Don't Stop If I Fall


“Get out!” I awoke to someone screaming rapidly in the room. I quickly opened my eyes, after feeling a quick disturbance next to me, getting up. There in the room was my mother with an angry look on her face and her hands clenched in fists. Just then, I remembered Gerard had been with me all night, and saw him standing by the side of my bed.

“Get out of her room!” my mother screamed at him.

“I-I…” Gerard Stuttered. She got closer to him as he backed up. I sat there in shock, unable to speak.

“How dare you come near my daughter, you worthless piece of garbage?! How dare you sneak into this room. I knew you were bad from the start!” she blurted out.
This made me angry. Not only had my mother implied that my best friend was worthless, but she decided to say it when she never even spent the time to meet him at all. Why was she being so cross?!

“If it wasn’t for YOU she wouldn’t be crippled right now! You little demon!”
I finally spoke up.

“How dare YOU talk to him like that?! You don’t even know him mom! You hardly even know me! He’s the only reason I’m happy now! The only reason I haven’t ended my fucking life! You were never help to me!” I yelled. I quickly sat up, almost crying from the pain I was in.

“Look at what he’s done to you! Don’t talk to your mother like that! I’ve done so much for you, and this is what I get!?” she yelled back at me. Gerard looked so confused and scared.

“No mother. you never did anything for me. It was all for ‘us’. Working all fucking day, never talking to me at all, never caring for me at all. You were and are a horrible mother. I am ashamed to be your fucking daughter!” I screamed in rage, pounding my fist on the blankets.

“You really hate me that much.” My mother stated.

“You’re the one that wants to put me up for adoption!” I blurted out, not realizing that she was unaware of my eavesdropping.

She stared at me with dagger eyes, glaring as if she could see through me. Slowly they came to a concerned look. “Why would you think such a thing? I never said that!” she said calmly. I could see right through her act.

“Oh cut the crap mother. I heard it all. You probably just want to get rid of me so YOU don’t have to worry about anyone but yourself. But I’m fine with that. You could leave me with some perverted serial killer, and I’d be happier than I am now. Just get the hell out of my life, cuz that’s where you want me to be anyway!” Finally, a nurse rushed into the room. How could these people not hear the fucking noises?! My mother broke down in fake tears and ran quickly out of the room. The screaming made me so tired. I was so weak, but I felt so good. I’ve wanted to say something to her for so long. I’ve just never been able to have the guts. I slumped back down in the hospital bed, as I looked over at Gerard, then to the nurse.
“What’s going on in here?!” the nurse screamed.

“A war,” I whispered. The nurse quietly came over to Gerard and asked him how long he had been in here. He slyly told her he had only just entered to say good morning, and that a doctor told him he could enter. She believed his story, and left the room.

“Well…that was…interesting.” He said, still looking scared out of his mind. “I’ve never seen you like that.”

“I’ve been holding it in for so long,” I whispered. He leaned over me, and brushed the hair out of my face. “I just exploded”

“That was more than an explosion,” he stated, “That was pure destruction.”

“I couldn’t take her insulting you like that. You’re the only good thing that has happened to me in a long time,” I confessed. “Gerard, I need you.”

A smile appeared on his face, he was surprised. “I won’t ever leave you.”

A sensation went through my body. He slowly hugged me for about half a minute, just hovering over the hospital bed. I wished I could hug him back, but I was so weak.

“I should go,” he sighed, “after that fiasco, you’re bound to be sore. Please, just rest, and get better soon!” He leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. As he went towards the door, I called after him.

“Gerard,” he looked over eagerly, “I love you,” I added blowing a kiss towards him.

“I love you too,” he answered, pretending to catch the kiss in his hand. He winked, as I laughed at our crappy lovey dovey skit. He exited the room and sat staring at the ceiling, thinking of what had just happened. I’ve finally found someone. He was so much more than just a friend.

He was my everything.
AUTHORS NOTE: hehe. Thanks Libby for the awesome help. Gohd I had major writers block. Kay give me atlease five comments and I’ll add more. I think I have an idea this time!!