Don't Stop If I Fall

Fix Your Eyes

“Oh my god, Jade!” I ran over to her, letting go of Gerard. He followed, confused.

“What happened?” I asked.

“Who’s this?” Gerard whispered to me. I just shook my head, looking down at Jade’s pain.

“Nothing, it’s nothing. I just cut myself on something. It’s fine.” She cringed, as her eyes stared at the big gouge right below her elbow.

“No it isn’t fine. We have to get you to a doctor. You’re losing blood!” I explained, grabbing her other arm to bring her up. She tried to resist, but eventually gave in. Gerard helped too, although he was still unsure who this person was.

“Gerard, this is Jade. She’s in my homeroom. And Jade, this is Gerard, Mikey’s brother.” I said as we walked towards the street, searching for a bus…or something.

“Uh hey.” Gerard said with a dorky smile.

“Mikey’s brother?” She said happily. Gerard nodded. “Cool.” She blushed, still clenching her arm.

Gerard ripped out his cell phone and quickly dialed a number. “Grandma? Uh, I know it’s kinda late…but do you think you could pick up Ava and I? And our friend Jade? Cuz she hurt herself and can’t make it up the street.” He waited impatiently for an answer, tapping his foot. “Okay, thanks. Yeah, love you too…” He said quietly, and shut his phone.

“Thanks Gerard.” Jade said, staring at the pavement.

“Yep. Should we go to the hospital?” Gerard asked me.

“Umm, I think we shou-“

“No. Ava, I’m not going to the hospital.” Jade interrupted.

“Jade, you have to. That’s a big cut.” I explained. “And I bet it hurts like hell.”

“Yeah, well all I need is something to wrap around it. It’ll be fine… I’m not going to the hospital.” She demanded. I backed off.

“Okay then…” I sighed, and we all sat down on the pavement waiting for Gerard’s grandma. Once she came, Gerard took the front seat while Jade and I sat in the back. Grandma Way looked back at Jade’s arm.

“Oh my god, honey you need to go to a doctor or something!”

Jade banged her head on the window, and didn’t answer.

“Um, no Grandma Way, that’s okay. She’ll…she’ll be fine.” I answered for her.

Grandma Way shrugged and we drove off in silence. The only thought that ran through my head was, what’s up with Jade..

boorrrrinnnggggg.....zZzZz haha. um yeah i haven't upsated in awhile. pleasee forgive me. been pretty busy and uber tired. comments are most appreciated! =]