You're Welcome

I know you well enough

As usual Spencer Smith was sitting on the couch, with the lights off and a bowl of popcorn by his side flipping through channels and looking for something decent to watch. But as always in the middle of the night a certain someone would come to his house and stay there for the night. And Spencer would be expecting him in a bit, hence having a bowl of popcorn by his side.

The door barged open and a figure appeared through the door. It was Spence's best friend he's known since who knows how long, Ryan Ross. He closed the door and opened the lights.

"Oh shit! What happened to you?" Spencer asked gazing at Ryan's face with blood.

"Nothing happened..." Ryan said softly looking down.

"Go to the kitchen," he ordered. He knew that something had gone wrong at Ryan's house. He stood up and walked to the kitchen bringing the bowl of popcorn with him. Ryan was sitting on the kitchen counter with one hand covering his nose. There was blood dripping from a cut he had on top of his eyebrow.

"Do you wanna tell me what happened?" he asked getting a towel and damping it a little.

"My dad hit me," he murmured.

"I see," he walked over and wiping the dripping blood that went down to his chin. "You know I wont be able to clean the rest if you cover it with your nose." Ryan took his hand off his nose revealing all the blood that covered half his face. Spencer's eyes grew wide and his mind thought This has never happened before. This it was totally worse.

He looked back at Ryan. Blood slightly covering his mouth and especially his nose. He wiped of the blood from his nose clearing up most of his face. He had a cut on his nose bridge.

"Was your nose bleeding?" he asked raising his eyebrow. Ryan nodded. He lifted Ryan's chin up to check if it was still dripping. "No, I don't think it is anymore."

Ryan just sat there on the counter all calm and still. Spence got the bowl of popcorn from the table and placed it beside Ryan on the counter.

"I think you'd want some," he said smiling. Ryan still had a little blood covering his lips. So he wiped it off. "Done," Spencer said putting down the damp towel in the sink.

"Thanks," Ryan said smiling, and getting the popcorn and putting it in his mouth.

"What are best friends for?" Spencer said wiping his hands. Ryan knew it was a rhetorical question so he didn't answer. He just smiled. But then he suddenly looked down and noticed he had blood on his shirt.

"You can borrow one of my shirts for the night," he said going up to his room and getting a shirt for his friend.

"Okay, thanks," he said getting the bowl of popcorn and heading to the living room.

He came down soon enough with a shirt in his hand and threw it to Ryan.

"Thanks," he said standing up and heading to the bathroom near the kitchen. He came out wearing a nearly over sized shirt. Spencer laugh slightly at the sight of it from the couch. "Haha very funny," Ryan said being sarcastically as he walked over to the couch and sitting beside him.

They sat there watching a late night movie until the movie ended or at least when the popcorn ran out already. They acted normal. As if the blood stains and pain weren't there. As if Ryan was never beaten and there wasn't a blood stained shirt placed on the arm chair.

"Hey Spence?" Ryan asked looking at him while Spencer was still facing the T.V.

"Yeah?" he said turning his head to Ryan.

He pulled Spencer toward him by the collar, making their lips meet. Spencer didn't pull away. Ryan roughly kissed and opened his mouth allowing Spencer entry. They started playing around with their tongues in Ryan's mouth. He pulled away before anything else could happen.

"Thanks," he said smiling with his hand behind Spencer's neck.

Spencer smiled back and pushed his lips toward him again, pushing Ryan against the pillows.

"It's what friends are for," he murmured against Ryan's lips. They didn't resist. Best friends are close and sometimes they could get too close and it never really mattered to any of them. So why resist? So why be ashamed of it?
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Hehe I always wanted to make one and I never really seen a Ryan Ross and Spencer Smith slash so yeah.
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