Saint Vanity


I had it up to here with Todd and his shit.
I hoped his little face got caught up in a meat grinder.
I ate my little Burger in silence and evil looking glares. And Walked out to the car.

Todd did his little open the car bit, *beep, beep*. Yeah real snazzy, that little shit. I slid in.
Kennedy and Joy were still fast asleep. Todd started up the car again. The idiotic soft purr of the engine. Made me want to get out as fast as I could, But i stayed becuase im that stupid.

I didn't know how long it had been. An hour, two maybe three. it was hard to tell. Everything was dark exept for the headlights. My eye lids were heavy and i began to wonder if dad had noticed i wasn't back God dad If only you were right i would kill to bang sombody, I didn't know.

But then Gilly popped her little face into my head. Her smile, made her cheeks all flushed. I could hear her laugh in my head. Like wind chimes...

Now i had no idea why i was suddenly thinking like this. I had known Gilly for most of my life. Its only recently i had developed a sort of...longing for her. Crush wasn't the word. It wasn't a crush. It was sort of like a...

No im not going to say love, like 'OH im IN LOVE WITH YOU!!! lets make a hundred kids and grow old together!' shit. Was it?
Now i wasn't sure I had a mental picture now of me and Gilly as an old couple. I kissed her lips. Her soft gental lips...I wanted to hold her.

God there gonna send me to the nut house I swear.

"Hey Todd."

"SHhhhhhh! What??" Todd looked pretty pissed his swooshy hair in a frazzle.

"Are we there yet."Heheh

Todd just glared at me. I was waiting for some joke on my imituraty now that he was a 'sexually active MAN' (not boy). And I was still childlike blah blah blah. But for some reason or another, Todd actually saved his breath.

I shifted in the rock hard chair. "Where are we going anyways?"

Todd shrugged. He must have not been in the mood for talking.

I found some of my black mop of hair and started braiding it. Don't ask how i know how to braid, because I don't really rember. I think it was somthing like kindergarden and this girl was braiding my hair of some shit like that.

Suddenly i heard some sireins and a cop car. Shit man. shit