Don't Stop If I Fall


I walked down the deserted hallway of the school, making my way to Mr. Jones’s room. I stormed down, with an angry look on my face as I ripped out my backpack from my locker and put my books in it. Yes, I have had detention before. But that was before I had real friends. And right now, I missed them a whole lot.

“Come on Miss Strennt, this shouldn’t take all afternoon…” I looked over to Mr. Jones hanging out of his classroom door. I stared politely, but when I turned back to my books I secretly stuck my tongue out without him noticing. Once my backpack was filled, he led me into a different classroom. This one was filled with a few kids, sitting quietly in chairs with a sort of old lady sitting at the teacher’s desk.

“Ms. Drake, here’s another one for ya.” Mr. Jones pushed me a little into the room. Teachers hate me by the way.

Ms. Drake gave me an evil look and pointed to a chair. She didn’t say a word, and just stared at me evilly as I walked towards it. No wonder she wasn’t married. I sat behind a boy with scraggly brown hair and dark brown eyes. Next to me was a girl with dark brown hair with crimson streaks going through it. I watched her chomp on bubble gum blowing a bubble once every few minutes, and admire her crimson red nails that matched her hair.

Finally, taking my eyes off of the people around me, I thought I would at least consider starting my homework. I quietly pulled out my books and started on math. About twenty minutes past and I was almost done. Only, I really needed to get out of this stuffy room. I was afraid to, but I finally raised my hand politely, waiting for Ms. Drake to acknowledge it..

“What.” She said in a rough voice. I shuddered but quickly opened my mouth to respond.

“May I, uh, go to the bathroom?” I stuttered.

“Fine. If you aren’t back in five minutes I’ll send someone out for you. No funny stuff kid.” She scolded, pointing to the door.

I quickly got out of my chair and made my way to the front of the room. I watched the eyes of the other kids in the room watch me. I chill went up my spine as I exited the classroom, into the hallway. I rested on a locker and just stood there for a few seconds. I heard a sneaker squeak behind me.

“Hey there,” I turned around. It was Zander. Zander was a tall eight grader, and was pretty much a bully. He’s never actually talked to me before, and I hardly ever see him, so I was sort of shocked by this..

“Uh, hi…” I said shyly, trying to run away.

“Where you going to?” he came closer to me.

“Uh, no where.” I sounded scared by now.

“I see,” we were now just a few centimeters a part, and another chill went up my back.

“Can you, um, go away?” I asked, trying to squeeze through him and run for the door. He put his arms on either side of me on the lockers and stared at me. He then pulled on my arm leading me to a janitors closet and I screamed in fear.

“HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!” I yelled down the hall, he just covered my mouth and threw me into the closet. It was dark in there, no light at all. I fell onto the ground and felt a presence above me. He had came into the closet too. In total fear I started to cry. I tried to speak but couldn’t. he started to try to take off my shirt but I wouldn’t let him, he slapped me across the face and I whimpered and gave in.

“Help…” I whispered. Suddenly, the door of the closest swung open, and the boy from detention was standing there. When Zandar wasn’t looking, I quickly put my shirt back on. I guess the boy could see the pain and tears in my eyes and reached out his hand to help me up. Zandar quickly grabbed on to me. I screeched.

“Mr. Jones!” The boy screamed. I heard steps down the hall, as more tears poured out of my eyes. Mr. Jones appeared.

“What’s going on here?!” Zandar let go of me, and for some reason I ran into the random boy’s arms. Surprisingly, he comforted me and explained to Mr. Jones his side of the story. Noticing I was too scared to even speak, he suggested what probably happened to me too. I watched Zandar try to get away, but Mr. Jones pulled him back. Without finding out what happened to him, the boy led me back to the classroom. I kept on shivering and coughing up more tears. He patted my back.

“Its okay, its going to be okay.” He comforted me. Who was this guy?

I nodded my head as we entered the classroom. Ms. Drake saw my tears.

“My dear, what’s wrong?” she asked as she stood up. I shook my head and cried a little louder, remember the nightmare I’d just been in.

“Please don’t ask Ms. Drake,” the boy said. Ms Drake handed me a box of tissues and I watched as the others stared at me. Once we sat back down, the boy turned around.

“I’m James.” He whispered.

Detention ended and I collected my things and walked out into the hallway. I walked fast, almost running. I ran all the way home to the Way’s house, and the first person I saw was Frank. Quickly, dropping my books I ran into his arms as he stood there in shock. He noticed I was crying before and asked what was wrong.

“Get the others.” I whispered, not letting go of him. It felt so good to be held by a friend that wasn’t about to do something to you. A few more tears fell from my eyes. Some of them were happy, because I was so glad I was home.
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kinda longish. but i think its worth it. um, things will get happier sooner or later lol. comments please, or noo more chapters :] thanks for all the other comments last time too. i feel loved :D