Saint Vanity


"Alright everybody out!" Todd yelled.

I woke up feeling shitty. I guess I had another strange dream. I've been getting those an offal lot. I beleive this one was a whole lot like the last one but I forgot what happened in it. I rubbed my eyes to see Todd's Swooshed hair all fluffed up against my window, An angry look on his pussy-kid face.

"I'ma coming out Todd," I mumbled, oh fuck it, my seatbelt was jammed. You know, when your seat belt gets all tight and stuck in the place it comes out of? Ya you know don't you.

Todd rolled his eyes. God that kid has fucking PMS i swear. I mean He was making this Grunge thing i had on him to a new level of bitchy-ness. I mean I would have forgiving the guy somtime yesterday but the goddamn dick had to keep being all uncool. And well bitchy.

I slunk out of the car and gave Todd a sneer I didn't know how much longer I could handle being in the presents of such a drama queen.

"Sid, I'm getting a motel for tonight, OK?" He talked to me like i was five. I rubber my eyes and looked down the two inches he was from my eyes. "Kennedy, Joy make sure he doesn't bring any drag queens with him."

I raised an eyebrow? "Drag Queens?"

"Were going to a gay bar because supposedly Joy's long lost daddy is there." Kennedy kicked some lollipop wrapper into a gutter and sucked on her candy.

I looked back at Todd. "God, Todd your such a idiot, You know the only drag queen i want in my bed is you!" I leaned back my head like i was going in to kiss him. Then slapped him on the back of his head.

Todd's face pulled on an angry color as he flicked me the bird and walked off muttering to himself, about where the closest shower was.

"So Joy your Daddy all along was into the gentlemen?" Kennedy ignored the oddity that was Todd and looked to Joy for some girl conversation.

Joy shrugged."I guess so, I only found out the other day before we left because my dad called and asked if i would come see him this winter, But mom got pissed off because she didn't want me to see "my father as a drag queen".

I widened my eyes. How sad, to see your old man walk out and become a drag queen on some New York bar. Even if i swung that way i would think that maybe i needed a better career choice but alright. I could take that.

"Do you know what bar he's at then?" I asked Joy.

Her baby blue eyes shifted a little like she was unsure. But then nodded: "Yes, he's at The Jack of Hearts bar in NYC, So Im guessing it has to be a couple miles east of here. We could ask for directions."

I grabbed a kid maybe about 10 off the street by his collar. He screamed bloody murder but i grabbed his lips shut. " Hey shh! I just need to find out where somthing is!"

"MMmMmMmM" I let go of his mouth he squiggled and squirmed. I was getting sick of this.

"Tell me were the goddamn Jack of Hearts is!!!" at this the kid silenced up he stopped his squirming and i let got of his mouth.

He started this spitting thing with his tongue which quickly became laughing.

"AhahahaHAHAHAH! Your a fucking faggot!"

I rolled my eyes the kid was 10 for god sakes how the hell did he know these words, let alone laughing at me for asking where a gay bar was. How did he know what a gay bar was?! God this kid was pissing me off!

"Shut-up squirt! Where's the bar?!"

But the kid just kept on laughing. repeating the word 'faggot'. I could just never win could I?

Finally Kennedy had to come in. She walked up to the kid. She was only 4 inches at most, taller then the kid. And she was wearing combat boots but she pretty much towered over him with her glare that made Silva shit her shorts.

She took out the lollipop and dropped in on the floor the crushing it on the floor. She picked up the kid's arm and twisted it behind his back. Almost instantly he started to whimper and cry.

"I take shits bigger then your head, Tell him where the bar is." She twisted it more and a pure screech came from the small boy.

"It's on the corner between the O'Rielly's Irish bar and an apartment! GAHhh let go you bitch!"

Kennedy smiled and twisted one last time for shits and giggles then let him go. The kid ran faster then i think i have ever seen a 10 year old run. Stupid shit. You mess with Kennedy you get the boots.

"I hate kids." Kennedy mumbled kicking a rock into the gutter.

Pretty soon where were walking threw the slums of New York. Dark alley ways and large trash cans. I could almost count on my fingers how many creepy looking pedophiles came up to Joy and try to drag her with them. But Kennedy Kicked 'em all in the balls and sent them crying for their mommy.

I was twice as scared as Kennedy or Joy.
Joy was used to being picked off she was pretty cute and vulnerable looking and counting on her mother being a stripper and her father being a drag queen the on-stage effect was clearly visible during times such as these. she just sort of secretly led them on with out even saying two words to them. I had no idea how she did it.

We started to see a light up sign that read O'Reilly's. It looked like a clean place much not get all that much action seeing as the business around it looked dead. But when we turned the corner the Jack of Hearts was right in front of us. With about ten million lights and neon signs. It Hurt my eyes to look at it for more then 10 seconds at a time.

"Welcome!" Some Guy in a show girls-outfit waved and smiled brightly with a gay sounding voice. You know what those sound like right? Because i have no idea how to describe it. "We have a show going on at the bar seating. Would you like that or the table seating?" He was already gathering menus then looked up at me to give me a teasing wink.

I started to blush, only because i wasn't used to being hit on by boys. It wasn't revolting or anything just uncomfortable.

"We want table seating I think." Kennedy yelled over the loud techno in the background. Considering we weren't of drinking age Kennedy took the right rout. The Host...Hostess lead us in and sat us down at a neon pink table with leopard print booth. I looked around the walls were black. So it looked like the bar went on forever into endless night. While the lining of the ceiling was the same obnoxious neon pink as the table. Some big Old poles shot of of the ceiling like alien weapons and landed on a really high placed stage. With the same Black and pink pipping as the walls.

Some young men, Maybe in there twenties were spinning on the poles in a feminine fashion. All of them having matching fringe cocktail dresses that hit about mid thigh, with some stilettos and fishnets. Their faces all painted with heavy make-up. I tried my hardest not to laugh at the amazing dancing skills. Because they were fucking good at dancing.

"Hey Sexy."

I jumped a little out of my chair. The voice was close to my ear and it pretty much scared me shit less. I looked to see a different guy one that wasn't actually crossed dressed completely. He looked pretty average actually.

"Sorry to scare ya sweetie, can I get you and your lady friends somthing to drink." He leaned all his weight to one leg and gave me a smile. Then I realised he looked almost exactly like Silvia the day she tried to get in my pants. That was the exact way she stood as she tried to hook up with me! I laughed a little harder then I think the guy expected.

"Oh ya sure, can I get a bloody Mary?" I crossed my fingers beneath the table hopping he was;t going to card me. I could here Joy and Kennedy hold their breath.

"Sure sweets." The waiter scratched somthing on his pad. "What can I get for you two lovelies?"

"I'll take what he's having." Her eyes still wide with some surprised look.

"Me too." Said Joy. I think Kennedy was right about her inner rebellion.