I'll Never Be What You Need.

I Can Go Anywhere

When Frank walked into Barnes and Noble that day, he was prepared. He was going to have a full conversation with Mikey even if it killed him.

He walked straight up to the counter where Mikey worked and smiled at him.

Mikey was kind of caught off guard. He'd seen Frank come in, but he wasn't expecting him to smile that widely.

"Hi, Mikey," Frank greeted.

"Oh, erm, hey Frank," Mikey replied softly.

"What's up ?" Frank questioned.

"Nothing really... just... working," Mikey concluded.

"I see... Frank trailed off. He grabbed two packs of Skittles.

"$ 1.98," Mikey told him as Frank was putting the money on the counter.

"So, how old are you, Mikey ?" Frank asked.

"I'm seventeen," Mikey answered.

"What ? You're a year older than me !" Frank pouted.

"Oh... I'm... uh... sorry ?" Mikey apologized. What else was he supposed to say ?

"What school do you go to ?"

"Belleville High."

Frank thought this over. Belleville High kinda sucked... "What's your favorite food ?"

"Sushi," Mikey replied with out hesitation. He hadn't had sushi in such a long time... The thought made his mouth water.

"Do you have a girlfriend ?" Frank had to ask. He was really curious.

Mikey shook his head. Like he even wanted one. They seemed all clingy and crap. He didn't want someone studying his every move.

"I really like your jacket," Frank said. He did. It was huge and looked really awesome. Like a trench coat.

Mikey looked down at his clothes and frowned. He liked Frank's tight jeans and t-shirt better. Mikey wasn't going to tell him he wore the jacket to hide the cuts on his wrists or that there were blood stains inside the sleeves. "Thanks," he muttered. That was a first.

"You're welcome," Frank returned, smiling again.

Mikey simply blinked. How was it that Frank's smile was so amazingly stunning ? Mikey felt eyes on him and he turned to his right. One of his co-workers was glaring at him, telling him to get back to work with his eyes. "Uh... Frank ?"

Frank gazed at him with those hazel-green eyes. "Yes ?"

"I don't mean to be rude, but... I kind of have to get back to work now," Mikey explained.

Frank's face fell. "I understand. I'll see you tomorrow..."

"Wait !" Mikey said louder than Frank had ever heard him speak.

Frank looked to him hopefully.

"I can sneak you behind the counter if you promise to behave," Mikey caved. He couldn't bare the sullen look on Frank's face.

"Okay !" Frank agreed. He was happy now. He could still hang out with Mikey.

Mikey, being on the far right register (his left), had full access to the small swinging door. He undid the lock and let Frank behind the counter.

Frank giggled excitedly. He felt like he was doing something illegal; it was sort of a thrill. He sat on the ground with his back against the wall, looking up at Mikey. Mikey looked so tall from this angle.

Mikey looked down at Frank. This was going to be an interesting afternoon.

* * * *

It had been two hours since Frank had come behind the counter. Between costumers, Frank and Mikey talked. Well, mostly Frank. Mikey just sort of listened to Frank ramble about why Jigglypuffs were his favorite Pokemon ("His singing abilities, for sure.") and why skinny jeans were also for guys ("Pants were invented for men, duh !"). It was kind of funny to listen to Frank's childish rants. Frank was a really nice person. Mikey was surprised he was even talking to him.

Mikey felt a tug on his left wrist. The pain shot up his arm. Frank had grabbed the wrist that was raw with fresh cuts from the night before.

Frank had seen Mikey flinch. Had he pulled to hard ? "I'm so sorry, Mikey ! Did I hurt you ?" he questioned.

"No," Mikey lied. "It's cool. I just wasn't expecting it, that's all."

"Oh. Well, I just wanted to ask you if after work, you wanted to do something," Frank explained.

"After work ?" Mikey asked. His mom wouldn't care, but what did Frank have in mind ? "Um... sure."

"Sweet. I know a place that makes the best coffee. I'm not even kidding you," Frank assured him.

At the word 'coffee', Mikey's face lit up. Frank could see it even from where he was. Mikey looked down at him. "I'd like that," he replied happily.
♠ ♠ ♠

Title is again from "Ugly" by the Smashing Pumpkins.

This chapter is dedicated to VivianCupcake because she comments on every chapter even though she doesn't like slashes.