Perfection With Some Flaws

Unexplained Wrongdoings

Screams erupted from everywhere as I walked through the tents at Boomer Fest. I was thankful they weren’t for me, but for the bands taking the stage. I rushed around, trying to find any good deals I could before rushing off to see Panic at the Disco. Call me obsessed, but there was something about Jon that captivated me and I couldn’t figure it out.

As I made my way over to the main stage where they would playing, with Interpol right after them, I was stopped by two guys who simply stared. I did the same.


“It is Raquelle Banks! I told you! Interpol is here, dude! It’s her!” One of them exclaimed, practically jumping at his discovery. The other stood there dumbfounded. I smiled at them and started to walk away, but Mr. Excitable stopped me again.

“Can we take a picture with you? Please?”

“Sure,” I nodded, watching as the guy stopped a couple and handed his camera to them, meanwhile his friend still stood there. The guy came over, tugging his friend along, and stuck his thumbs up in the air, a stupid expression on his face. I resisted the urge to laugh, instead letting a big smile form on my face. Once the photo stop was done with, I walked the few feet to the area where Panic at the Disco was performing. There was already a huge crowd gathered, so it was difficult trying to get to the front. I pushed past people, trying to get as close as possible, getting mixed reactions from the surrounding masses. I found a spot a bit to the right of the stage, where people seemed to be claiming breathing room, since there was huge gaps between people. It seemed that the mob hadn’t realized that instead of all squeezing into the middle, they could be stage side if they looked. Not bothering with wondering how the masses processed their thoughts, I plopped down and waited for the band to come on.

It was ten minutes before the boys finally took the stage. I smiled a bit when Jon took his place almost directly in front of me. I congratulated myself on my stage detection skills and got ready for them to begin. I noticed Brendon stop in the middle of the stage, grabbing the microphone with a ferocity I hadn’t expected. Two other guys I hadn’t met took their places as drummer and guitarist and the concert started without a word. The mob in front of them screamed in recognition as they started their first song. I didn’t know it, but it didn’t last long, since they smoothly transitioned to a song I had heard, Nine in the Afternoon, much to my surprise. I had no idea this was them, it was different from that other song, the one about being tragic or something.

Brendon had a slightly evil smirk plastered on his face as he looked at his band mates, before looking at the crowd in front of him.

“Hello Los Angeles! How are you doing tonight?”

The screams erupted again, a few girlish ‘I love you!’ shrieks sneaking in every five seconds. Brendon smirked even wider, putting the microphone up to his lips.

“Aww… I love you guys too.”

The crowd went wilder. Brendon smiled and walked backwards as they launched into another song. He seemed to really like his role in the band, since he jumped around and got up the crowd’s energy, keeping them on their toes while at the same time singing his heart out. I was really enjoying it and felt right in with the rabid fans, even though they could easily beat me at any Panic at the Disco quiz.

During another one of Brendon’s talks with the crowd, I looked up at Jon, catching his eyes as he looked down to study his bass. He smiled at me and I did the same, breaking the gaze with a blush threatening my cheeks. Brendon announced a song and the crowd went wild again as the opening chords started. I perked up a bit, because it was finally the other song I knew. The mob sang along to the song, practically breaking into giggles when Brendon yelled “Fucking slut!” during the brief pause into the song. I bobbed along to the music, digging through my bag for my camera. I took it out and focused it on Jon, since the lighting behind him looked great in the darkness that had fallen.

Once I had gotten the picture, I noticed Jon slightly frown and move towards Brendon a bit. I stared at him, unsure of what I’d done, but his attempts at not meeting my gaze gave me an idea that it was wrong.
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Filler chappie. :D

Anyhoo, I'm going to try and update more often. Try being the key word. I've finally settled into my new schedule and things are going well.

Also, I lost three subscribers, I believe. How fun! They probably weren't as cool as the two I have left. So, I'm definitely going to try and make this story much better for you two and anyone else who cares to read this.

P.S. Anyone care to be a made-up celebrity and be going out with Paul? Or married to Sam? Or dealing with Carlos' craziness? Or Daniel's awesomeness? Let me know. XD