Saint Vanity


I trudged my doc martins out of the car, and out to the ugly looking diner. Pastel like colors seemed to mock me and held a secret about that dirty/fucked up dream, which now i could only remember some bliss bits and pieces.
mostly just her voice remained hard to forget.

I opened the door with my elbow trying to make my bad ass attempt again. While at the cost of holding a poker face when the door took a shot at my funny bone. I winced in some of the pain but bit my lip in case somone was watching me pull a pansy move like that.

I scanned the restaurant, which looked fairly boring just like the outsides. Still covering up some kind of secret. Even the people working here all looked like they saw my dream plastered on my face like a tattoo. I looked past every ones gaze and stomped down the isle where the red vintage booths met the bar stools.

The restaurant wasn't extremely busy. But is was no ghost town, It was more like 10 or so people. Which was strange for such a bus stop like location. I saw some grundgy purple dread-falls and emidiately quickend my pace to the last remaining booth.

Kennedy looked up at me drinking a fountain drink with a doughnut. Only one bite out of the side and then carelessly tossed aside. Todd looked more overly considered then normal with a smug look on his face that screamed how did he find us in this inconspicuous diner, we conveniantly parked next to.
And joy looking pretty much Angelic and innocent in every way. Like if virgin was a describing word in the dictionary, its definition would be Joy Schultz, and well never been fucked would be under the word as well, but the funny thing about joy, was that her life was completely un-virgin like.

Joy's dad walked out on her when she was about 12 and then her mom works nights as a waitress for Kittens. which is kind of like this strip joint that no one sober actually attends.
Me and Burt Collins Tried to sneak in on my sixteenth birthday but then Joy's mom saw us and Almost fainted. She through out or fake Id's and Pushed us out of the club. Even though it was almost creepily arousing to see Joy's mama in fishnets and a slinky outfit.

But that was before the 'your mom' jokes were really funny. Like you know the whole: ' well that's what your mom said last night' thing. Well... got to be more awkward, then funny. I honestly did feel like Joy's life outside her home life seemed so clean and perfect That i almost wanted to walk out on her. But There was always people who would sort of bend to her unwilling. Like some kind of unbound royalty.

But i had to put my mind away because it had looked like all my sins had been washed away with Kennedy's smile. Her bright white teeth with tiny smudges of black, coal covered lip stick. She patted the seat next to her on the booth. Which approved any thoughts of my 'not-being forgiven!'
I squeezed in to the tiny red booth next to my best buddy.

"Look who woke up." Mumbled Todd grumpily. He seemed like he could have used a few more hours of nap time himself. I even felt bad for the poor sucker, seeing as he was the only one who knew how to drive that piece of shit out back.

Joy smiled and took a sip of apple juice. She had this 'no chemical' rule that went along with the whole virgin appeal. Like not even coffee could go into her body. This girl was a straight edge as one got. Which sort of was the ultimate off switch for me. Because i had a little crush on her, only a fleeting one. But after she told me she wanted to die being a virgin, and all. Well that pretty much botched that crush straight to hell.

" Well I see that you already ordered." I said almost like announcing a wrestling match. "But i think you'll will all have to wait for me because I'm really hungry."

Todd rolled his eyes. I even thought about forgiving him till he did that.

A nice waitress lady, with some frizzy red hair handed me a menu and called me sugar. Calling me 'sugar' or 'sweetie/honey' usually sends u straight to the list of kids that need to be butchered in my mind but this lady made the word 'sugar' sound less like a little child and more like a sensual allure.

i liked it. Call me sugar all you like....
I looked at her name tag. "...Gerty?"

"Ya sugar?"

Yes, again! she called me sugar again! I wonder if she called anyone else sugar, or if it was just me, special me.

I Hadn't actually looked at the menu so I found the first thing on the brunch list. "Can I have a Poppy Seed muffin?"

Gerty smiled at me and winked as she picked up the menu. "You can have what ever you want."

I could feel my idiot smile come on. She was definitely flirting with me. I turned to look at Kennedy to see if she had noticed but she was looking out the window at a few passing train cars.

Everyone seemed so mesmerized by the trains that I didn't even notice my own nose had started to bleed.