Don't Stop If I Fall


Everyday for the next week, Gerard would come in after school and explain to me his whole day. He told me about Frank starting guitar lessons, Mikey actually enjoying art, and even Bob and Ray learning how to make more than just coffee. He told me funny stories and always remembered to tell me that he missed me there with them.

As for the rest of my time in the hospital, I went through physical therapy so I would not go paralyzed.

I wheeled myself into the same room I’d been in for 3 days now for my exercises, to find someone else in there, also.

She sat in her wheel chair, looking around at the four white walls. She put her golden hair behind her ears and gave a jerk towards the door, hearing the squeak of my wheel chair as I rolled into the room.

“Hey..” I said, making a small motion with my hand. “I’m guessing you’re going through therapy too?” she nodded her heard. “...well the doctor should be here soon. I’m Ava, by the way.”

“Jordan,” she spoke. A smile appeared on her face, and she turned away, looking up at the clock.

“So why are you here?” I said, breaking the silence between us.

“Car accident, from driving in that awful storm a few days ago.” She sighed, “you?”

“Tree,” I said flatly.

“What?!” she exclaimed. I laughed and told her all about that night. Just when I was about to ask her a few of my own questions, the doctor came in and started our exercises.

An hour later, Jordan and I ended our class and went to lunch. We sat together and talked about various things.

“This blue is so not my color,” Jordan stated, staring at the hospital outfits. “Have any black paint?” she giggled.

“Haha, I wish. These things are so gay.” I laughed. “How long are you in here for?” I asked, changing the subject.

“Till the end of this week.”

“Oh my god, me too!” I said, mocking a prep. I clapped like a little girl. We both laughed hysterically and finished our meals.

Jordan came back to my room and we hung out until around three.

Suddenly I heard a knock at the door and Gerard walked in and stopped suddenly at the sght of two girls.

“Hey Gee,” I waved.

“Is THIS the guy you were telling me about?” Jordan asked as she checked Gerard out, jokingly. I blushed as Gerard smiled.

“Well, hi to you both.” He turned toward Jordan, “I guess you already know a lot about me, now tell me who you are,” he said.

“This is Jordan, we met in physical therapy,” I explained. Jordan waved a little.

“Sweet, nice to meet you,” Gerard implied, sticking out his hand. Suddenly shock came to Gerard’s face. “Oh crap, I almost forgot!” he exclaimed, reaching into his misfits backpack. He pulled out a folded up, squared piece of paper and handed it to me.

“It’s from all the guys, we miss you terribly.” He said with a smile.

I opened the folded paper and read at the top: “Get Well Soon.” Underneath was a bunch of little pictures, drawn by each guy and labeled with their name. Frank drew skittles with a sad face by them, Bob drew a…deformed…flower and wrote underneath “I don’t know, girls like flowers I think,” with a dead happy smiley face next to it. Mikey drew coffee [of course], Ray drew skulls and crossbones, and Gerard drew a beautiful rose wilting, with broken hearts around it. I laughed at the silly pictures, and gave Gerard a hug.

“I’d tell you to pass that hug along to the guys, but you might look gay,” I smirked. Jordan laughed at this as I handed her the card to look at for herself.

Thirty minutes past and Gerard complained that he had to get home. Like always, he’d kiss me on the forehead and told me to get better soon. Then he quickly ran out of the room, remembering that the bus doesn’t tolerate tardiness.

“Aw, you two are so cute,” Jordan teased, “Wish I had someone like that,”

“Oh us? Nah we’re just friends…” I sighed.

“But do you want to be? Looks like more to me,” she said nudging me a little. I smiled a bit a rubbed my arm.

A few days later, Jordan and I were let free from the hospital. Her mother offered to drive me home, since she too only lived a few blocks away and just moved here recently. Wow, how many people are moving here this fall? The drive home was fun as Jordan blasted Green Day and we laughed as we sang the lyrics.

Suddenly we came around to my house. My broken down, crappy house, that I soon wouldn’t be living in any longer. My face went to excited and fun, to depressed and emotional. I stepped out of the car and waved to Jordan and her mom as they drove away. As I walked for my front door, I felt a vibration come from my pocket. It was Jordan already.

“You looked sad,” the text read. I WAS sad. I opened the door and ran to my room. Of course, my mother wasn’t even home for my return. I opened my window all the way, and turned up my speakers. I blasted Misfits until my head hurt, and just lied on my bed.

Suddenly, something flew through my open window. I shot up quickly and ran to my window, ignoring the red package on my bedroom carpet. I saw a figure run away and dive into a bush. I turned away for a second, looked back, and they were gone.

“Ohh…kay….?” I whispered, then headed for the package. It was skittles. I picked them up and noticed a note on the other side. I ripped it off the package. It read:


I wonder what was going on at Gerard’s. I quickly got myself ready, finally
getting to apply some eyeliner again, and left a quick note for my mother:


I waltzed out of the house and ran two blocks just to get to the Way’s house sooner. But, once I saw the house, I stopped dead. The lights were off and it looked like no one was home. What’s going on?