I'll Never Be What You Need.

Can't Help At All

Frank looked for Bob and Alicia in the hall. Where the hell could they be ?

"Boo !" a voice yelled from behind.

Frank screamed a girly scream and turned around. He frowned. "You assjacks !" he complained, smacking Bob and Alicia.

Alicia giggled. "Assjack. That's funny," she said.

"You're retarded," Bob told her.

"Shut up," she replied, smacking his arm.

Alicia was the same age as Frank, two years younger than Bob. She was one of his best friends.

"You guys are so immature," Frank observed.

"Oh ya, and you're just five foot three inches of pure maturity," Bob laughed.

"Will you stop making fun of my height ?! It's really not funny !" Frank whined.

"Actually, it is, Alicia pointed out.

"Fuck you," he mumbled.

"Let's go out for lunch today," Bob said. "My treat." He nudged Frank in the side.

"All right !" Frank exclaimed, his sour mood instantly gone.

* * * *

Mikey sat in class, pretending to listen to the teacher's aimless droning. What he was really doing was feeling his cuts under his sleeve. He wanted to go home, and do something dangerous. Like smoke a cigarette or something. He'd actually never done it, but his brother did...

His thoughts drifted to Frank. He wondered if he was as bored as he was at that moment. He wondered if he was talking to his friends about something funny. He wondered if he was thinking about him too...

He mentally slapped himself. Of course he wasn't thinking about him. He had other friends.

Mikey wondered if Frank really meant waht he said about being friends. If he did, that would be majorly cool. Because Mikey didn't have any other friends.

The bell rang and he walked out of the classroom and started walking to the bookstore. Work would be good if Frank was there. Everything was good when Frank was around.

* * * *

Mikey got to his shift ten minutes early, so he decided to call his brother Gerard. He was twenty-years-old and so talented. He wished he was more like his older brother.

"Hello ?" Gerard answered.

"Hey, Gee, it's Mikey," Mikey told him.

"Hey Mikes ! What's up ? How are you ?" Gerard questioned, speaking rather quickly.

"I'm good," Mikey lied. He was used to it.

"Awesome ! How's school ? You getting good grades ?" Gee asked.

"Not really," Mikey admitted.

"Mikey, you know you're going to have to do well if you want to get into college..." Gerard trailed off.

"I know, I know. How are you ? Is art school good ?"

"Ya, dude. It's like awesome. I don't want to graduate next year."

"You'll move on to do great things."

"Sure, sure. So how's Mom ?"

"She's good. I got a job."

"Really ? Where ?"

"Barnes and Noble. Everyone knows Books A Million sucks balls."

"So damn true. Don't get fired, dude."

"I won't-"

"Fuck !"

"What happened ?"

"I fuckin' tripped on some of Ray's shit. RAY ! PICK UP YOUR SHIT !" Gerard shouted to his roommate, Ray.

"Fuck you !" another voice shouted. Mikey knew it was Ray. Ray was cool; Mikey had met him a few different times.

"Sorry, Mikes," Gee apologized, "But I gotta go stick Ray's dick in the freezer."

Mikey laughed at his brother. "All right, Gee. Don't hurt him too bad. Bye. I love you," he said.

"Don't worry," Gerard answered. "Bye. Love you too, Mikey."

"No ! Don't touch me ! HELP !" Ray screamed at the top of his lungs.

Mikey hung up the phone, laughing hysterically.
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Haven't updated in a while, so ya. Pointless filler.