Don't Stop If I Fall


AUTHOR’S NOTE: yaay I’m passed my Writer’s Block! Sorry, just felt like telling you guys :]
“Ah humm…” Mikey said mysteriously. He gave me a scary look and rubbed his chin.

“What should we make the little girl do…” he turned to the guys.

“Nothing too crazy guys,” Gerard cautioned.
“No Gerard, its cool. I’m up for anything. Give me whatcha got, guys.” I said, trying to look tough.

The four boys whispered. I turned to Gerard. He looked nervous for some reason. Wasn’t it ME getting dared? The guys were giggling and spazzing, but trying to keep their voices down.

“You sure you’re up for ANYTHING?” Bob asked me.

“Yup.” I answered calmly, leaning back onto Gerard’s bed.

“Kiss Gerard!” Mikey yelled.

My heart jumped sky-high and my mouth dropped. I turned to the other boys, Mikey’s face was to sinister to look at. Ray and Bob stared at me quietly for an answer. Frank was also staring at me, but his face was stuffed up like a hamster, probably filled with over 20 skittles. He chewed quietly, just staring with huge eyes. Next, I turned to Gerard. He looked ashamed of his friends, and wouldn’t make eye contact with me.

“Uhh…” I managed to get out.

“Guys she doesn’t have to. That’s a fucking stupid dare.” Gerard whispered, finally looking up.

“But you said-” Frank started to say until Ray elbowed him in the stomach.

I was shocked again. Was Frank just implying that Gerard wanted to kiss ME? Me? Vampire Girl? No, he’d have to be lying. We only just met anyway…he was lying. Yeah…

“…well this is awkward.” Bob spoke up. “Come on tards, say something. Or else I’ll wack you guys with a pillow again.” the group all looked around.

I looked at my watch. It was around nine. “Uh, maybe I should be getting home. I didn’t actually tell my mum I was leaving so she might be having a mental breakdown at the moment.” I spitted out, forgetting that my mom could obviously just call my cell phone. The boys didn’t seem to realize, or they did and just agreed anyway. I stood up.

“Kay, well I guess see ya later?” Ray said, looking around at the other guys.

“Yeah, maybe we can hang out tomorrow er something.” Bob added.

“Nie-mee-dee-yooo,” I heard coming out of Frank’s mouth. I thought he said “Nice meeting you,” but I wasn’t sure.

“Yeah, bye Ava…” Mikey added in also.

“Bye guys…bye Gerard.” I stammered.

He turned his head a little, “Oh bye.” He answered, fixing a glare on Mikey.

I quickly walked out the door, and closed it slowly. I heard Gerard speak again.

“God you ass, what’s your problem?” He said.

“Sorry Gerard, really! I thought she’d do it!” Mikey defensively said.

“That’s not the point. You just messed everything up!” Gerard came right back at him.

“Kay guys, cut it out. Lets just turn on some music, and forget about this crap for now.

Ava will be fine.” I heard Ray say and suddenly a blast of rock music boomed through the door. I finally left, making my way down the street.

“You messed everything up!” Gerard’s words echoed in my head. What did Mikey mess up? What’s going on? I’m so confused.

I walked down the sidewalk, taking my confusion out on a rock. I kicked it and it ended up in the middle of one side of the street. Desperate for my amusement, I ran out into the street, my head still spinning from the dream I’d just been in. I heard a loud honk from behind me, then turned to see blinding lights. The last thing I saw that night was the rock I was kicking, sitting next to me as I laid on the cold, dark road.