Don't Stop If I Fall


The days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months. November had past with a traditional Thanksgiving meal with the Way family. Grandma Way, although still preparing her turkey, had gladly agreed to cook me some tofu and I could apply most anything with that. Frank had been loving his new guitar, and as playing goes, he was quite the expert by December. He had learned so fast. As for Bob, he was a natural, but felt playing wasn't his thing. Ray had been taught by his brother who I hardly ever saw since he was out so much. And Mikey was off messing around with that old bass. Gerard's approach was different. He never sang.

As for Jordan, she was always hanging around with us. By now, everyone had known the news about Gerard and Mikey's planned disappearance this December, so Jordan had been especially careful with everything she'd say to me, just to make sure she didn't hit one of my nerves. Like I've said times and times before, I didn't want to cry. Jade even knew the news and this bothered her and Mikey very much. Although nothing had ignited between them, I could tell they'd still miss each other a lot.

Grandma Way finally met my mother in November, when they made final agreements to let Grandmas Way adopt me. It took awhile, but the paperwork finally filed out, and I was now a Way. Technically, I was still Ava Strennt, but more-or-less in a 'foster home' for now. Ha, like I was ever going to leave.

I'd been living everyday like it was my last. Of course, that's how I was thinking the whole time, seeing I knew life would never be the same once Gerard was gone. There was nothing he could do. There was nothing I could do, we could do. They had to go. I felt so selfish at one point for wanting to keep him away from his family. I'd hope everything would work out for him, and I didn't care about myself anymore. He was all that mattered. If he wasn't okay, I would die.

I'd been sitting in the deserted park, in the middle of December, all alone for the past half an hour. Not a sound was by me, except for the constant shaking of trees. There was a snow shower on the way. I'd been doing this everyday since November had started. This was where I'd clear my head, and train myself not to cry. It was easy, and I was used to being alone from my previous times before I met Gerard and the gang.

Today was different though. Today, instead of Gerard and Mikey home in their room jamming to the misfits and singing along, they were packing the Misfits up. Boxes and boxes covered the Way house. They were leaving.

Sighing, I slowly walked up the hill. I felt it was my time to help. After about 15 minutes I made it to the Way house. I still didn't consider it my own. My house was the one with the for sale sign in the front yard, deserted. The only thing I missed was that tree house-

"The tree house," I remembered. I thought back to the day Gerard had appeared after I had just stopped reminiscing. I reached into my coat pocket and pulled out the picture I had placed in there. The one with us from Disney World. The one with my brother. I smiled to myself. "You're never leaving me, Chris."

That burst of hope lost me as soon as I entered the Way home. Then Gerard's room. It was empty except for their two beds and dressers. Grandma Way came in.

"They went to Frank's honey," she said behind me.

"Oh. Thanks," I answered. She put her slightly bony hands on my shoulders.

"I'm going to miss them too," she comforted, reading my mind. "Don't worry, they'll visit."

"I know...but it won't be the same," I admitted. I heard a 'DING' come from the kitchen.

"Oh! Those are the cookies I'm making for when the boys leave. Gotta run!" she let go of me and ran to the kitchen. I walked into the empty room, and laid on Gerard's bed. Dying on the inside, I fell sound asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of a boring chapter.
More informational than exciting.
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