Don't Stop If I Fall


“Avie wake up,” I heard, slowly opening my eyes. Jordan sat in front of me and Gerard nudged me. I shook my head a little.

“Fuck, did I fall asleep?” I widened my eyes.

“Yeah, don’t worry. Just ten minutes. We’re gonna go home. Come on.” Gerard explained, letting go of me and standing up. He extended his hand out and helped me up.

The group made our way up the road in silence me still half-asleep. I couldn’t wait to just pass out in my b-wait. God damnit, my room wasn’t even set up yet. Where was I gonna sleep? I brushed this idea out of my mind, and focussed on getting home without passing out first.

Finally, we made it to Gerard and Mikey’s house. I turned to Jordan who waved us all goodbye.

“No, you can’t go all the way down the block at ten at night.” I ordered, pulling her arm.

“I’ll walk her home!” Frank exclaimed abruptly, “…I mean, if you want.” He said shying away.

“Um, sure.” Jordan said with a smile. The two walked down the road, together. We watched as Frank’s hand shyly slid his hand over to hers and grabbed it gently.

“Woo! Go Frank!” Ray screamed. Frank turned around and gave dagger eyes. We laughed and said our good byes again.

“Gerard,” I sighed. Mikey already ran ahead of us into the house. “Where am I gonna fucking sleep tonight?” I asked.

“Uh…” he said, probably being reminded my room wasn’t really…room-ish yet. I sighed again.

“I guess I can pull out the couch bed thing in the den.” He said.

“That could work,” I smiled, happily knowing I had a bed. Ha ha.

We walked into the house and Gerard told me to be quiet because Mrs. Way was already sleeping. Gerard led me into the den and pulled out the bed. He put the sheets down as I rested on the door.

“Damn, you must REALLY be tired.” He called, leading me over to the bed. I was too tired to even nod my head. I finally spoke.

“So much has happened between us.”

“I know. And I’m glad we made it through all of it.” Gerard answered with a smile. He stroked my hair as I stared into his eyes.

“You should go sleep now. I’m tired too.” He leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips, for the second time tonight.

“Good night.” I smiled and hugged him, then crawled under the covers as he left the room. I quickly shut my eyes, and directly went to sleep. I was calm and relaxed, but suddenly woke up to the clanking of pans and screams.

authors note: sorry, kinda short :] the last one was pretty long though so give me a break haha. well hope everyone likes it. comments please :DD i'll love you forever. oh and don't be afraid to ask friend requests to me too. if u do i can keep you updated on...well when i update ^o^ hehe okay hitting the sack cuz im tired as hell. peace loveess. <3