It Must Have Been Love

Is it over?

Lay a whisper on my pillow
Leave the winter on the ground
I wake up lonely, there’s air of silence
In the bedroom and all around
Touch me now, I close my eyes
And dream away

Ripley laid on bed exhausted for what just happened. It wasn’t a weird thing; actually, sex was becoming the whole point on her relationship with Gerard. Both have been together for 2 years now, almost 3. Was it so much time? There’re couples that spend like 50 years together, so it wasn’t so much time: 3 years. Still Ripley felt the relation fading, just supported by one thing: sex. Gerard was pretty good in bed, if not the best she had known and Gerard would say the same bout her. But that was it: pure animalistic hot sticky mindless sex. And right now, Ripley was getting tired of it. Gerard did care bout her as much as she did for him, but it wasn’t love anymore. Ripley stared at the ceiling as Gerard’s breath came back to normal and she felt his arms around her making her place her head onto his chest. With not even a word, like the “I love you” on the beginning, they both drifted to sleep.

It must have been love but it’s over now
It must have been good but I lost it somehow
It must have been love but it’s over now
From the moment we touched ‘til the time had run out

Next morning, Ripley woke up with the sound of the door shutting: Gerard was in the bathroom. She reminded when they just started, Gerard always woke her up to shower together, but now everything was different. Ripley threw the covers over her head, thinking bout what she could do. She felt like the end would be a real mess if she didn’t talk bout it soon. But she was really scared of Gerard’s reaction at her finishing their bond.

“Hey, pumpkin…” He said softly walking out of the bathroom and staring at her at the bed.

“Hey, sweetie. What time is it?”

“I don’t know, but it’s early.”

“What do you have to do today?”

“Not much. Rehearsal on the afternoon and now I just have a meeting. Wanna go have lunch somewhere?”

“Ok. I’ll just take a shower now and I’ll make some phone calls, I have to get some work done and then you call me to know at what time you’re gonna be here.” Ripley got out of bed and arranged the things she needed for the day. She entered the bathroom as she talked and Gerard got dressed.


“And see if any of the guys wanna come.”

“I thought we could be alone today. Since I got here we haven’t had time to be alone.”

“Last night we did, Gee.” Ripley said popping her head out of the bathroom’s door.

“Not like that. Just you and me.” She got back inside not wanting to face his intense gaze. Things like that were what made her think that it wasn’t so over. After her quick shower, she started to get dressed on the bedroom and suddenly she found herself locking eyes outside the window, with a blank mind. Gerard came behind her and held her.

“Gerard! Don’t scare me!” She said startling.

“Is there anything wrong, babe? You’ve been acting weird these last few days.” He said kissing her shoulder.

“It’s nothing… I was just thinking…” Ripley turned to him and kissed him softly. “I think you gotta go now.” She kissed him once again and he smiled to her before going out.

Make-believing we’re together
That I’m sheltered by your heart
But in and outside I’ve turned to water
Like a teardrop in your palm
And it’s a hard winter's day
I dream away

Later, Gerard came back home and took her to lunch. Most of the time both were quiet and Ripley knew she had to do or say something before it was too late. But she couldn’t do it with Gerard looking at her with those eyes she fell in love with. She wondered what could have changed: He was sweet, tender, he really cared bout her… What the hell was wrong with her? He was indeed the perfect guy! But still, what was the point of going on with that relationship? Maybe they weren’t meant to be and to keep it going would hurt both of them. After lunch and all the afternoon, Ripley was thinking bout the things that made her fall in love with him at first, the times they went out together, their first date, the daily rose he brought her during the first month before they were official. All that corny stuff that someday meant something for them. Ripley was staring outside the window and noticed Gerard’s car coming down the street, stop at the entrance and Gerard coming into the house. She couldn’t hold back the moment anymore: it had to be now. Gerard climbed the stairs and got into the room watching her intensely. She couldn’t say a word before he scoped her into his arms and kissed her smoothly but strongly, the way only he could do. Against her will Ripley moaned and forgot all her speech following him to the bed. Both crashed down and climbed to be comfortable.

It must have been love but it’s over now
It was all that I wanted, now I’m living without
It must have been love but it’s over now
It’s where the water flows
It’s where the wind blows

“I missed you.” He whispered.

“Me too.” She lied: she wasn’t exactly missing him. Their kisses became more powerful and it wasn’t long enough before they were tearing each other clothes apart. Soon they were naked. Gerard kissed her neck going down to her breast to kiss and lick her like he knew she liked it. Ripley moaned and entangled her fingers on his hair as she wrapped her legs around him trying to make him understand what she wanted. Gerard slid up and entered her firmly. “Oh! Shit!”

“Mmm…” Their moans started softly and quiet, but after 10 minutes they were screaming. Their pace went just a little faster with each thrust, tasting pleasure to its limits. They rolled over and Ripley started riding him as sweat dripped down to his body, Gerard met every movement, sweating himself. They rolled again and Gerard sped up. “I’m gonna cum, babe.”

“I know, just a little more…” They panted and screamed their lover’s name. Gerard fell onto her.

“That was good.”

“Good isn’t enough and you know it.” Both whispered working on their labored breaths. Gerard rolled off her and stared at the ceiling. Ripley looked at him knowing the truth: he was nothing but sex to her and that last orgasm proved it. “Gerard I need to tell you something.” She said putting some of her clothes on and sitting on the bed. He followed her example and sat infront of her.


“Well, this isn’t easy for me to say, especially after what just happened. But…” she swallowed hard and Gerard looked at her curious. “Gee, this isn’t working anymore. I mean, you’re great and everything, probably one of the most perfect guys I’ve ever known, but I can’t go on with this.” Gerard stared at her with his mouth open.

“What exactly do you wanna say?”

“Don’t get me wrong, but I don’t love you anymore?”


It must have been love but it’s over now
It must have been good but I lost it somehow
It must have been love but it’s over now
From the moment we touched ‘til the time had run out

“I mean, I do love you, but not that way.” Gerard faced down speechless. “I really feel like we both are into this relationship only for the sex now. Maybe before it was different, but… now it’s just…” Ripley stopped talking not knowing what else to say. Both kept quiet and looking down.

“Somehow I knew this was gonna happen.” Gerard broke the silence. Ripley looked at him. “I thought bout it too, the same things you’re telling to me. But I never thought this was coming to an end. I mean, I’ve been trying to get the feeling back and find out everything that made me fall in love with you at first.”

“I’ve been trying the same thing, Gee. But is just not working. At least not for me.”

“Isn’t working for me either. I think you’re right. But I don’t wanna lose you, I really care bout you.”

“I care bout you, too. But maybe is just that we’re not meant to be a couple.”

“So can we still be friends?”

“Sure.” Both had the same thought after her simple word: *Maybe someday we’ll fall in love again.* But neither of them was brave enough to say it out loud.

“Would you stay just for tonight? Tomorrow I’ll help you to move out, if you wanna leave.” Ripley stared at him.

“Thank you.”

It must have been love but it’s over now
It was all that I wanted, now I’m living without
It must have been love but it’s over now
It’s where the water flows
It’s where the wind blows
It must have been love, but it’s over now…