Perfection With Some Flaws

Honesty is the Best Policy

I began telling Daniel everything, from meeting Jon to lying about my name so he wouldn’t recognize me and judge to being smitten at first sight to not believing that I had fallen for another guy in a band. Again. Daniel listened as we walked back to the bus, fortunately not seeing the guys as we went. Once we were on the bus, we sat down and I waited for his response.

“Wow.” A man of many words.

“Yeah, I just really liked him as soon as I saw him, as superficial as that sounds, and I didn’t want him to think I was some attention whore. Now that I know he’s in a band, it’s frustrating. I just met him and there’s already a flaw.” I sighed and leaned on his shoulder, staring at the wall. I felt his head move and look down at me.

“A flaw?” I could hear a tinge of annoyance in his voice.

“Dan the man, please don’t take it that way,” I sighed, hoping his egotistical nickname would cheer him up. I was glad to feel his muscles relax a bit as he slumped back a bit and wrapped his arm around me comfortingly. I was glad he was my best friend, so that talking about this wasn’t awkward in the least.

“Raq, you need to stop living your life with limitations. I know that you think that not dating band members will solve your problems, but it won’t. You keep falling for them and simply hurting yourself, something you were trying to avoid. Maybe you should give Jon a chance.”

I looked up at him, his face in a wide smile. I shrugged.

“But what about the guys I’ve dated? Bert McCracken, Anthony Green…” I started rambling off the list of guys I’d dated. Daniel shook his head.

“Okay, they were all assholes. I told you. They were cocky lead singers, worst guy you can find in a band.” I giggled and he smiled. “Yeah, even Paul can be an ass, you know that. Jon doesn’t seem that way, so he probably plays guitar.” He showed me his profile proudly, as if expecting me to take a picture. I took a fake picture with my fingers and giggled some more.

“Okay, Daniel. Thank you.”

He hugged me, “You’re like my sister. I just want you to be happy.”

“Paul, I’m telling you, Daniel and Raq are doing some kinky shit behind our backs,” Carlos, Paul and Sam entered the bus, carrying food and drinks, mostly grabbed from the food tent set up for all the bands. Carlos set the food in his hands down and smirked at the two of us. Paul and Sam ignored him and began splitting everything up.

“Here, Raq. Daniel. We brought you two some food,” Sam motioned to the containers on the counter, walking to the table with his own. Paul followed, meanwhile Carlos plopped down next to me, promptly digging into his food. I looked over and began picking at it as he ate.

“Hey! Get your own damn food!” he exclaimed, swatting my arm away. I smiled, eating the piece of steak I had stolen.

“But I like your food better…” I began reaching towards it again, but he got up and went to sit by Sam. I noticed Daniel was already sitting next to Paul, halfway through his food. I grabbed my box of food and started towards the bunk area, Daniel’s words still running through my mind.
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I've been away for awhile, I know. Honestly, lots of things have changed lately and I'm still getting used to it all. Also, not having any inspiration isn't helping. I'm trying, but I've never been very reliable on updates because school, marching band and having a life come first. Sorry, guys, but updates most likely will be scattered and random. If that's not cool with you, sorry. I'm sure there are plenty of other authors on here who update when they say they will.

If you're still interested in this, I'm going to continue for you. Just know that sometimes life kicks my ass and it's hard for me to get back up.