If Only.

Its Not Poetry, Its Piece Of Mind.

It all echoed through my head...

The last drop fell from my lips.
Empty bottles and mixed cans were scattered around at my feet.
I hadn’t moved all week.
Except to get into my car and demand more alcohol.

I felt wrong.
I felt threatened.
I couldn’t do naught but drink.

My head ached.
My throat was sore.
I should have felt hungry.

I sent everybody away.
I forgot to answer my phone when it rang.
All I could do was watch my wedding tape.

I was so happy.
She was so beautiful.
My sister had gotten me into a tuxedo, no small feat.
And I had felt proud in it.
I knew my life was going to fall right into place with her.

And it had, for a while.
8 years, infact.
I knew that this was it.
That I couldn’t live without her.

She was my true love.
I was so sure of it.
But now, I couldn’t do a thing.

She had left me.
With little warning.
One day she was there, then she was gone.
It was like some kind of twisted magic.

Maybe if I had been better in bed…
If I was bigger, if I lasted longer…
If I was more adventurous…
If I could have given her children…

There was no more alcohol left to drink.
There was no more reason to live.
The last drop fell from my lips.