Saint Vanity


I smiled all crooked like. Only because i could tell the guy was overjoyed with my compliment. Which kinda made me even more sick, because seeing that guy smile with all that mascara on was making my stomach turn.

Don't take this the wrong way. Im all for free expression, But when i have to sit there and lie about how it 'rocked' and wot not...well lets just say maybe I'm prejudice against people over 40 with free expression.

Mr. Schultz looked around as if his lost a sock or somthing then he pulled somthing out of his stiletto. "Here Kennedy, Sid, You guys are wonderful friends to my baby girl here. Im really not a very good dad and well..."

He handed $100 bill. I pretty much dropped it when i realized how much it was. WHAT THE HELL WAS HE PAYING US FOR!?

"...I just wanted to make it up to you, I suppose its the only way i can really thank you for watching over my joy."

Kennedy looked at the money like she had never seen so much at one time. But thats really not true I'm sure she's been shopping with Todd once and awhile. That kid could drown in his inheritance. but speaking of Todd. I started to wonder what the sonofabitch was doing for all this time. Maybe looking in the mirror or watching porn. There are many ways to waste time but Todd only know about 2. We probably were to meet him at the hotel about 2 hours ago but then again he never said what hotel....or maybe he did and i wasn't listening either way we were hopefully causing the little pain in the ass some pain.

After a large search party of me Kennedy and Adelade/Mr.schultz we able to find Joy who was checking out all the strange and flamboyant costumes Mr.schultz had...or excuse me WANTED to wear. Joy seemed to be enjoying ever second she spent with her little cross-dressing daddy. It was really pretty cute.

She would come over and give her dad a hug and he would squeeze her tight and they wouldn't let go for a whole minute or so. joy would blush when she asked him questions of the men he was seeing lately. And if any might get to meet her. It was the most twisted family reunion anyone had ever seen, But in a way it was more real then anything i had seen even in person.

After about another 45 mineuts of chitter-chatter from Mr.Schultz and Joy. We decided we shouldn't keep Todd-pussy-boy waiting to long in his little masturbation cell to much longer.

Mr.Schultz now in complete drag again was getting ready for his next performance. He came over and gave Joy a kiss on the cheek. "You sure you don't want to stay with me Hun?"

Joy just chuckled and squeezed Mr. Schultz tight. "No dad! i have a road trip to get back to. But I'll tell mom your still alive and stuff, Oh and dad good luck out there."

"Pfft* i don't need luck! I got sex appeal my dear. Now you kids can't walk back in the dark so I have arranged a ride for you 3. You are to ride with Pride. Joy's stepbrother.

Oh jeez he had to be kidding Pride and Joy? I rolled my eyes. I blinked again and saw Mr. SCHultz's announced over the loud speaker as an Adelaide and Then we walked out to the emergency exit to see a black mercedes.

"HEY JOY!" A blond curly haired guy ,6'3 came out of the drivers seat. Must be pride. He smiled all white perfect teeth and ran up to give Joy a big bear hug.
"PRIDE!" more hugs. "I haven't seen you since i was seven! Wow you got tall!"

"Ya i grew since i was ten ha-ha." Then 'Pride', God i feel bad for the kid his name is terrible. But right there Pride got a look at Kennedy. And i was like Christmas I swear, There were goddamn Christmas lights in that guys eyes. He swooped right over to her like a vulture to pray and took her up in his arms and i could almost put money on the fact that he sniffed her hair.

I bunched my fists together. That guy better get his nose out of Kennedy's hair, Or he wont have a nose.

"Wow, who are you?" He said in one of those whispers characters do in TV shows before they have sex or fool around.

"....I-Im Kennedy." That moment, Kennedy's eyes sparkled and It was the first time she hesitated speech....well ever. My fists drooped and I looked at that Pride guy again. I wanted to put his perfect curly hair into a meat grinder! Doesn't he Know Kennedy hates it when Guys feel her up. His filthy hands were all over her. caressing her skin in all places hands could travel. My hands felt numb. And I realized that i couldn't have this guy drive me back to a hotel what if he raped Kennedy on the way!?

What if she wanted it...

"Okay, Lets go already!" I pushed him off Kennedy with one big shove he was taller then me by about a good 6 inches. The guy was huge. He looked down at me with a smirk That saw right through my tough guy act.

"And You must be?"

"hungry and tired so can we please go?!" I pushed past him and tried to open the car door, but failed miserably because the bastard locked the car.

He pressed the little unlock button on the key. He only chuckled and opened the door for me. "Sorry about that Hungry and Tired."

AT this Kennedy chuckled. and slid into the seat behind beside me. Joy Got in shot-gun and Pride started in the Drivers seat. And we drove off into the new york night scene. Which was surprisingly Quite. Usually in all those movies about New York everything is always busy and light up but it seemed like in the city that never sleeps. 99% of them were actually sleeping.

Joy sat up in her seat with a big smile. "So Pride. Hows life as an actor?"

"Its actually going wonderfully. Im getting a part in a toothpaste commercial." Yeah those teeth could blind a blind guy.

"OOO how exiting! Any women in your life?"

"...There might be." He took a long look at Kennedy. He smiled his perfect little smile and went back to watching the road which i might add, every good driver should do. I realized I was clenching my fists again. This Guy pissed me off more then Todd! If i see him look at Kennedy like a piece of meat again. I'll make him wish he was never born! He rolled up his sleeves to show off guns as perfect as he smile.

I closed my eyes and thought back on how to make him wish he was never born. Maybe i could trick him into drinking Cyanide or somthing.

"I Think i might want a different kind of woman." Ooooh watch out world! Pride Shultz just used the word woman for Kennedy! Who is clearly still a girl.

"Can we have some music or somthing!?" I yelled. I can't stand this, Kennedy shouldn't have this white trash talking to her like this.

"Sidney! Stop being so rude!" Kennedy yelled my way. Kennedy just ate up his bullshit like coco puffs all this 'I want a different kind of woman." Shit she bought it all! She just smiled and listened to his perfect pretty boy voice.

I laid my head against the car window and tried to drown out Pride hitting on Kennedy. I tried only to listen to the silence on the other end of the window. I had a little day dream of me being the newest new york super hero, Nose-bleed-boy, and i was saving Kennedy from being seduced by the evil Dr. Brite-smile and his blinding teeth of doom.
I didn't finish it though because as soon as i got done thinking about Kennedy's outfit my mind drifted somewhere i don't want to go into to much detail with but its not to hard to guess where my mind went, because I'm a dude and its inevitable.