Saint Vanity


"Were going away." Kennedy said.

Todd raised an eyebrow. Maybe he was humoring her, but I wouldn't count on it.

"Well you heard me. Go home, pack shit, and meet me back here." Kennedy put her hands on here hip and tossed some dreads around.
She was dead serious. And when Kennedy was serious nobody questions their seriousness.

Joy raised her little hand. "Can I ask why where were going?"

Kennedy smiled. "Yes you may Joy, dear."

"...where are we going."

Kennedy smiled maliciously. "Have you ever heard of vacation? Well I think its about time I've had one. how about you guys."

I raised my hand next, I would have just yelled out but the way i was hit just now made me realise that it wasn't worth it, and that i should just obey Kennedy law.

"Um Its the middle of the school year can't we just wait. You know, till Christmas break."

Kennedy glared at me. The same glare she gave Silvia sweet. She stalked over to me fists clenched. I was just about to kneel down and pray but she whispered in my ear.

"We are going on vacation, school can fucking wait."

I just shut right up.

"Alright everyone pack up and meet me here in this room by 11:00 tonight. or we are leaving with out you." She walked back to the middle of the room. back at her place on center stage.
I would go see a play with Kennedy in it. Even If She wasn't my best friend. Shes just one of those souls bred for Broadway. Even if they beleive acting is a waste of time.


I was walking down my neighborhood street. dark houses. I looked at my batman watch i got out of a cereal box. 9:46. I sighed and looked at the super-suburbia that was my neighborhood. And really hoped none of the to-friendly-neighbors come out of there perfect cookie cutter houses and ask me: 'how i was doing in school.' or some said excuse for small talk.

Or even worse the Neighborhood cop. You know how bad it would be to have your father be a cop. I mean he could be the nicest man in the world but if hes a cop, hes got duties and shit. If your his kid you would be practically locked in your house ever Friday night with a secret booze shelf or something.

Because if you have regular parents they would probably yell a lot and lock up the booze. And then act like they never did it when they were your age, which is like a fat lie! But If your dad is a Goddamn cop. . .Well you might have to go to jail or somthing. I dunno maybe alcoholics anonymous! But it would just suck to know the cop that turned you in right?

I was just crossing Gilly's house. I was still pissed that I couldn't even ask Gilly to come today. So I just looked up at her house fer a bit. Thinking about How pretty she looked today.
Just then i felt somthing wet touch my lip I wiped it off. until i figured out it was another nose bleed.

God I'm so fed up with my problems.

I heard a crash from inside Gilly's house.
"Oh fuck." I ran into one of there bushes. I thought they might have thought I threw somthing at there house maby? I can't even remember why jumping in the bushes was a good idea but still I'm in Gilly's bushes.

Then it occurred to me that Gilly's bedroom window was right above me. Oh God, maby she was like changing or somthing...What I can dream right?

But i looked up and I blushed when I saw the light on. Then my mind started racing. Oh man Please let her be up there. And please don't let her see me. I stood out there on the lawn and watched her window. I saw somone move around in there.
best case scenario:

A)It was Gilly in there and she getting ready for a shower a.k.a taking off her clothes

B) she was watching porn in her underwear and was all hot and heavy and just, decided to look out the window to find yours truly.

Or c) She was with a hot blond girl making out...etc.

ya like i said i can dream if I wanna.

But just then her window was opening. I was frozen solid, like a deer in head lights. How was going to explain why I was right under bedroom window, with a nose bleed.
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I saw that fall out boy music video right before writtikng this, the one with that kid who has a camera and is watching that girl change. ya. that one.