Saint Vanity


I was walking around My neighborhood, or i think it was...
the houses were pink and bright green and a lemon like colors.
It hurt my eyes to look to long at them. I was walking till i saw the back of Gilly's house it was the only normal colored house. No wait, I can't remember if brown was a normal color for a house but that's the color it was.

I walked right up behind it, and stood where here window is. I Looked up The window was dark and the house looked abandoned.

"Hello!" I yelled really loud.
The ground was starting to get all soft under my feet.I looked down to find the grass looking more like fuzzy blanket. I tried to touch some but i slipped and landed in it. I started to get swallowed up in it. Big green blanket. my legs felt like jello. I almost cried trying to get back up. It hurt and my legs just wouldn't give.

"Sidney! oh Sidney!"

I looked around to see Kennedy rush to me from the other end of the blanket. Was that her? She looked so different.

"Oh Sidney!"

Why was she saying my name. This was strange, usually she would yell 'HEY IDIOT' knowing it was her. I would probably turn around. But I don't think this was really her. Kennedy would never sound mm...

sex deprived?

She caught up to me. It was Kennedy alright. But there was somthing so off about her. But I couldn't place it though. besides the whole moaning my name thing. She looked and dressed like Kennedy, but it wasn't.

"Oh Sidney. Hold me."

I would have raised and eyebrow at this, but my whole body was on autopilot. My arms wrapped around her waist. Giving an awkward hug.

"Oh Sidney!"

the name moaning thing was both bugging the hell out of me, and turning me on at the same time. God her voice.THATS IT! That wasn't Kennedy's voice! It was Gilly's! HA! so it wasn't all Kennedy. It was like Gilly, in Kennedy' body with some kind of sci-fi body switch shit.

She was tugging at my pants. Having a really light grip for Kennedy...or Kenn-illy? Not that either of them would be tugging on my pants but...
"God I'm so hot for you."

that did it. I didn't give a fuck with this Kenn-illy shit was She sounded like Gilly and somehow that made me want her. But it was also Kennedy. That body that i felt so wrong thinking about. God I shouldn't be thinking about her she's my friend. That if the very farthest i want to go!

But I couldn't Help my self my stomach lurched with the thought of Kenn-illy. I closed my eyes and heard a new voice.

"Heehaw You only wish you could you half baked idiot?"
I looked down to see that Kenn-illy's face was now Todd's

"You couldn't even Get Silva! Your a fucking loser!"

I pushed away from Todd, as he laughed hysterically.

"Byebye Virgin goddess." Todd pulled out a really REALLY big pair of scissors and Brought them to my throat. I tried to yell but nothing came out.
I closed my eyes and hopped for the worst then it hit me.


I opened my eyes still sticky with sleep. I looked around trying to gather the small pieces of strange dream that still clung to the depths of my mind. I looked around the car. We had stopped at a gas station or so it looked like. I checked the seats with my eyes. nobody.

I got up and rubbed my eyes clear of sleepy shit. Then i got up and Pushed open the door with my feet. I looked up to see a big diner sign.

they would get food without me.

I woke up my eyes still sticky from sleep