Saint Vanity


Now I know I could never be sick of Kennedy. She was always honest. ALWAYS. And basically if you shun honesty, your gonna end up like those people who go into premature melt downs only because they have been living a lie all their lives. But with Kennedy you always got it blunt.

me: Do I have greasy hair?

Kennedy: yeah numb nuts! use conditioner!

Me: So when people say I'm cute...

Kennedy: They lie.

Me: Thanks.

End of conversation. because now i know my hair needs conditioner and I'm ugly. i wouldn't know that if I asked Todd.

Todd: Oh, Sid your hair looks.....very shiny today.

Me: That's because Kennedy said It was Greasy.

Todd: . . .

Me: She said I need conditioner.

Todd: It should maby have a light and fluffy consistency but don't go with the color treated stuff, it eventually makes your hair grey.

Me: so I need conditioner?

Todd: The non-color enhancing kind.

Me: but conditioner right?

Todd: your hair looks different today....

You get the picture. But right now when Kennedy talked about Silvia, I could almost see the jealousy bleed out. It was strange because with Kennedy she was practically a walking opinion and if you didn't like it you were a fag. Or end up with a bruise the size of new zealand.

"Isn't that right Sid, that Hoe biscuit was all over you." She shook her dreads and crossed her arms. Her eyes threatening my answer.

I took a deep breath."Ya she was, Don't be jealous of her though, she's trash."

But Kennedy didn't take it well. No not at all. first her eyes bulged out like she could believe i said 'jealous' and 'Silvia' in the same sentence along with the thought 'Kennedy'. Then her little fists curled up. and her jaw got all tight and scary.


Joy sat up and put a tiny hand to her mouth. Todd grabbed her arm and gave me a look that said 'oh-you-done-it-now.'

The room basically heated up with the boiling of Kennedy's blood. "I'LL SHOW YOU JELOUS, YOU FUCKING BASTARD! I DIDN'T HAVE TO SAVE YOU! I COULD HAVE LET YOU FALL INTO HER TRAP!" She shook Todd off. With a growl. and stomped twords me.

I swallowed hard. The last thing you wanted was Kennedy's short little temper out for you. It really was so much better when you were on the side she was, considering you wouldn't be mistaken for meatloaf after it was over.

She took a shot at me, kicked me hard in the old bat n' balls. And I sank like the goddamn titanic.

Todd silently thanking god. It wasn't him. and Joy was still sitting there speachless. Because It really wasn't often that Kennedy took her anger out on me. Actually I was the last person she would give a beating to. Which is what really left me in the most shock. (let alone the undeniable physical pain!) So when Kennedy stormed off to the bathroom. People were worried.

After the door was slammed, and Kennedy's ear's were immune to our conversation, Todd started asking:

"What the hell was that?"

I tried getting up but failed miserably so laid there and shrugged. "You think i saw that one coming?"

Todd shook his head. "I know she has a temper but damn, that was the tiniest set off I have ever seen."

"Well maybe she has PMS." I guessed because, well because!

Joy rolled her eyes at that one. "She probably has somthing bothering her like home life maybe. Ever thought she might be reaching out for help but is still to afraid to admit she needs it?"

Me and Todd looked at each other and at the same time we both said: "No." because we never thought of that. I mean who thinks of that? I sure don't.

"Isn't that Dr. Phil's job." I said slowly trying to forget the pain below. (OUCHHHH!) ya, It wasn't easy.

Todd slapped me upside the head. "No you idiot Dr. Phil does broken marriages and adultery stuff."

"Maybe we should have a friend intervention. with just us and figure out whats bothering her." Joy's eye's were pleading. And Todd who had an undying love for Joy. emidiately agreed.

And then there was me after a moment of silence "Fine."

And Kennedy walked out of the bathroom with a Sean the sheep back pack and her combat boots.