Don't Stop If I Fall


I stared into Mr. Jones’s eyes as he frowned.

“Miss Strennt, I do not want to EVER hear that language in my classroom ever again!” he yelled into my face, I bowed my head with a tear in my eye. Just like a first grader, I still hated being yelled at by teachers. I managed to speak a little.

“I-I’m sorry Mr. Jones. It will never happen again. I-I”

“That’s right it won’t. I’m giving you detention this afternoon. Be here or I’ll call your parents.” He wrote a note down in his clipboard. I cringed at the word “parents”. What parents…

I turned around to see the whole class staring at me. Most of Ashley’s crew laughed behind their eyes, but the others were filled with shock, sad, and amazed looks. I sat back down to Mikey and stayed quiet for the rest of the period. Even when my name was called for attendance, I didn’t even bother saying my name, since the asshole Mr. Jones should’ve already known that I was in the building. The bell rang and I picked up my stuff. A girl came up to me. She was short, with thick black glasses like Mikey’s. She had dark brown hair and thick eyeliner.

“Hey, I just wanted to tell you that you are my idol for standing up to Ashley like that.” She said to me. I was shocked by this.

“Oh, thanks. It was nothing actually. I’ve been wanting to say that for a…a long time,” I sighed looking at the clock.

“Yeah, well my friends were too nervous to come over here but they wanted to tell you thanks.” She pointed over to another girl, blonde, and a boy with hair that hung over half of his face.

“Why thank me?” I asked puzzled. “It only backfired on me and I have detention now.”

“Just the thought of someone actually trying to tell Ashley off about her bitchy-ness makes us respect you even more than if you did succeed, Ava.” She smiled sweetly at me.

“Thanks, but how did you know my name? Not a lot of people know me and if they do they hate me.” I told her.

“Oh we’ve known who you were. I always wanted to talk to you, but you always seemed like you’d rather read that book of yours than talk to people.” Her face sighed as she looked for the book I usually carried.

“Oh, my friend Mikey has it.” I said, pointing behind me. He ran up behind me and yelled in my ear.

“Come on! Let’s go! You may already have detention but I don’t plan on getting-” he stopped as he looked at the girl that stood in front of me. She smiled.

“Oh Mikey, this is…” I paused. “Um, sorry I didn’t actually catch your name.” I smirked.

“Oh, I’m Jade.” She said and waved a little.

“Oh, uh hey. Yeah…uh Ava. We gotta…we gotta go. Bye.” Mikey pulled me off. I waved to Jade as we disappeared out the door and ran up the stairs to art.


The bell rang and we just made it into the classroom. Mrs. Price was out in the hallway. Phew. Mikey, still pulling me, ran over to the table where Gerard and Frank were sitting and luckily they already brought our projects out.

“You guys are late, what’s the hold up?” Gerard asked.

“Well, your girlfriend got detention for blowing up at a bitch, and then was thanked by other people in the class, became famous in ten minutes, then was pulled out of the classroom by myself so we wouldn’t be late.” He said panting.

“Detention, huh? Lemme guess, Ashley.” Frank asked.

“Yep.” I sighed, staring at my project, which I was a week behind on.

“That really sucks. Want me to break something so I get a detention too?” Frank asked me. I smiled and shook my head no, as Mrs. Price entered the room. She came over to our table.

“Miss Strennt, I’m terribly sorry about your accident.” She started. How did everyone know about that fucking thing? “But, I really don’t know what to do about your project. I mean, you are a week behind.” She sighed as she pushed up her glasses.

“Well, is there any way you can grade it unfinished?” I asked.

“Very well. I might have you have a writing assignment, also.” I gave a nod and she walked away, her heals tapping on the cold, art room floor.

Our table was quiet for about five minutes, until of course, Frank broke it.

“So about this band,” he said. His voice boomed, and made me jump a little. “What’s happening with it?” he asked Gerard and Mikey. I sat there continuing my project.

“Well we have the name.” Mikey explained, picking up the novel.

“We have the instruments.” Frank said as he played air guitar.

“Yeah, you. Who else tard?” Mikey asked.

“Ray is taking guitar lessons now,” I spoke up. “And Bob seems to be fancying the drums. He has a knack for it.” I said sounding smart.

“What about me though? And Gerard. You can’t kick us out. I MADE THE NAME!” Mikey called out, sounding spastic. He laughed.

“Gerard has a great voice,” I smiled at Gerard. He blushed a little.

“And Mikey, we have Dad’s old bass. You should try it.” Gerard offered. I watched Mikey think about it.

“Okay,” he said excited. The bell rang and we went to our next class. Boring notes copying and passing notes went through every class until the lunch bell rang.

“Time for lunch!” Gerard yelled after everyone left out of the science room. “I’m not leaving without you this time.” He said, watching me copy notes. I smiled and finished fast. We walked out of the room together and I got my lunch out of my locker, and walked down the hall. Now it was time to meet up with everyone again.

author's note: please comment. :] sorry these two are sorta short. i'm tired, and having a small case of writers block. Comments will unblock me though hehe. loves to all and i hope you enjoyed!