Would You Die Tonight for Love?


My mind was spinning after Jonna’s words had come out of her mouth. Just as she was shooting death glares at me, Ville walked into the bus and her fake smile appeared on her lips immediately.

“What’s the verdict?” Ville asked me, wrapping an arm around her waist.


“Oh, she’s a keeper.” I said, pretending to look in my bag for something, knowing if I’d look at Ville he’d catch me in a lie.

“Good! I want this to be one hell of tour!” oh, it’s going to be Hell alright.

“Yea, sure. Wait…which tour is this? Bam didn’t give me any information, did I tell you I just found out about it yesterday morning?”

“Ah, Bam Bam,” he sighed shaking his head. “it’s Projekt Revolution. We’re touring with Taking Back Sunday, My Chemical Romance, Linkin Park etc.” he said.

“Wait- I get to see Frankie?!” I squeaked.

“Yes, you do.” he laughed. Frank Iero was my best mate of MCR, next in line was Gerard. I squealed and pulled out my purple sidekick and immediately texted Frank, walking away from Jonna and Ville, all sense of anger erased with excitement.

You jerk! Why didn’t you tell me you were going to be touring with HIM!?

One minute after I had hit send, I immediately got one back. I laughed at the all to quick response.

I didn’t?! I could have sworn I did…sorry, love. I’ve been distracted lately.

Aw, why Frankie baby?

Jamia left me…well, she cheated on me.

You’re fucking kidding me! When?

A few months ago….

Can I kick her ass?

If you want to kill the baby….


It’s his…I used protection ;]

Glad to see you have some enthusiasm

I know….hey I’ll text you later, low battery


Love you too

After texting Frank, I decided to lounge around the bus and make myself a sandwich. I squeezed my way into the tiny kitchen in which were Linde was. I smiled at him before opening the tiny fridge. I narrowed my eyes at its empty-ness and looked at him.

"You guys could've atleast thought of maybe storing some food in here. What am I supposed to eat now?"

"Sorry love, Jonna volunteered to do it but I guess she forgot. You two can do that on our first stop today, i'm sure she wouldn't mind." Villed said from the couch. Jonna came out the bunk room and put on a smile.

"Oh, I wouldn't mind at all."

Well bitch, I do.
♠ ♠ ♠
blah :/