Don't Stop If I Fall


There I knelt alone in the hallway. My black and white striped binders were scattered across the floor. It was just a normal crappy school day, in my normal, crappy life. I collected my books and binders and struggled to get up. I walked through the halls, my head laying low.

“Ew…its that vampire girl…” I heard whispers as I dragged myself down the corridor. Vampire girl, my nickname that was probably written on my face, but I, myself, was unable to see it. At first I didn’t think anything of it, just a joke amongst my so-called “friends”. But then it got a little too serious, and traveled around the whole 8th grade. I don’t know how, but I do know why Vampire Girl stuck. My clothes were too dark, my music was too sad, my thoughts were too terrifying, and my life was too pathetic. THATS why Vampire Girl stuck.

I finally reached my homeroom, the first class of the day. As I sat down, I took a quick, quiet, glance around the room, only to see random people I didn’t even know moving their hands back and forth on their arms making a suggestion of slitting their wrists. Grins came upon their faces and snickers evilly made their way around the room. I stared down at my Irvine Welsh novel, a single tear falling from my eye. I could feel my black eyeliner dripping down my pale cheek. Suddenly I heard a ring, and with that just the start of hell had began.

Mr. Jones came into the room. He gripped his seating chart tightly and read off the names. My heart sunk when every “here!” was exclaimed in the silent classroom. None of them were my friends, and none of them would ever be.

“Ashley Banes?” Mr. Jones announced.

“Present!” Ashley’s high-pitched voice pierced my ears.

I turned slowly to see the girl. She pulled her perfect blond hair away from her perfect face, and gave the class a perfect smile. She looked around the classroom until she came to me. She stared as her smile went to a pout and she glared. I turned away, realizing nothing out of the ordinary had happened then. She was miss popular, goody goody, teachers pet. She was also a prep, which was something I never wanted to be, but felt I had to be to fit in. I never took that chance because Ashley was also a bitch. A good for nothing bitch. She had her so called friends, groveling at her feet, and she had everything she wanted.

More names came by and I cringed at every one of them. I reached for my Irvine Welsh book, reading the title for the twentieth time. “Ecstasy; Three Tales of Chemical Romance.” I flipped the pages of the old book.

“…Ava Strennt?” the name shocked me for a moment. The first name to sound familiar.

“Here…” I whispered shyly. I watched Mr. Jones check off my name, then I turned to the class. Glares surrounded me.

“Ms. Strennt are you okay? You look a little pale…” Mr. Jones commented.

“That’s cuz she’s afraid of the sun!” David Nicks teased behind me, poking me with the sharp side of the pencil. Whispers and giggles traveled around the class.

“Stop, that hurts!” I whispered, turning my head towards David.

“Oh, sorry, thought you liked hurting yourself, emo girl.” David whispered back and high-fived Matt McDorm who sat next to him. He continued poking me, only harder.

Finally, thank god, the bell. I ran out of the classroom as fast as I could.