Saint Vanity


My bus was like a ghost town. I really hated it. You walked on and suddenly every one on there just stops talking and starts watching every move you make. They just stare and stare. Not like Kennedy does, but more like a baby does. Like when babies just stare at you because maby you look interesting, or just because you happened to be behind some one who's holding it.

Well it was like a sin if somone started talking so the whole bus is as silent as the cemetary on Christmas. dead silent. So you mosey your little ass to the back of it all and knock your head on the window and keep it there until you have gone so deep into your own thoughts that you forget your on the shuttle to prison. Or at least that's what every one did.

But Today I was going on Kennedy's bus. Her bus was like a never ending party. You stepped on and it was like everyone already knew you from last time, which was partly true but it was mostly the weed they were smoking because, in all honesty no one was that happy to see me every Friday.

So after school let out I stepped over to my favorite spot on that pretty little wall with the graffiti on it and twirled my cigarette like I did that morning. I watched for Gilly, But saw everyone but her, I saw Silvia and the rest of the never-virgins crowd around a brand new American Lit. teacher who was in his early twenties, perfect new Silvia bait.

I looked for Gilly's posse of pretty girls but only found one madly kissing a boy from my gym class. Where was Gilly, was she sick? Having detention? Helping a debate team?
None of those really sounded reasonable except maby helping a debate team but even Gilly wouldn't do that.

The stream of kids got thicker and thicker and I was scrambling over people to see if Gilly was coming out. No where to be seen. I could feel an arm pulling at me.
"Common Douche bag!" Kennedy yelled as she dragged me to her party bus.

The ride was a real wonder. High powered techno music blasted out the windows the entire ride. kid's I knew only as acquaintances gave me friendly punches and good jokes. If only I could remember what their names were I would have a real party with them maybe at a house somtime. But I really felt it wouldn't be the same if we got to know each other and all.

Me Joy and Kennedy all got off at her house and we saw Todd stand against a sign and look at his overly shinny ring.


Kennedy popped open a grape soda can and to a slurp. "Todd what were you doing yesterday? You weren't at school and it was a Thursday! Didn't you tell me you would never miss a Thursday?!"

Todd was laughing all over the place rolling around and trying to straighten his button up shirt that was said to be 'all class but half arsed.' "Oh my gawd you guys will never wanna know where I was!"

"Aw when can take it Todd your not that messed up." Joy cocked her head and let her pretty blue eyes peak out from a strand of bleach blond hair.

Todd sighed and sat up straight wiping an imaginary tear from his eye. "I was getting laid."

Kennedy's eyes got all big and round. "Your kidding..."


"That's Bullshit!" Kennedy spat. "All the girls are in school on a Thursday anyways!"

"Not the collage ones." Todd said slyly. His grin trying not to hide an exited chuckle.

"Todd! That is the shit! I bet Sid's in complete and utter jealousy!" Joy squealed. Jumping around and messing up Todd's perfectly shampooed hair.

"....Sid?...SID!" Kennedy made a fist and knocked on my head like a front door. "Hello, anyone home?"

But I was kinda in a frazzled mood right now thinking about how I couldn't find Gilly so she could be hear and all about How emaressed I was with my bleeding.

Kennedy shrugged. "Well he had Silvia Sweet today. She was practically dry humping him before I came and told her what a slut she was."