Don't Stop If I Fall


After waking up at least once every hour since my nightmare, the loud beeping of my black and red digital clock flashed 7 AM. I moaned, hitting the long, snooze button on the top. I rolled onto my back and put my hands behind my head. About ten minutes after just staring at the ceiling, and constantly pressing the snooze button again and again, I finally decided to get up.

Once I showered and changed I made my way out to the kitchen to see Mikey with his head down on the table, next to a bowl of cheerios. Gerard sat next to him eating some toast and nudged his arm.

“Mikey, eat your friggin’ breakfast.” He pushed his arm, which bumped into the bowl of cereal and a small portion of milk splattered onto the table. Mikey sat up, and gave Gerard and somewhat scary look. He continued eating his cereal.
“Did I keep him awake?” I asked shyly as I took out the cereal from the top cupboard.

“After…after your little incident, he couldn’t fall back to sleep. I couldn’t tell you why in hell it would be so hard for him to fall asleep, after seeing how tired he was when he checked on you, but he just couldn’t. And now he’s like a zombie.” Gerard sighed, staring at the boy as he slowly spooned the shaking metal spoon with a few oats on it into his mouth.

“Ugh, maybe he should stay home. I mean, he shouldn’t go to school like this.” I said, sitting down across from Gerard at the square wooden table.

“No, I can’t.” Mikey sat up from his cereal and stared at me with his strained eyes.

“Um, why?” I asked staring make at him. His eyes gave me shivers up my spine. I felt so terrible. But why was he denying my only way to make it up.

“Uh nothing, never mind. I just wanna go to school.” Mikey quickly got up and walked out of the room, leaving his bowl of cereal filled with only some milk and three cheerios left on the table.

“Something’s up.” Gerard pondered. I tapped my bowl with my spoon.

“Oh well, let the kid go,” I said, and stood up to put my bowl in the sink. I went out of the room and packed my things for school. Then, Gerard, Mikey, and I walked outside in the brisk autumn air to go search for our other friends, like always.