I'll Never Be What You Need.

I Cannot Be Saved

Frank sighed and scratched at his arm. It was December, only a week away from Christmas. It'd be snowing soon, he was sure. He liked snow when it was falling. It was pure and white and beautiful... until it hit the ground. Then it got dirty and melted and became disgusting. He wondered how something so beautiful could be defiled just by falling. That was one of the reasons he was so afraid of falling. Falling made things dirty and fall apart.

"Frank?!" his mother called.

He walked a few steps away from his window to the hall. "What?!" he questioned.

"Come here!" she instructed.

He walked into the living room where his mother was. "What?" he repeated.

"How would you feel about visiting your dad over Christmas?" she asked.

His jaw dropped. He hadn't even spoken to his father on the phone in several months, let alone seen him. He had left when Frank was four-years-old, and they struggled so long for stability. He didn't want to spend anytime with a man who abandoned him, save the once-a-month check. "Fuck no!" he answered.

"Watch your tone Frank Anthony Iero!" his mother scolded.

"But why?" he whined.

"Frank, he's your father. He wants to have at least one Christmas with you. Come on. You've never visited him during Christmas," Linda pointed out.

"And for good reason!" he retorted. "Why now?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. He just asked if I could fly you up to Maine for Christmas."

"No! You did this! You're trying to get rid of me, aren't you!?" he accused.

"No! Seriously, your dad suggested the idea. I agree. You should go see him. Maybe you guys can go fishing..."

Frank shuddered. He hated fishing.

"Oh, stop it. Be a man and do this. Please? For me?" she begged with puppy dog eyes, pouting.

Where do you think Frank got it from?

He huffed. "I was supposed to give Mikey a proper Christmas!" he argued.

"Honey, he'll be fine," she assured him.

Frank stamped his foot. "He will not!"

"Didn't you say he had a brother?"

"Well... ya..."

"And do you really think he'd leave his little brother alone to rot on Christmas?"

"... No."

"Exactly. He'll be fine; don't worry."

Frank sighed. "I'm going to have to tell him tomorrow."

"He'll understand."

Frank nodded. He knew he would too, but that still didn't cover up the fact that he'd miss his boyfriend terribly over one of the most important holidays of the year.

* * * *

Mikey watched as Frank walked into Barnes and Noble; nothing new, really. He smiled as soon as he saw his boyfriend's face. But frowned when he realized his boyfriend's face looked undeniably sad. "What's wrong?" he asked as soon as Frank stood before him.

Frank looked up at his face sadly. "I'm going to Maine," he answered.

"What?" Mikey questioned.

"Over Christmas. I'm going to Maine to see my dad," Frank informed him.

"Oh." Mikey was hoping that they'd get to spend time together over Christmas, considering he did already get him his gift. But, if Frank had to visit family, he understood.

"I'm sorry," Frank mumbled.

Mikey opened up the swinging door and let Frank behind it and into his arms. Frank was upset about going; that much he could see. It saddened him that Frank was sad. "It's okay, Frank. This isn't our last Christmas. There'll be others," he assured him.

"Do you think so?" Frank asked, tears beginning to form.

"Ya, I mean, why not?"

Frank smiled and hugged Mikey tighter. "I'm going to miss you so much."

"I'll miss you too. Promise me you'll call me everyday, okay?"

"I promise," he replied.

Mikey kissed the top of Frank's head gently. He wished they could have Christmas together, but he'd live without Frank. He could do it. It was only a week. He'd be fine.

♠ ♠ ♠
Title from "Bullet With Butterfly Wings" by Smashing Pumpkins.

Guys, this story has seven stars. I would really like to achieve ten with this one.

Or I'll probably cry.

SO! Make me happy will you?

Oh, and Twilight the movie sucked. But Carlisle (me) was HOTT. That was a plus. So was James. :D

I lu u.