Don't Stop If I Fall

Come Break Me Down

That night, we were found by the police, finally, the five of us out standing on the roof. James was found also, and we were asked many questions. Most of it I just couldn’t bare to answer, so for the most part I had to leave the room.

The next few days were tough. Going to school was nightmare, for two reasons. There were so many memories rushing through my head every time I would see any part of the school, and everyone was asking questions. Most of the time, I was huddled up next to Mikey or Gerard in the hallway, and they would push people away.

The only people I would answer questions to, were Bob and Ray. They tried not to ask many, but I thought they deserved to know, seeing they’re two of my best friends. Other than telling them, I hardly talked at all.

The week went by slowly, and painfully, until finally Friday came. School let out, and the group and I walked home as usual. I was silent, while everyone else tried to stay off the topic of our dramatic event.

I gripped the straps of my backpack that only went over one shoulder tightly, and stared at the ground. Gerard slid over to me and wrapped his arm around me for comfort. I didn’t even take my eyes off of the curb.

“It wasn’t your fault.” He whispered. I shook my head.

“It…” that was all that came out of my mouth. Silently, I mouthed “was”.

“No it wasn’t. You heard the police. And his parents. It was his obsessive split personality talking. You can’t blame yourself for that.” He patted my arm.

“But…the fall…” I whimpered.

“Not your fault either. There was no way we could’ve stopped that. You were injured. He just kept on moving back. Nothing would’ve stopped him.” He explained. I sighed and leaned on him for the rest of the walk home. While everyone chatted about random events, Gerard and I walked in silence.

Once we made it home, I told everyone I’d be taking a nap and ran to my room. Sullenly, I crawled into bed and covered my head with the blanket. I wanted all of those images, and memories to leave my head. They weren’t going away.

A few times, I would get out of bed, circle my room while picking up random items then collapse back on the bed. Still, nothing was making those thoughts escape my head. Finally, I gave up and opened the door out to the living room.

Tiptoeing outside, I listened to hear some whispers coming from the room.

“I really hope she’s all right,” I heard Gerard say.

“She’ll be fine. Just fine.” Mikey said.

“But what if she’s not?” Gerard said, sounding defensive and concerned.

“Well what could she possibly do?” Mikey spat back.

“The unthinkable…” I heard Gerard whisper. With that, I walked solemnly into the room, as if proving I was still breathing. Gerard stood up abruptly and Mikey jerked his head.

“Oh hey Ava. How are you?” Gerard asked, stepping up to me. I swallowed the hard silence painfully down my throat and opened my mouth.

“Fine.” I gave a weak smile. Gerard smiled back, as did Mikey before he turned on the TV and began flipping through the channels.

“That’s great. Um, I was thinking. Maybe we should head somewhere down town tonight. We could go get pizza, or just hang out by the pier or something?” Gerard said while swinging my hands.

“Um, okay sure.” I smiled and nodded. “Let me get ready.” I said, and retreated to my room. Quickly, I touched up my makeup in the small mirror next to the window, and stared down at my jewelry box. I opened it slowly. There, sitting on the top was the emerald necklace Gerard had given to me. It seemed like years ago.

My hands trembled as I picked it out of the box. I don’t know why I had never wore it yet, maybe it was because I couldn’t believe it could be mine. Maybe because I didn’t believe that Gerard was mine. After clipping the bracket and turning the band around until the Emerald was in the front, I left my room, blowing a kiss to Hendric who was lying on my bed.

Gerard stood at the front door, waiting for me, and Mikey waved goodbye to us.

“You’re…you’re wearing the necklace.” He smiled.

He opened the door for me and we walked down the street in the twilight.

“Gerard, I’m sorry I’m scaring you.” I whispered aloud.

“What?” He asked nervously.

“I heard you and Mikey talking.” I explained, gripping the emerald tight. “I AM going to be fine, Gerard.” I looked up into his hazel eyes. A chill went up my spine, just as they did a few nights ago, only this one was a good chill.

“I…” he blurted out. I gripped his hand tight and he smiled. We continued down the road in silence.


yeah its pretty lame. It'll get better again soon. I just wanted things to cool down. Phew - just reading those last few chapters gave ME a heart attack. Think about how exciting and freaky it was to write them! haha Story + comments = updates. also, if YOU have any ideas for the upcoming chapters, feel free to tell :] love you all <3