Saint Vanity


The rest of the day I felt like a real outsider. Kennedy was being quite which was pretty strange. But I could almost put money on the fact that she was thinking about how her house would suck with Gilly there. We stood in the lunch line where they serve hamburgers everyday and everyday we were there to buy them.

The hamburgers here were completely disgusting but if you have it enough you become completely addicted. Like an acquired taste or somthing. But I'm pretty sure this was the kind of acquired taste that could eventually lead to heart failure.

But anyways Kennedy and I were just standing in line when this kid behind us kept making this rustling noise. It was about the third or forth rustle when I finally turned around to yell "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" When I saw he was pretty much digging through Kennedy's backpack! And Kennedy didn't even notice.

So I socked him a thick one. Right across the nose. Yelping in pain like the little bastard should he dropped a tube of lip gloss and some 100 calorie cookie packs. The lunch lady rolled her eyes and went back to get some more nasty-burgers.

The Kid was finally getting back up. Hand already clenched in a fist. I could see he stood maby a good five feet off the ground. Maybe five-two if he was lucky. As soon as he figured out that I was towing over him like Batman or in my case, goth celebrity-meshed kid. He backed up a bit.

Kennedy twirled her little dreadlocks around and saw the kid on the floor and the lip-gloss then my first and the kid's nose. Her mouth dropped but then was put right back up with another glare-into-your-soul face.

She grabbed the snatcher By the collar of his burberry polo and shook his goddamn brains till you could hear them rickshaw off his skull. Her lips curled into a snarl as she threw him as hard as high-heeled combat boots will let you.

She snicked and collected her lip-gloss and cookies from the dirty floor and but them in her pocket. Then she expected her burger and was right back to the old Kennedy I know and love. None of this quite stuff.

She sat down against the wall. Kennedy liked being alone. Which was really the opposite of her personality which was more like bubbly and opinionated. But that's where we sat at lunch up against the walls, like criminals. Just they way we like it.

Kennedy dipped her nasty burger in a heap load of ketchup and started being Kennedy again.
"So why was that kid after Lip-gloss?" chew, chew, chew, swallow. "I mean for god sakes if he asked I would have let him use it."

I chuckled at that one. Old Kennedy, The best there is. I took a sip of some milk that was as mediocre as the lunch, and took a swig.

"Gilly, Gilly, Gilly..." Kennedy talks out loud to her self sometimes, or all the time, because most of the time her mouth is closed is for somthing important. "Are we gonna have to do somthing boring if she comes."

"No, We'll do what ever we were gonna do. Just include her i guess." I looked at my burger for a while and decided maybe today was the day to break the addiction i gave it to Kennedy who happily excepted the offering with a giggle and a chomp.

"But she's so uninteresting..."

"You don't know her how do you know she's uninteresting?" I sort of snapped this because usually in times of people judgment, Kennedy was always right. And honestly I think Kennedy had enough I-told-you-so's to fill up the dictionary.

Kennedy shrugged. "Ya but I knew her little type."

"Type." News to me. Gilly was never ever mean to me. Even when everyone else was how could Kennedy said that just because she knew what 'type' she was sorted out her entire personality.

"I'm not saying shes boring or anything, just...nothing special." She finished the first burger and looked at the milk carton and just threw the rest in the trash. The food here sucked anyways. "God you must really like this Gilly kid don't ya."

I really didn't feel like telling her the whole story so i just nodded. and said "yup."
♠ ♠ ♠
So Kennedy is an actual person that I know (and love very dearly ^-^) And I'm pretty sure she is the perfect rebel character for this story since it sorta came on a whim. I made her a little bitchier for this story cuz I wanted her to feel a bit jealous about being snot-shots best friend. But even though 'best-friend' is such a kindergarten expression. It does still mean a lot to be called one and hurts a whole lot more when your replaced by one.

I brought this concept by on her because even though she seems tougher then Sid. He is still her life vest too. And I thought the best way for her to show that she cares about him too was through jealousy and so far I think it worked out delectably (: ^B)