Don't Stop If I Fall

Click of a door.

“Okay I got a plan.” Frank said, after five minutes of him staring at the wall. “Mikey, go hurt yourself.”

“What the hell?” Mikey exclaimed.

“Well one of you have to hurt yourself so two of us can ‘Go to the nurse’, and the other two have to say they are ‘going to the bathroom’,” Frank explained, putting quotations around some of the words.

“Frankie, we’re not gonna hurt ourselves just to get out of sitting here,” I sighed.

“Ugh, you guys suck. Then we’re taking the second route.” He stood up and waited for us to follow him. Reluctantly, we all stood up and feared the Frank’s plan would fail.

Suddenly, Frank started limping and crying out in pain. He quickly grabbed onto Mikey and told him to follow his lead. Gerard and I stood there as Frank and Mikey limped over to Mrs. Reeze, one of the gym teachers. Her face filled with concern and quickly wrote a pass to the nurse. They walked out into the hallway smoothly-of course with Frank limping-and gave Gerard and I a wink to start their plan.

“Mrs. Reeze? Can we, uh, use the-” Gerard started but then I cut him off.

“May we please, use the lavatory?” I asked sweetly.

She smiled and nodded her head. Then quickly jotted hit over to a boy who was throw pencils at another kid. “CUT IT OUT PETERSON!” She stormed away.

“yess…” Gerard whispered as we went out into the hallway to find Mikey and Frank. I watched James’s eyes follow our every move, and he slowly stood up. Kay, that guy was starting to get a little freaky.

Frank and Mikey ended up hiding in the band room, and pulled us in as we passed.

“What the fuck?” Gerard exclaimed as we were pulled into the room with identical blue chairs scattered across the floor. Frank ripped out his cell phone, and starting punching in the buttons.

“What are you doing?” I asked, trying to look at his phone.

“Texting Jordan. She’s in study hall.” He announced. “I want her to come down.”

“Someone’s bound to notice her missing, Frank,” Mikey said.

“It’s the biggest study hall during the day. Plus the lights are out. Whose gonna notice?” He shrugged his shoulders and hit send.

“So, now what do we do?” Gerard asked, getting comfortable at the teacher’s desk.

“Uh, I don’t know.” Frank said. We all stared at him.

“Then what was the point of getting out of there?” I asked him, giving him an evil glare.

“I wanted to see Jordan.” He blushed. We all shook our heads and sighed.

“Fine, then lets go see her.” Mikey said, and swiftly went out of the room. We all followed, as he led us up the stairs quietly. As a teacher passed the hallway just beyond the stairs, we all jumped toward the wall and held our breath. Once she was down the hall we began moving again.

“I feel like I’m in the matrix or something.” Gerard whispered. I giggled and continued walking. Finally, we made it to Jordan’s study hall, and hovered outside the door.
She was asking the teacher permission to leave, and turned to walk out the door. We stepped to the side so the teacher wouldn’t see us as she opened the door, and then greeted Jordan.

“So, now what?” She asked, after hugging Frank.

That seems to be the question we’re all asking,” Gerard tapped his foot and stared at Frank.

“Uh…I know! Teacher’s lounge.” He proclaimed.

“Won’t teacher’s be there you dipstick?” Mikey asked.

“Oh…yeahh…” Frank sighed.

“We could go to the library on the bottom floor,” Mikey suggested. “Doubt anyone’s in there, it’s closed at 8th period.”

With no idea what we would do there, we quietly made it to the library and slipped in through the side door. Everything was dark. Only the semi-light through the large window shined a tint of gray down on the gray carpet.

“Woah this is cool in here,” Jordan exclaimed. Her voice echoed against the walls.

“Shh. Quiet. Who knows who could’ve heard that!” Mikey whispered.

“Cool it jet. No one ever goes on the bottom floor. We’re safe, don’t worry.” Gerard said, and collapsed on one of the sofas.

I stood by the door just looking around the room. As everyone talked I just stood there, thinking. Shockingly, I heard a click of a door behind me. I turned around to see a dark figure through the window on the door disappear. I ran to the door, and pulled on the knob.

“Guys!” I cried out. They came rushing over. “We’re locked in!”

We all stared quietly at the door, thunder booming in the backround.


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