Perfection With Some Flaws

Sweet Dreams, Interrupted

“Raq! Raqie-poo! Where are you?”

I rolled over at Carlos’ voice. I had managed to sneak away from the arena and back onto the bus, where I was currently trying to will sleep to wash over me. Suddenly, the curtain was pulled back and a large flashlight thrown in my face. I groaned.

“Raquelle Imogene Banks! What are you doing sleeping at this hour?” Carlos clucked, obviously trying to do his best impression of my mother. I stared up at him, shaking my head.

“I was trying to catch up on sleep, since you assholes kept me up last night blasting your freaking game of Rock Band.”

He grinned, “Isn’t it funny how we find such joy in a video game that simulates what we do for a living.”

“It’s hilarious,” I grumbled, turning over and covering my head with my pillow. He yanked it out of my hands and grinned again.

“Anyway, what I was going to tell you is that tomorrow we start playing the festival circuit. Exciting huh?”

“Extremely. Let me celebrate by going back to sleep.”

“No, no, you can’t do that…” Carlos grabbed my best friend, Mr. Moochy, and threw it to Sam, who had chosen that moment to appear.

“No! Mr. Moochy!” I jumped out of bed, trying to grab my stuffed cow back from Sam. No luck. In throwing it back to Carlos, they started an improptu game of Monkey in the Middle.

“Hey, what’s up, guys?” Paul and Daniel walked into the bunk area, grinning at the scene laid out before them. Assholes.

“Hey!” Sam and Carlos greeted, allowing me to grab Mr. Moochy from Carlos and roll back onto my bunk. The guys all turned to look at me.

“Raq, really? Really? You’re going back to sleep?” Daniel questioned.

“She said we kept her up yesterday playing Rock Band.”


There was awkward silence before the guys started yelling about who would get to play what instrument on the game this time. I sighed and dragged myself out of my bunk.

“What are we doing today guys?”

“Thought you’d never ask…"
♠ ♠ ♠
more filler...


It will be better... I promise.