Status: 7/16/2013: Updated, next one is scheduled for Friday!

The Heart Never Lies

I Wasn't Planning On Getting Any Exercise Tonight

"Woah, Addie, role playing as the rainbow?" Dougie joked when he first saw my outfit.

"Nah, she just ate a whole bag of Skittles on the way here," Tom replied. I hit them both over the head with my purse as Harry and Danny giggled like little girls.

"Are you excited about seeing the movie?" Danny asked me. I nodded enthusiastically.

"I've seen every single Batman movie-- even all the flops. But I love them all." He nodded in understanding.

"Hey, Addie!" Harry shouted jumping in between me and Danny. "Are you looking forward to seeing the movie tonight?" I giggled and Danny grinned. "What? What'd I say?"

"Danny just asked me the same question." I giggled again. "Well, close to the same."

"Ah, I missed that giggle," said Tom, walking beside us, Dougie on the opposite side.

"Me too," Danny agreed, while Harry attempted to give me a noogie. I quickly dodged it though, because I didn't want my hair to get messed up.

"I tried too hard to do this without messing up," I told him strictly, but at the same time with a grin. We chit-chatted for a while as we walked to the cinema.

"Hold on a sec," Dougie suddenly said. "I've got to tie my shoes." We weren't to far from the cinema now, and I was gazing adoringly at the Dark Knight poster with Christian Bale on it. As Dougie bent down to tie his shoes, a group of girls about my age or younger passed by us. Harry and Tom were horsing around, and if they weren't we might have been able to prevent what happened next.

The gaggle of girls stopped shortly after they passed our small group, whispering amongst themselves and looking back at us every few seconds. I noticed and felt a little crawly feeling in my stomach. Danny was staring up at the stars and I nudged him, my anxiety building. "What?"

"You see those girls over there?" I whispered to him pointing as discreetly as I could. He peeked over at them at the same time one of the girls looked at him. She let out a high pitched giggle and started whispering excitedly to the others. Danny looked back at me with a slightly panicked expression. Harry and Tom were drawn to us because of our sudden silence.

"What's wrong?" whispered Tom.

"Why are you whispering?" asked Harry. Danny jerked his head toward the group of girls. Harry glanced in their direction (receiving another burst of subdued giggles) and looked at us like we were being babies. "Don't be such babies," said Harry. "They're just some fans."
Then he made the biggest mistake: he waved them over, a huge and friendly grin on his face.

They all screamed like banshees and and began to chase us without any hesitation. We took off in the opposite direction, dragging a protesting Dougie along ("I'm not finished tieing my shoe!"). The girls screeched and shouted at us as we ran as fast as our legs could carry us. I was having a difficult time, running was definitely not one of my strengths, and I was considering asking one of the boys for help, but I was too out of breath to do so.

The screaming was less deafening and I realized it was because two of them had left. And they had left because Dougie had climbed up a light pole. I would have laughed at him if we weren't still being chased.

"Guys?! Don't leave me!!!" wailed Dougie.

"We'll come back for you!!!" Tom managed to get out before being tackled to the ground by three very, erm, hefty girls.

"Tom!" I shrieked, a hand out-stretched to him.

"Go on without me!" came a muffled response. I saw his face briefly before the girls smothered him in kisses, making my brother completely invisible. Danny pulled me away from my brother, since he, Harry, and I were still being chased.

These girls were good runners, I have to give them credit for that. Suddenly, Harry dove into the pond of the nearby park, his arms and legs pulling him farther and farther away. About five girls jumped in without hesitation, while three went around and trailed him on land.

Then it was just me and Danny. I breathlessly laughed in disbelief. My legs felt as if they were either going to give out or fall off when Danny suddenly jerked me into a dark and secluded alley. We hid in the darkness as the girls stampeded past, the noise of their screams and Spares-clad feet making them sound similar to some type of jungle animal. Their screams of fan-girl-ism lasted long after we could see them.

"I think they're gone," Danny whispered, slightly out of breath. He grasped my hand firmly as he led me out of the darkness and into the dimly lit street.

"I don't know," I whispered cautiously. "They might be in the trees." Danny peeked up each tree near us, then shook his head, signaling that it was safe. "Should we go find them?"

"Yeah, I guess." We crept in the shadows, careful not to be seen by any lurking teenies, retracing our steps to find my brother and two friends. We saw a large pair of wet footsteps, followed by masses of smaller wet ones that looked as if they had been trampled over by dry feet. We called out Harry's name and looked for him a bit, but couldn't find him. Same thing goes for when we got to where we last saw Tom and Dougie.

"Do you think they're okay?" I asked Danny as we stopped for a break, our feet sore from all the walking. Danny nodded and sat down on the ground; I remained standing and leaned against Dougie's abandoned light pole, not wanting to get my white dress dirty. Mum would kill me if I brought it home looking dingy again.

"Yeah, they're fine," he said with a shrug. I nodded, then sighed, looking down at my slightly dusty shoes. Danny looked up at me, detecting the small note of sadness in my sigh. "What's wrong?"

"Nah, it's-- it's stupid."

"Go on! Tell Me!" Danny was grinning lopsidedly, making me smile in return. "I won't make fun of you."

I stood there for a moment, slightly swaying from side to side as I debated on telling him. "Alright." I took a deep breath and tried to phrase my thought so I didn't sound as selfish as I thought I did. "I... I just really wanted to go see Batman tonight."

Danny laughed a full out laugh, tilting his head back and using all of his breath. I felt a bit ashamed, but Danny noticed my expression and quickly restrained himself.

"Sorry; I promised I wouldn't laugh. We can still go see it if you want. The cinema's not that far away now." I was surprised.


"Yeah, sure!" He grinned up at me again. "Let's go now." I had to help him get up from his seat on the ground; I pulled his hand so hard that when he finally got up I almost went flying with inertia. He had to grab me by the shoulders to stop me. Then we walked, giggling and grinning, to the cinema.