakness: him.

Frank mumbled something incoherent in his sleep and turned toward Mikey, hugging him back. Now, there was no space between them.

So Frank was still asleep. Good, he thought as he kissed the top of Frank's head. He would never bored of Frank. Now, he just had to worry about Frank getting bored of him.

Mikey's eyes flickered open as he heard creaking on the stairs. Standing there, was Frank's mother, Linda. She was looking at the pair with an unreadable expression. He leaned his head up, put his finger to his lips, and pointed to the sleeping Frank.

Linda smiled kindly and nodded. She waved to him and went back up the basement steps.

Mikey wanted to cry then. He wanted a mother like Frank's. Someone that accepted him and loved him and cooked dinner. Frank lived in a stable environment. Mikey didn't. Those were just the facts.

Mikey shut his eyes tightly, wanting to forget the bad memories and the cigarette smoke. He wanted to stop giving out a muted cry for help and scream out loud. Letting out a shuddered breath, he turned his attention back to Frank.

Who was watching him. He couldn't really see his expression very well, but it looked pained. Very pained. Frank slipped the glasses on their rightful place on Mikey's nose. "You okay?" he asked softly.

Mikey averted his eyes away from him. "I'm fine," he lied, rolling on his back.

Frank propped himself up on his elbow and looked at him. He wasn't about to let this slide. "Mikey, you know you can tell me anything," Frank said, smoothing down Mikey's messy hair. "But if you don't want to, you don't have to."

"It's just that... your mom is so awesome. I just wish mine was like that," Mikey admitted.

"My mom is kind of awesome, huh? Too bad she has to marry that monkey. Parents are people too; just remember they aren't perfect."

Mikey nodded, knowing Frank was right.

Frank leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Morning time?" he questioned.

Mikey chuckled. "Morning time."
♠ ♠ ♠

So, comment, por favor. Special thanks to Frank Iero and Mikey Way, for being sexy.

I love you.

Title from "Must Have Done Something Right" by Relient K.