Don't Stop If I Fall


“What do you want?” Mikey moaned, walking into the kitchen with the rest of us, his hair still messy.

“Sorry for waking you up lazy asses, but it’s nine and I need to talk to you guys.” Bob demanded. He shut his cell phone after texting someone.

“About….” Mikey snapped back. Cranky Mikey…

“About…” Bob’s eyes shifted over to the short little guy behind him, who was playing with his cell phone.

“Ohhhh.” Gerard and Mikey said. Frank looked up from his cell.

“What? Sorry. Texting.” He said. He looked at me, then Bob, then Gerard, then Jade as she walked into the room, then Mikey. His eyes shot back at Jade.

“Who’s she?” Frank asked. Bob looked confused too.

“This is Jade. I met her in school.” I told them. Jade smiled. Frank and Bob nodded, then their eyes flew to the direction of her padded up arm.

“What happened?” Asked Bob.

Suddenly Gerard's cellphone chimed. He jumped and grabbed it, looking down at the small screen. "I'll be right back." He announced and walked out of the room.

Everyone's glance found Jade again.
“Fell.” Jade lied. I gave a weak smile, to prove it was true.

“Oh sorry. Okay, guys I gotta go. Jordan wants me to meet her town by the pier. See ya later!” Frank jumped out of his chair, and sprang out the door, avoiding Hendric along the way. He left before any of us could speak.

“Oh we will.” Mikey said maniacally.

“What’s going on?” Jade asked. Bob spoke up, ignoring her question.

“Okay, so. We need some way to lead Frank down to the park at seven. Right now Ray’s getting decorations and crap to put up down there, and I texted Jordan just before to get Frank out of here."

"Smart move." I commented.

"I bet me and Gerard could." I suggested.

"You sure?" Bob asked.

"Of course. Frank's easy to convince." I answered.

Gerard came back into the room. His face somewhat content. I told him our job and he agreed thoughtfully.

"Okay, just don't give it away." Bob warned. We nodded. "Now, we need more people on decorations and stuff. Who wants to go down to the park and help Ray out?"

"We will." Mikey spoke up, grabbing Jade's wrist. He let go as quickly as he grabbed it. "Or, I mean, if you want to." He stuttered.

"Yes we will." Jade said smiling. She grabbed Mikey's hand just as he had grabbed hers.

"Alright, and that just leaves me with the present." He announced.

"Wait, what are you getting him?" I asked.

"A guitar." Mikey said.

"But not just any guitar." Bob added.

"THE guitar." Gerard spoke up. The guys looked so thrilled and mezmorized.

"Erm, what's so special about THE guitar?" I asked.

"It's the one Frank wants really bad. But he can't afford it." Bob explained.

"So we're all chipping in, and buying it for him." Mikey added.

"All right.. Then I will too." I announced.

"Well, let's get to work then, shall we?" Gerard commented. We smiled and nodded, and seperated into our groups. Mikey and Jade walked out of the door, while Bob, Gerard, and I decided to make our way downtown to buy Frank's awesome birthday present.

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