Saint Vanity


I closed my eyes counted to 10. Then i opened them, and guess what ! Everyone was still there staring at me. Except for Joy because the poor girl had already started crying.

Pride comforted Joy with a rub on the arm. Nauseating smile pointed my way. I hope you burn in hell Pride, I hope you burn in hell. I can honestly say i hate the kid more then Todd which is saying a lot, but I suppose now that me and Todd are on better grounds. But thats probably just because I'm buying him shit.

"Well I need to make she isn't being raped against her will." I said.

Kennedy scoffed. "Pfffft it wouldn't be against my will."

I nudged her and spoke through my teeth like a pro. "You not helping."

Kennedy shrugged and looked back at Pride. Its one of those sick sadist things, she likes watching people fight over her. It doesn't happen to often. She isn't normally the cause of all the testosterone. Usually its me and Todd, and she has the last slice of pizza but can't decide who to give it to. She likes to see how bloody the fight gets. Can you blame her. I have to say, though, i always win regardless that i already have her favor. I just like another reason to push Todd in the dirt.

Pride got up next to Kennedy in the laundry hot tub and started giving her a back rub.
"Honestly Sidney, I don't really like you. Your extremely rude, and well, frumpy."

"I AM NOT FRUMPY!!!" That's a lie right there. But when people call me names i still get all wound up tight. Man that kid is asking for it. I don't play Prince Charming, but i sure as hell can play dragon like no other mother.

I looked over at Joy who was practically on her knees praying none of us would get hurt and how we should all eat rainbows and smiles and play house and retard games. But I will admit that playing house was sort of fun...But me and Gilly were like 5.

Pride stood up to his full height which was like Shaq size. Man! When did I get the short end of the stick on height? Maybe i was just an abnormally short dragon, yeah.

I scowled at him with all my might that usually scared off children raging 5-8. And Pride was about 8 in maturity right?....Would that make me like 2?

"Listen kid, I don't care if your Joy's brother or Kennedy's boy toy or....or a sleaze prostitutionalist! I don't like you, or that idiotic smile you use on everybody!"

"Wow" Pride grabbed my head and brought it closer to mine his minty perfectionist breath was on my face, pretty much burning my eyes out. Which i thought was unfair because i was supposed to be the dragon. I mean, who has ever heard of a Prince charming with fire breath. That is such an unfair advantage! "Did you just call me Kid?"

I tried blinking in the mist of winter fresh but it was making my eyes tear-up again. How dare he! "I call everybody kid."

Pride was brought my face even closer his breath scorching. "What are you my Daddy?" he pushed me hard, to almost the edge of the lime radioactive pool.

Joy looked frightened and Kennedy amused, and Todd was busy 'tanning'.

"If i was your Daddy i would have worn a dress."

Shit. i crossed the line. Pride riled back his hand and formed a fist. i closed my eyes and braced myself for the crazy malicious of pain that was headed my way.

But it never came. I opened my eyes slowly to see everyone start walking away.

Kennedy arm in arm with prince Charming potential Nazi baby in her stomach. Looking back at me and rolling her eyes.

Joy quickly slapped the back of my head. "OWWIE HEY! WHAT THE BIG IDEA?!"

Joy tried an evil glare at me but it just turned rotten with mascara drips down her doll like face. "Sid how could you say that about my father."

She turned around an quickly caught up with Ken and Prince charming.

I don't need them so what i crossed the line. They didn't even know what I've been through today. Well Fuck them. If they wanna get lies from a that phony ass Pride, well I'm not gonna stop them. I go walk over to Todd who missed the 'avoid Sid' memo, and was currently starting to smell like burning flesh. Poor kid I like him so much better then Prince Phony It's depressing.

"Hey Todd." I gaze into his aviators, seeing my reflection looking back. "Wanna go somewhere?"

Todd took off his shades and looked around. "What happened to everybody."

I thought it best not to tell him what happened. "I'm feeling like going to a club or somthing."

Todd looked at me giving a confused look. Glancing at his watch, he put his aviators back on and resettled himself in the recliner. "Its like 8am Sid. Clubs are like empty now."

I sat down at the end of his Chair. "Please Todd anywhere i really don't care I just wanna get out of here."

"Is there somthing wrong with the sunlight? Or maybe New York? Or maybe its the entire continental U.S that has you fucked. Honestly Sid, Your becoming a real pain in the ass."

I looked back to see if Kennedy would have stayed back for me, but I guess she would rather be with the phony prince getting some. Then hanging with me and ...not getting any.

"I think I'm screwed up Todd."

Todd chuckled. "Well no shit Sherlock."

"Todd why the hell do i hang out with you, your demeaning you know that?"

Todd shrugged. "Kennedy's worse then I am. And you hang out with her everyday."

I guess thats true. But at least she had meaning behind most of it. Todd did it like he was trying to sound better then me. "Please Todd."

He sighed his little oh-woe-is-me sigh. "Where do you want to go? Somewhere reasonable please."

I give him a pout lip. Have i ever given him reason to doubt me? Okay just because he picked me up today from bail doesn't count.

"We could go to gay parade!" I was totally kidding


"Well, lets face it Todd you did miss the greatest transvestite karaoke night last night. Before you freaked out because of some stupid cockroaches." I sat Indian style. Wait maybe you people out there don't call it that. Oh well, that criss-cross apple sauce style.

Todd nodded. "You saw them though, and they looked visious." he still shivered a little.

"Hey Todd, can i ask you a personal question."

"No, were not having butt-sex Sid, I'm a lesbian."

"No I'm serious here." And i was, I wanted to know what he thought about the situation.

Todd took his aviators off again. Which left a wicked tan line right over the bags in his eyes, I guess the sleep he had wasn't as good as it looked.

I turned to him and took a deep breath I realise that at one time, i was actually close to Todd. But now it seems sorta, well like a lie. Who could be close to some one so stark-arrogant and mean. they might but Hitler down a rank on insulting people.

But Anyways i was going to try. It was the least i could do.

"What do you think of Gilly?" In all honesty I didn't even know what I thought about her just that she go more and more present in my mind every day.

"I think she's to Hot for you." Todd smiled when he said this but i could tell he was kidding. Which was a good thing actually the best thing i had heard from him since the beginning of the trip.

"So Sid i think we better go get somthing to eat while we talk because frankly, I'm running out of sun tan lotion."
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i honestly am sorry this took so long for an update i really have been studying my ass off and learning about jack the ripper who by the way is the coolest person ever.