Perfection With Some Flaws

Intros and Sound Check

“Check, check…”

I let those words swirl around my head for a bit before reacting. I was still dead tired, yet here I was at sound check, something completely unnecessary for my vitals. I should be sleeping.

“Everything good there, Paul?”

I sighed, rubbing my face. What time was it? Where am I? Most importantly, who broke the goddamn espresso machine at Starbucks?

“Raq, what the hell? You’re supposed to be watching my moves. Now, tell me… this? Or this?”

I stared at the sandy-haired, blue-eyed indie rockstar who was currently shaking his ass in front of me. It was such a pathetic attempt at making me laugh, but it did nonetheless.

“Paul, I have no reason to be here… let me go to sleep.”

I crossed one arm in front of me, biting the cuff of my sweater on the other. He sighed and walked towards me, uncrossing my arm and stopping my bad nervous habit. He smiled and ruffled the stupid hat he’d plunked onto my head this morning.

“I’m just trying to keep your schedule,” he teased, throwing the hat in my face. I yanked it off and threw it at him as he walked back onto the stage.

“Damn you Paul! I should have just taken the summer session at school,” I glared at him, thinking back on the decision that led to my being here.

“Psh, you would not be having this much fun at NYU.” He played a quick riff on his guitar and grinned to his bandmate, Daniel. Daniel grinned back and laughed at the fact that I was now shuffling from foot to foot, trying to wake my body up.

“Yeah, plus you wouldn’t be able to give all the latest gossip to the mortals if you had.”

I rolled my eyes at that. Damn their celebrity status. It was because of them that I was known as a “socialite.” I had a damn following and everything. It wasn’t all that bad really, except for the privacy thing. I’d rather not have people sending me snickerdoodle cookies through Capitol Records and EMI. I’m not signed to either of them and they forward my mail to me.

Guess you’re wondering who this mysterious person is. Who am I? Why am I so famous, in a way? Well, my name’s Raquelle Banks, step-sister to indie rock “god” Paul Banks of Interpol.

Not only that, but I’ve also been seen hanging around with Josh and Zac Farro from Paramore. That’s because they’re my cousins.

And John Frusciante of Red Hot Chili Peppers fame is my uncle. No joke.

Oh, and my best friend, Alicia, got married to Mikey Way. Yes, of My Chemical Romance.

You’d think this was a scripted mass of fiction, but no it’s my life.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to attempt to be the normal person I wish I could be.

And to find a really strong caffeine fix.
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Really blah intro...

Anyway, this is the latest thing I have that I wanted to post, so here it goes. I'll try to update soon!