Don't Stop If I Fall


Jordan danced over to me.

"What's up?" she asked, taking a seat next to me. I just stared at the boys and Jade hang around Frank.

"Oh come on, silent treatment? Soooo first-grade," she smirked. I had to smile, her voice was just so perky.

"There we go. Now, would you like to talk, sweetums?" she winked. That's it, I laughed.

"I'm sorry, Jordan. I'm just not in the partying mood at the moment," I admitted. Gerard was showing Frank the pumpkin carvings, and I could see him glance up at me a couple times. Shivers went up my spine.

"That's okay, Ava. I'm sure you'll be fine later," she thought I'd like to be left alone and pranced away.

Sure I'd be.

Bob appeared next to me, then. "When should we give Frank his present?" he whispered.

"Erm..." I pondered, "after cake. Tradition, ya know?" he gave me a confused look.

"You know...'surprise!'," I jazzed my hands, "then 'cake!'," I clapped my hands, "then 'presents!', woo!" I ended. Bob tried to imitate my motions.

"Surprise, cake, presents; got it," his jazz hands were pathetic, and his clap was too soft. I laughed at his attempt, and he punched me in the shoulder a little. I patted his back, as he got up and walked away.

Ray finally got the portable CD player working, and music took over the park. Everyone was talking and laughing. Frank came over to me.

"Come on, Ava. Stop being a wuss, and hang with us!" he called to me.

I smiled, and said "Happy birthday, Frank."

"I won't be happy, unless my Ava dances with me," he put on a fake sad face, and made his lip quiver. He stuck his hand out, hoping for me to take it. I sighed, and he pulled me up, and over to the basketball court.

He held my hands in his and we shimmied around the pavement. Several times Frank would twirl me and dip me. I was laughing so hard, I forgot where I was. Everyone else was laughing, cheering, and dancing as well.

Jordan and Jade danced together, chatting about random things, while Mikey, Bob, and Ray tried to break dance on the pavement. Gerard was nowhere to be seen. I giggled a little at their terrible attempts.

"I talked to Gerard," Frank said, as he slowed our dancing down a little. My head turned away from the break-dancers. "Are you sure you are okay?"

"I..." I started, "I don't know," I ended with a sigh.

"Don't worry, Ava. We're all going through the same loss. And we all know you're going to miss him a lot..believe me, if I could find a way to make him stay, I'd do it. He's my best friend too, you know. And Mikey," he explained. I nodded, my head still toward our feet.

"Will he-they, come back?" I asked, not looking up.

"They have too. I mean, not only for us, but they can't just forget about Grandma Way. He'll come back for visits and stuff," Frank comforted.

"But, it's a long way; Oregon and New Jersey..." I whispered.

"He'll come back," Frank promised. "Do you need a hug?" he asked, with a nervous smile on his face. I nodded.

He pulled me into the biggest hug I've ever seen him give. I gripped onto him tight, and silently sobbed into his shoulder. Only a few tears escaped my eyes, before I spoke again.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For ruining your party," I answered.

"I just want you to be happy, Avie," he patted my back and held me tighter. No one seemed to notice us, because I could still hear them chattering on and the music blasting. After a minute, we let go. I turned toward the group, who was still chattering on. Gerard re-appeared, and was leaning against a tree. Frank put his arm around me, still comforting me. Jordan gave me a sad look, with a weak smile for comfort, as well. I guess she knew, too. Trying to ignore the sadness in the park, Bob announced the cake to be presented. We all walked over to where Gerard was, which was also by the picnic table.

"My master peice! Just for you, Frankie!" Bob called, pulling the top off the cake holder, and showing a red icing-ed cake, with a giant S on it.

A skittle, of course.
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